✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Will according to my usual way, and as that immense void of the Most Holy Supreme Volition came before my mind, I thought to myself: ‘How can it ever be that this void will be filled by the return of the human acts done in this adorable Divine Will? In order to do this, all the bars of the human will must be removed, which prevent the step in order to enter this eternal and celestial sphere of the Supreme Will, in which it seems that God is waiting for man to let him return to his origin in the order of Creation, and to the first steps and upon that path on which he had his beginning. Yet, nothing new, which is good, can be seen in the world. Sins have remained as they were; or rather, they are worse. And if one hears of some awakening of religion, of works of Catholic Actions - some of them seem to be masquerades; others seem to have only the mark of good, but deep inside, in the substance, there are some with vices and passions such as to be wept over, more than before. And if they are looked at in God – oh, how unseemly they are for the Divine, most pure, eternal Will! Therefore, how can it ever be that, all of a sudden, man would give death to all vices, in order to give life to all virtues, as it is required in order to live in this sphere of the Supreme Will? In fact, in order to live in It, there are no compromises, or lives split between virtues and vices; rather, it is necessary to sacrifice everything, so as to convert all things into Will of God. The human will and the human things must have life no longer, but must exist in order to let the Will of God be fulfilled in them, so that God may carry out His Life within us.’
Now, while I thinking about these and other similar things, my sweet Jesus, interrupting my thought, told me: "My daughter, yet, it will be so – this immense void of my Will will be filled with the human acts done by the creatures in my Will.
The Divine Will came out from the eternal Womb of the Supreme Being for the good of man. While doing one single Act in coming out from Ourselves in order to overwhelm man, in such a way that he would not find a way out, this Will of Ours, then, multiplied into many innumerable acts, in order to surround him, and say to him: ‘See, this Will of Mine not only enwraps you, but is in continuous attitude of doing immediate acts, in order to be known and to receive your act in return, in my Will.
All things have their return, and if they don’t, they can be called useless works and without value. The seed which is sowed under the earth by the sower wants its return, and so the seed generates more seeds - ten, twenty, thirty, out of one. The tree which is planted by the farmer wants the return of the generation and multiplication of the fruits. The water which is drawn from the fount gives the return of quenching one’s thirst, of washing and cleaning the one who drew it. The fire which is lit gives the return of the heat and the service it renders to Humanity. In the same way, all the other things created by God, Who has the power to generate, contain the virtue of regeneration; they multiply and give their return. Now, is only this Will of Ours, which came out from Ourselves with so much Love, with so many manifestations and with so many continuous acts, to remain without Its return of regeneration of other human wills into Divine?
A seed gives more seeds, a fruit generates another fruit, man generates another man, a master forms another master. Is Our Will alone, as powerful as It is, to remain isolated, without return and without generating and multiplying Itself in the human will? Ah, no! This is impossible. Our Will will have Its return; It will have Its divine generations in the human will; more so, since this was Our Prime Act, through which all things were created – that Our Will would transform and regenerate the human will into Divine. Will is what came out from Ourselves – will is what we want. All other things were done in the secondary order, while this was done, established, in the primary order of Creation. At the most, it may take time; but the centuries will not end, until my Will does not obtain Its purpose. If It has obtained the purpose of regeneration in secondary things, more so must It obtain it in the primary purpose. Our Will would never have departed from Our Womb, if It had known that It would not have obtained Its complete effects – that is, that the human will would be regenerated in the Divine Will.
Do you think that things will always be as they are today? Ah, no! My Will will overwhelm everything; It will cause confusion everywhere – all things will be turned upside down. Many new phenomena will occur, such as to confuse the pride of man; wars, revolutions, mortalities of every kind will not be spared, in order to floor man, and to dispose him to receive the regeneration of the Divine Will in the human will. And everything I manifest to you about my Will, as well as everything you do in It, is nothing but preparing the way, the means, the teachings, the light, the graces, so that my Will may be regenerated in the human will.
If this were not to occur, I would not have manifested so much to you, nor would I have kept you sacrificed in a bed for such a long time, in order to place in you the foundations of the regeneration of my Will in yours, and therefore keep you in continuous exercise within my Will. Do you think that my continuous being within you, feeding you my prayer, and making you feel my pains which, together with Me, acquire another value, other effects, another power – is nothing? I could say that I am making the first statue, the first soul of the regeneration of my Will in her. Then, it will be easier to form copies. This is why I always say to you: ‘Be attentive, for this about something too great, and about the most important thing which exists in Heaven and on earth. It about rescuing the rights of Our Will; about giving back to Us the purpose of Creation; about returning to Us all the glory for which all things were made, and about making Us pour out all the graces which Our Will had established to give to the creatures, had they fulfilled Our Will in everything’."