✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was doing my usual acts in the Supreme Volition according to my usual way, that is, embracing everything - Creation, Redemption and everyone - to be able to give back to my Creator the return of love and of glory that everyone owes Him. And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the little daughter of my Will must not only think about and occupy herself with defending the universal rights of her Creator, giving Him the return of love and of glory that everyone owes Him as if all were one, in such a way that He may find everything in her - because Our Will involves everything and everyone, and one who lives in It possesses universal ways, therefore she can give Us everything and We can recover everything - but, as Our daughter, she must also defend the rights of the Sovereign Queen. She operated in a universal way, and therefore She had a love, a glory, a prayer, a reparation, a sorrow, for Her Creator, for all and for each creature. She let not one act escape Her which creatures owed their Creator; and enclosing all in Her maternal Heart, She loved all and each one in a universal way. So, in Her We found all Our glory - She denied nothing to Us; She gave Us not only that which She was supposed to give Us directly, but also that which the other creatures denied to Us. And to act as a magnanimous and most loving Mother, who pours Her own self out for Her children, She generated everyone in Her sorrowful Heart. Each fiber of It was a piercing sorrow in which She gave life to each of Her children, up to the fatal blow of the death of Her Son God. The sorrow of this death placed the seal of the regeneration of life upon the new children of this sorrowful Mother.
Now, a Virgin Queen who loved Us so much, who defended all of Our rights, a Mother so tender who had love and sorrows for all, deserves that Our little newborn of Our Supreme Will love Her for all, requite Her for all, and embracing all of Her acts in Our Will, place her act united to Hers; because She is inseparable from Us - Her glory is Ours, and Ours is Hers; more so, since Our Will places everything in common.”
On hearing this, I remained a little confused, and as though unable to do what Jesus was saying; and I prayed Him to give me the ability to do it. And Jesus, resuming His speaking, told me: “My daughter, my Will contains everything, and as though jealous, It preserves all of Its acts as if they were one alone; so It preserves all the acts of the Sovereign Queen as if they were all Its own, because She did everything in It. Therefore, my Will Itself will make them present to you.
Now, you must know that one who has done good to all, who has loved all, and has operated in a universal way for God and for all, has rights over everything and over everyone - and with justice. Operating in a universal way is the divine way, and my Celestial Mama was able to operate with the ways of Her Creator because She possessed the Kingdom of Our Will. Now, having operated in Our Supreme Will, She has the rights of the possessions which She formed in Our Kingdom; and who else can requite Her if not one who lives in the same Kingdom? In fact, only in this Kingdom is there universal operation – the love that loves everyone, that embraces everything, and from which nothing escapes. But you must know that one who possesses the Kingdom of my Will on earth, has the right to universal glory in Heaven; and this, in a natural and simple way. My Will embraces everything and involves everyone; so, from one who possesses It come all goods along with the glory that these goods contain; and while universal glory comes from her, she also receives it. And do you think it is trivial to possess universal glory in the Celestial Fatherland? Therefore, be attentive, the Kingdom of the Supreme Will is immensely rich; there are coins that spring forth; so, everyone expects something from you, and also my Mama wants the return for the universal love She had for all generations. And you, in return, are due universal glory in the Celestial Fatherland – the exclusive inheritance of one who has possessed the Kingdom of my Will on earth.”