✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
I was following the Holy Divine Volition in the act in which He rose again from the sepulcher, glorious and triumphant; and my lovable Jesus, coming out from within my interior, told me: “My daughter, by rising again, My Humanity gave to all creatures the right to rise again—not only with their souls, to glory and to eternal beatitude, but also with their bodies. Sin had taken away from creatures these rights to rise again; My Humanity, by rising again, gave them back to them. It enclosed the seed of the resurrection of all, and by virtue of this seed, that was enclosed within Me, everyone received the good of being able to rise again from death.
“One who does the first act must have such virtue as to enclose within himself all the other acts that the other creatures must do; in such a way that, by virtue of the first act, others may imitate him and do the same act. How much good did the Resurrection of My Humanity not bring, giving to all the right to rise again? Because man had withdrawn from My Will, glory, happiness, honors—everything had failed for him. He had broken the link of connection that, connecting him with God, gave him the rights to all the goods of his Creator. And My Humanity, by rising again, connected this link of union, returning to him the rights he had lost, and giving him the virtue of rising again. All the glory, all the honor, is of My Humanity—had I not risen again, no one could rise. From the first act come the successions of acts similar to the first.
“See what the power of a first act is. My Queen Mama did the first act of conceiving Me. In order to be able to conceive Me, Eternal Word, She enclosed within Herself all the acts of creatures, in order to repay Her Creator so as to be able to say to Him: ‘I am the one who loves You, adores You, satisfies You for all.’ So, finding everyone in My Mama, even though My Conception was one, I was able to give Myself to all, as life of each creature.
“The same for you, My daughter: as you do your first acts in My Will, the other creatures receive the right to enter into It and to repeat your acts, in order to receive the same effects. How necessary it is that even just one alone do the first act. In fact, it serves to open the door, to prepare the raw materials, to form the model in order to give life to that act. Once the first is done, it is easier for others to imitate it.
“This happens also in the low world: one who is the first to form an object must work more, sacrifice himself more; he must prepare all the materials that are needed; he must make many trials. And once the first is done, not only do others acquire the right to do it, but it is easier for them to repeat it. However, all the glory is of the one who did it first, because if the first had not been done, the other acts, similar to it, could never have existence. Therefore, be attentive in forming your first acts, if you want the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat to come to reign upon earth.”
After this, I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition, calling all the acts of creatures, so that all might rise again in It; and my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, what great difference passes between one act done in My Will, and one act, even good, done outside of It. Within the first one flows a Divine Life, and this Life fills Heaven and earth, and the act receives the value of a Divine Life. Within the second flows an act of human life, that is limited, restricted, and many times its value ends with the end of the act; and if there is any value in it, it is human value, that is subject to perishing.”