✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was doing my usual adoration to the Crucified One and abandoning all of myself in His lovable Will; but as I was doing this, I felt my beloved Jesus move in my interior, saying: “My daughter, hurry, hurry, quickly, hasten - do your course in my Volition, keep going through all that my Humanity did in the Supreme Will, so that you may unite your acts to mine and to those of my Mama. It has been decreed that if a creature does not enter into the Eternal Volition to render all our acts triple, this Supreme Volition will not descend upon earth to carry out Its life in the human generations. It wants the cortege of the triple acts in order to make Itself known. Therefore, hasten.”
Jesus kept silent, and I felt myself as though flung into the Holy Eternal Volition, but I am unable to say what I was doing; I can only say that I found all the acts of Jesus, and I placed my own. Then He continued to speak, saying: “My daughter, how many things will my Will make known of what my Humanity operated in this Divine Will! In order to operate the perfect and complete Redemption, my Humanity had to do It in the sphere of Eternity. Here is the necessity of an Eternal Will. If my human will did not have an Eternal Will with itself, all my acts would be limited and finite acts; but with It, they are endless and infinite. Therefore, my pains, my Cross, had to be endless and infinite, and the Divine Will made my Humanity find all these pains and crosses; so much so, that It laid Me over the whole human family, from the first to the last man, and I absorbed all kinds of pains within Myself, and each creature formed my Cross. So, my Cross was as long as all centuries are and will be, and as wide as the human generations. It was not just the little cross of Calvary on which the Jews crucified Me; that one was nothing but a simile of the long Cross on which the Supreme Will kept Me crucified. So, each creature formed the length and the width of the Cross, and as they formed it, they remained grafted in that same Cross; and the Divine Will, laying Me over It and crucifying Me, made the Cross not only my own, but of all those who formed that Cross. This is why I needed the sphere of Eternity to keep this Cross - the terrestrial space would not be enough to contain It.
Oh! how much will creatures love Me, when they come to know what my Humanity did in the Divine Will, and what It made Me suffer for love of them. My Cross was not of wood – no; It was made of souls. It was them that I felt palpitating in the Cross on which the Divine Will laid Me - and It let none of them escape Me, It gave a place to each one, and in order to give a place to all, It stretched Me in such a harrowing way, and with pains so atrocious, that I could call the pains of my Passion little, and reliefs. Therefore, hasten, so that my Will may make known all that this Eternal Volition operated in my Humanity. This knowledge will win so much love, that creatures will bend to let It reign in their midst.”
Now, as He was saying this, He showed so much tenderness and so much love that, amazed, I said to Him: ‘My Love, why do You show so much love when You speak about your Will - such that it seems as if You wanted to release another You from within Yourself because of the great love that You feel; while if You speak about something else, this excess of love does not show in You?’ And He: “My daughter, do you want to know? When I speak about my Will to make It known to the creature, I want to infuse in her my own Divinity, and therefore another Me; so, my whole love enters the field in order to do this, and I love her as I love Myself. This is why you see that while I speak about my Will, my love seems to overflow out of Its boundaries in order to form the dwelling of my Will in the heart of the creature. On the other hand, when I speak about something else, it is my virtues that I infuse, and according to the virtues that I keep manifesting to her, I love her now as Creator, now as Father, now as Redeemer, now as Teacher, now as Doctor, etc. Therefore, there is not that exuberance of love as when I want to form another Me.”