The Book of Heaven
—Unofficial Version—

Volume 2

August 31, 1899

The confessor gives Luisa the obedience not to speak to Jesus and to reject Him.

After the confessor gave me the obedience that, when Jesus would come, I was to say, ‘I cannot speak, move away’, I took it as a joke, and not as a formal obedience. So, when Jesus came, almost neglecting the order received, I dared to say to Him: ‘My good Jesus, look at what father wants to do.’

And He said to me: "Daughter, abnegation".

And I: ‘But, Lord, this is a serious thing. This is about having to not want You; how can I do this?’

And He, for the second time: "Abnegation".

And I: ‘But, Lord, what are You saying? Do You perhaps know that I can be without You?’

And He, for the third time: "My daughter, abnegation". And He disappeared.

Who can say how I felt in seeing that Jesus wanted me to dispose myself to the obedience?