✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
I was thinking to myself: ‘Jesus says many things about His Most Holy Will, but it seems that He is not understood, even by the Confessors themselves. They seem doubtful, and in the face of a light so immense, they are neither illuminated nor drawn to love a Will so lovable.’ Now, while I was thinking of this, my always lovable Jesus, throwing His arm around my neck, told me: "My daughter, do not be surprised at this. One who is not completely empty of his own will cannot have a sure knowledge of Mine, because the human will forms the cloud between Mine and his, and hinders the knowledge of the value and the effects which Mine contains. But in spite of this, they cannot say that it is not light.
See, also the things which can be seen down here are not understood by man. Who can ever tell how I created the Sun, or how much light and heat it contains? Yet, they see it, they enjoy its effects; it is with them all day, and its heat and light follow them everywhere. Yet, with all this, they neither know nor can they tell its height, or the light and heat it possesses. And if anyone wanted to rise in order to know it, the light would eclipse him, and the heat would burn him up. Therefore, man is forced to keep his eyes low and enjoy its light, without being able to investigate it, contenting himself with saying: ‘It is Sun’.
So, if this happens with the Sun which can be seen and which I created for the natural good of man, more so with the truths, which contain – oh! how much more light and heat than the Sun itself; especially the truths that regard my Will, which contain eternal effects, goods and value. Who can ever measure all that It contains? It would be as though wanting to be eclipsed. It would be better for them to lower their foreheads and enjoy the light which my truth brings, loving it and making that little light which the human intelligence comprehends their own; rather than putting it aside, as something which does not belong to them, because they do not comprehend all the fullness of its light. So, they enjoy the light of the Sun as much as they can, although they do not comprehend it; they make use of it in order to work, to walk, to look, and – oh, how they long for the day, so that its light may keep them company and live with them! But then, my truths, which are more than light and make the Sun of the day rise in the human minds, are neither regarded, nor loved, nor longed for, and are considered as a trifle. What sorrow! However, when I see that they put my truths aside, I put them aside, and I allow my truths to follow their course with souls who long for them and love them, and use their light in order to model their lives and become one with them. Do you think that I have told you everything about the truths, the effects and the value that my Truth contains? Oh, how many more Suns do I have to make rise! And do not be surprised if you do not understand everything. Be content with living of Its light - this is enough for Me."