✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
I feel I cannot entrust my sorrowful secrets to the pen, nor express on paper what I feel within my martyred heart. Ah, yes, there is no martyrdom which can compare to the martyrdom of the privation of my sweet Jesus! The martyr is wounded and killed in his body, while the martyrdom of His privation wounds the soul, it lacerates her in her most intimate fibers. And what is worse, is that it kills her without making her die, to strike her continuously on the iron anvil of pain and of love. And as I pass over the pains I feel in my interior - because these are things which I cannot say - like one of the poorest beggars I would like to beg everyone – the Angels, the Saints, my Queen Mama, the whole of creation – for a word, a little prayer to Jesus for me, so that, prayed by all, He may be moved to compassion for the little daughter of His Will, and let her come back from the hard exile in which I find myself.
Then, I was thinking to myself about what had passed through my mind – that is, it seemed to me as if I had my Angel near me, instead of Jesus; and I said to myself: ‘And why the Angel and not Jesus?’
At that moment I felt Him move in my interior, saying to me: "My daughter, do you want to know why the Angels are such? Because they maintained themselves beautiful and pure, just as they came out of my hands; because they have always remained still in that first act in which they were created. Therefore, being in that prime act of their existence, they remain in that single Act of my Will, which, not knowing succession of acts, does not change, nor decrease or increase, and contains within Itself all possible imaginable goods. And the Angels, maintaining themselves in that single Act of my Will through which I delivered them to the light, remain immutable, beautiful and pure. They have lost nothing of their primary existence, and all their happiness is in willingly maintaining themselves in that single Act of my Will. They find everything in the circuit of my Will; nor do they want, in order to be happy, anything other than what my Will administers to them.
But do you know why there are different choirs of Angels, one superior to the other? There are some which are closer to my Throne - do you know why? Because my Will manifested Itself in Its Act - to some with one single extension of knowledges and qualities, to some with two, to some with three, to some with four; and so on, up to nine choirs. And in each additional thing of the Act which my Will manifested, some became superior to others, and the first ones, more than the others, became able and more worthy to be close to my Throne. Therefore, the more my Will manifests Itself in them, and they remain in It, the more they are raised, embellished, made happy and superior to others. See, then, how everything is in my Will. And from the ability of the Angels to maintain themselves, without ever leaving, in that same Will from which they came, and from the greater or lesser knowledge of the divine science of my Supreme Will, come the different Choirs of Angels, their distinct beauties, the different offices, and the whole celestial Hierarchy.
If you knew what it means to have a greater knowledge of my Will, to do one more act in It, to maintain oneself and to act in that Will of Mine which is known, the level at which the creature is constituted, and the office, the beauty, the superiority of each creature – oh, how much more would you appreciate the different knowledges which I manifested to you about my Will! One more knowledge about my Will raises the soul to such sublime height, that the very Angels remain stupefied and enraptured, and they profess Me, incessantly: ‘Holy, Holy, Holy".
My Will manifests Itself and calls things from nothing, forming beings. It manifests Itself and embellishes; It manifests Itself and raises one higher; It manifests Itself and expands the Divine Life in the creature; It manifests Itself and forms in her new and unheard-of portents. Therefore, from the many things I manifested to you about my Will, you can understand what I want to do with you and how much I love you, and how your life must be a chain of continuous acts done in my Will. If the creature, just like the Angel, never left that prime Act through which my Will delivered her to the light - what order, what portents would not be seen upon earth? Therefore, my daughter, never go out of your origin, in which my Will created you, and may your prime act be always my Will."
After this, with my thought, I placed myself near my Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemani, and I prayed Him to let me penetrate into that Love with which He so much loved me. And my Jesus, moving again in the depth of my interior, told me: "My daughter, enter into my Love, and never leave It; run after It, or stop in my own Love in order to comprehend well how much I loved the creature. Everything in Me is Love toward her. In creating this creature, the Divinity intended to love her always; so, in everything, inside and outside of her, It was to run toward her with a continuous and incessant new act of Love. Therefore I can say that in every thought, gaze, word, breath, heartbeat, and in all the rest of the creature, runs an Act of Eternal Love. But if the Divinity intended to love this creature, always and in everything, it was because It wanted to receive, in everything, the return of the new and incessant love of the creature; It wanted to give love in order to receive love; It wanted to love to be loved in return. But it was not so. Not only did the creature not want to maintain this alternation of love or to respond to the echo of the love of her Creator, but she rejected this Love, she denied It, and offended It. At this affront, the Divinity did not stop, but continued Its new and incessant love toward the creature; and since the creature would not receive it, It filled Heaven and earth with it, waiting for one who would take this Love, so as to receive Love in return. In fact, when God decides and proposes, all adverse events do not change Him; rather, He remains immutable in His Immutability.
And so this is why, moving on to another excess of my love, I, Word of the Father, came upon earth; and taking on a Humanity, I gathered within Myself all this Love which filled Heaven and earth, in order to return the Divinity with as much Love – for as much as It had given and was to give to the creatures; and I constituted Myself love of each thought, of each gaze, of each word, heartbeat, movement and step of each creature. Therefore my Humanity was worked by the hands of the Eternal Love of my Celestial Father, down to Its most little fiber, in order to give Me the capacity to enclose all the love that the Divinity wanted to give to the creatures, to give to my Humanity the love of all, and to constitute Me love of each act of creature. So, each one of your thoughts is crowned by incessant acts of love; there is nothing, inside and outside of you, which is not surrounded by my repeated acts of love.
This is why in this Garden my Humanity moans, pants, agonizes, feels crushed under the weight of so much love – because I love and I am not loved in return. The pains of love are the most bitter ones, the most cruel; they are pains without pity, more painful than my very Passion! Oh, if they loved Me, the weight of so much love would become light! When It is returned, Love remains quenched and satisfied in the very love of the one who loves; but when It is not returned, It becomes crazy, delirious, and It feels the Love It unleashed as being returned with an act of death. See then, how much more bitter and painful was the Passion of my Love; because if in the Passion they gave only one death, in the Passion of Love the ungrateful creatures made Me suffer as many deaths for as many acts of love as came from Me, for which I received no return. Therefore, come, my daughter, to give Me the return of so much Love in my Will, and you will find all this Love as though in Act. Make It your own, and together with Me, constitute yourself love of each act of creature, to give Me the return of the love of all."