✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was feeling highly afflicted because of the usual privations of my beloved Jesus; but as usual as this pain is, it becomes more intense and ever more harsh, to the point of rendering me petrified. Now, while I was as though immersed in the sea of this pain, I was given a refreshment, and in that ice-cold water I looked at the Will of the One who kept me tortured, and yet loved me, as He had prepared that refreshment. And as I was bringing it to my lips, Jesus moved in my interior in the act of stretching out His hand in order to sustain the glass, to help me Himself to drink, saying: “I am serving my queen – she serves Me, who am her King, and I serve her, who is my queen. In fact, one does my Will and lives in It is always ready to do what I want, therefore she serves her King faithfully and in an admirable way; and since my Will is in her, I serve my own Will which rendered her queen.” On hearing this, I burst into tears of unspeakable tenderness, and I thought to myself: ‘Queen! queen! And He leaves me so alone and abandoned to the point of letting me reach the extremes? And then He comes up with something new to leave me for even longer. Ah! Jesus! Jesus! Do You want to make fun of me?’
But while I was pouring out my sorrow, He moved again in my interior, and added: “My daughter, I am not making fun of you. On the contrary, I tell you that there is no greater happiness than when the king serves the queen, and the queen the king. And if the queen were to be infirm, if she saw herself being served by the king, sustained in his arms, being fed the food by his hands - for there is nothing that the king does not do for her, allowing no servant to come close and serve his queen - the infirmity would change into happiness for the infirm queen; and in seeing herself being touched, served, sustained, watched over by the king, she feels as though his love were giving life back to her. If this happens in the natural order – that a king is happier to be served by the queen, a father by his daughter, while the daughter was served by her father or by her mama; and this, because the king, the father, the daughter, have love as the first act in the service they offer, and would want to give their lives with their services; and this is why they are made happy in their pains, which does not happen with servants, and this is why the service of servants is always harsh – much more so in the supernatural order: one who lives in my Will is my queen, and her first act is love, and in all the acts she does, she gives Me her life. Oh! how happy I feel in her acts – because those are the acts of my very Will that serve Me. And in seeing you infirm because of Me, I feel happy to serve you in the very things created by Me, wanting to give you my very life in each one of them; and in giving it to you, I feel my happiness being doubled, because I feel my life in the one who possesses my Will, which made her a queen to Me. Not so when the things created by Me serve one who does not do my Will: these are servants, because they do not possess a royal Will, and – oh! how hard it is for Me to serve servants. If a king serves his queen, he does not degrade himself, on the contrary, he acquires glory and heroism; but having to serve servants – what sorrow and humiliation!”
After this, I was following the acts in the Divine Volition, and I thought to myself: ‘What an impression have the privations of my sweet Jesus caused on my poor soul – I no longer feel those fervors so ardent of before, but everything is coldness. Oh, God! what a double-edged knife is your privation. On one hand it cuts, on the other it kills, and with its cuts it removes and destroys everything, and leaves such nakedness, even of the holiest things, that one can just barely live, and only to fulfill the Supreme Volition.’ But while I was thinking of this, my beloved Jesus moved in my interior, telling me: “My daughter, yet, everything you used to feel before in your interior entered into the order of ordinary grace. Fervors, sensibilities, are ordinary grace, which I give to all according to their dispositions, and which are subject to interruptions – to now rising and now dying, and therefore they constitute neither life nor solidity of sanctity. On the other hand, in my Will I have invested you with extraordinary grace, which is firmness in good and incessant act – virtues which are exclusively divine. Do you think that your continuous round in the works of your Creator is something trivial or ordinary?; as well as the firmness of your will in Mine, only to follow the acts of my Eternal Will? In the face of my Will, fervors, sensibilities, have nothing to do with It; they are like little lights before the great sun, which have no reason to exist; and if they do exist, it is for doing nothing. My Will absorbs everything and makes the soul become all of God, who wants to make of her another Sun. One who is Sun wants everyone to become sun. It would not be something worthy of It to form little lights – It would go out of Its nature. And you are there crying over the little lights and do not think that a Sun invests you, giving you firmness and unshakeability. More so, since when my Will reigns in the soul, It is like the beating of the heart, which has the primary act of life in all the members; It is like life, motion, strength, heat – everything comes from the heartbeat. If the heartbeat ceases, life, motion and everything else cease.
Now, as my Will beats in the soul, It beats and gives Divine Life, It beats and gives Its incessant motion, Its strength which is never exhausted; It beats and gives Its inextinguishable light. How beautiful it is to see the continuous beating of my Will in the creature. It is the greatest miracle that exists between Heaven and earth, it is the perfect order between Creator and creature. With the soul in whom the heartbeat of my Will reigns, I act like a Father who keeps his son always with himself; he communicates his ways to him, he feeds him his words, he would want to palpitate in his son in order to give him his intelligence, his life; and when he is sure that his son is another him and can do what he knows how to do, he says to him: ‘My son, go out into the field of life and do what your father has done until now. Work, take care of our businesses, take upon yourself the whole commitment of the family. You will be the repetition of my life and I will rest; I will accompany with my heartbeat, that you may feel within yourself the life of your father and may carry it out faithfully, as I wait for you in my rest, to enjoy together the fruits of your toils.’
More than as Father do I act with the soul in whom my Will reigns. Rather, a father cannot give his heartbeat to his son, while I give it to her - I keep her always together with Me, I teach her my divine ways, I communicate to her my secrets, my strength; and when I am sure, I fling her into the field of the life of my Will, that she may take on the whole commitment of the human family, and I say to her: ‘My daughter, let Me rest, I entrust everything to you; but in my rest I will wait for you often, to enjoy the fruit of the work you do in the Kingdom of my Will.’ Don’t you want, then, that your Father, your Jesus, may rest while you work in my place, but always with my heartbeat?” And I: ‘My Jesus, but You almost no longer tell me anything, and not only does it seem to me that I have to work alone without You, but I miss your word that lays for me the way which I must cover in the Kingdom of your Will.’ And Jesus added: “My daughter, my word is life, and when I speak I must see whether this life can have life in the creatures. If it is not so, I do not expose a Divine Life of Mine if there is no one to receives it; and it is enough for Me to see even one single creature disposed, to release this Divine Life from Myself, within my word. This is why many times I do not speak – because I do not see anyone disposed to live the life of my word; more so, since with you I have no need of words to make Myself understood – it is enough to look at each other in order to understand each other; isn’t it true? You understand Me and I understand you.”