✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Will, and my sweet Jesus, squeezing me to Himself, started to pray with me, and then He told me: "My daughter, the human will has covered with clouds the whole atmosphere, in such a way that thick darkness hangs over all creatures, and almost all of them walk limping and groping. And every action they do without the connection of the Divine Will, intensifies this darkness and man becomes more blind, because the Light, the Sun of the human will, is the Divine Will. Without It, there is not light for the creature.
Now, one who works, prays, walks, etc., in my Will, rises above this darkness, and as she works, prays, speaks, piercing these thick clouds, she sends flashes of Light over all the earth, such as to shake those who live down at the bottom of their will, preparing their souls to receive the Light, the Sun of the Divine Will. This is why I care so much that you live in my Will – that you may prepare a Heaven of Light which, sending continuous flashes of Light, may dispel this heaven of darkness that the human will has formed over their heads; in such a way that, possessing the Light of my Will, they may love It, and my Will, loved, may reign upon earth."