✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus would come very often; and sometimes He would lean His head upon mine, telling me: "My daughter, I need rest. The uncreated Intelligence wants to rest in the created intelligence. But in order to find true rest, I should find in your intelligence all the glory and the contentment which all other intelligences should give Me. Therefore my Will wants to expand your capacity to be able to find this rest. No, I am not content if my Will does not place in you all that the others should give Me." Then, He seemed to breathe over my intelligence, and it remained as though chained by many threads of light, for as many created minds as came out of the hands of our Creator. And each thread of light said: "Glory, gratitude, honor… to my God, trice Holy." And Jesus said: "Ah, yes, now I can rest! I find the return of the intelligence of Creation; the created mind is fused with the Uncreated Mind."
Afterwards, He leaned His head upon my heart, and it seemed that He could not find complete rest; so He placed His mouth over my heart, and breathed in it. At each breath my heart became larger. Then He added: "Daughter, I am determined to rest; therefore I want to breathe into your heart so much as to place in it all the love which all the rest of Creation should give Me. My rest cannot be perfect if I do not find the return of the love which came out from Me. Therefore I want to find in this heart the love that all should give Me. My Volition will make this prodigy in you, and your heart will have a note for everyone, which will say to Me: ‘Love’." Then, He leaned His head on my heart again, and rested. How beautiful it was to see Jesus resting! Then He disappeared and came back; and now He wanted to rest on my hands, now on my shoulder… It seemed that He wanted to see whether all of my person was fit to let Him rest.
Afterwards He added: "My beloved, how much love I feel for you! All the love which I should give to others, and which they refuse, I concentrate in you. In you I hear the echo of my creative word: ‘Let Us make man in Our Image and Likeness’, and I see the fulfillment of it. Ah! Our Will alone will make man return to his first origin. Our Will will cast all the divine impressions into the human will, and overwhelming one will within the Other, It will carry him on Its wings into the arms of his Creator - not ugly, as sin rendered him; but pure, beautiful and similar to his Creator. Therefore, I want you to receive all the impressions of my Will into yours, so that Heaven and earth may recognize nothing but Divine Will acting in you, by which they will feel as though overwhelmed; and all will receive the good of the divine work in the creature. Therefore, be ready in everything, and be faithful to Me."
After this He came back again, but all afflicted; and He told me: "I feel sad when they think that I am severe, and that I make more use of Justice than of Mercy. They are with Me as if I were to strike them in each thing. Oh, how dishonored I feel by these ones! In fact, this leads them to remain at due distance from Me, and one who is distant cannot receive all the fusion of my Love. And while they are the ones who do not love Me, they think that I am severe and almost a Being that strikes fear; while by just taking a look at my Life they can only notice that I did only one act of Justice – when, in order to defend the house of my Father, I took the ropes and snapped them to the right and to the left, to drive out the profanators. All the rest was only Mercy: Mercy my conception, my birth, my words, my works, my steps, the Blood I shed, my pains - everything in Me was Merciful Love. Yet, they fear Me, while they should fear themselves more than Me."