✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was about to fuse myself in the Holy Divine Volition according to my usual way, and I said: ‘Supreme Majesty, I come in the name of all, from the first to the last man which will exist on earth, to give You all the homages, the adorations, the praises, the love that each creature owes You, and to make all reparations, for all and for each sin.’ Now, while I was saying this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter, this way of praying is only of my Will, because It alone can say: ‘I come in the name of all before the Supreme Majesty’. In fact, with Its all-seeingness and immensity, It sees everything and embraces everyone; so It can say – not as a manner of speaking, but in reality: ‘I come in the name of all, to do for You all that the creatures owe You’. No human will can say – in reality: ‘I come in the name of all’. This is the sign that my Will reigns in you.”
While He was saying this, my Jesus continued to pray in a loud voice. I followed Him, and, together, we found ourselves before the Supreme Majesty. Oh! how beautiful it was to pray with Jesus. All things were invested by His words and acts; and since His Will was everywhere and in each created thing, one could hear His creative words, His adorations, and everything He was doing, being repeated everywhere. I felt myself becoming even smaller, being together with Jesus; I was all amazed, and He added: “My daughter, do not be surprised; it is my Will that, bilocating, while reigning in God, reigns in the soul at the same time; and with Its divine ways, It prays, loves and operates within her. So, it is impossible for Us not to enjoy, not to love, not to listen to Our Will bilocated in the creature; on the contrary, It alone brings to Us, as if on Its lap, Our joy, happiness and love which overflowed from Our womb in Our work ‘ad extra’ – the Creation. It repeats the feast for Us, It renews in Us the joy We felt in creating so many beautiful things, worthy of Us. How not to love the one who gives Us the occasion to bilocate Our Will, by letting It reign within herself, to give Us divine love, adoration and glory?
Therefore, the living in my Will is the prodigy of prodigies, because everything is in the will, both for God and for the creature. How many things We could do, but because We do not want them, We do not do them. When We want something, We are all love, all power, all eyes, hands and feet; in sum, all of Our Being is centralized in that act which Our Will wants to do. On the other hand, if Our Will does not want it, none of Our attributes moves; it seems they have no life for anything that Our Will does not want to do. So, Our Will holds supremacy - dominion over Our Being, and It is the ruler of all Our attributes. This is why the greatest thing We could give to the creature was Our Will, and in It We centralized Our whole Being. Could there be a love more intense, a miracle more sensational than this? Even more, as much as We can give to the creature, it seems nothing to Us compared to giving her Our Will, reigning and dominating in her. In fact, the other things We can give her are the fruits of Our works, of Our dominions; while by giving her Our Will, it is not fruits, but Our very Life and Our very dominions. What has more value: the fruits or the life? Certainly the life, because by giving the Life of Our Will, with It We give the fount of all Our goods; and one who possesses the fount of goods does not need the fruits. Even if the creature gave Us everything, or made the greatest sacrifices, but did not give Us her little will in order to let Ours reign, she would still give Us nothing. Even more, when things are not produced by Our Will, as great as they might be, We look at them as extraneous to Us – as things which do not belong to Us.”
I was thinking of what Jesus had told me, and I said to myself: ‘Is all this possible? That the Divine Will reaches the point of bilocating in order to reign in the creature as in Its own dwelling – in Its divine womb?’ And Jesus added: “My daughter, do you know how this happens? Imagine a little and poor hovel, in which a king, taken by love for it, wants to reside. So, the voice of the king can be heard coming from within that hovel; from it come his commands, as well as his works. Inside of the hovel there are foods apt to nourish the king, and the chair worthy of him, on which He can sit. So, the king has changed nothing of that which befits his royal person; he has only changed His residence – from the royal palace, of his own will and with greatest delight, he has chosen the hovel. The little hovel is the soul; the king is my Will. How many times do I not hear the voice of my Will that prays, speaks, teaches, in the little hovel of your soul? How many times do I not see my works come out of it, and I rule, vivify and preserve all created things from your little hovel? My Will does not take into account your littleness - on the contrary, It likes it greatly; what It looks for is absolute dominion, because through absolute dominion It can do whatever It wants, and place whatever It likes.”