✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
The privations of my sweet Jesus are becoming longer; I feel I cannot go on any more. Oh! if it were conceded to me to take flight toward my Celestial Fatherland, in which there are no more separations from Jesus, how happy I would be to get out of the hard and dark prison of my body. Jesus! Jesus! How can You not want to have pity on me – on this poor prisoner? How can it be? You left me without even coming to visit me often in the dark prison I find myself in? Oh! Jesus, without You, how much more painful, more gloomy, more terrible my imprisonment becomes, in which You put me, telling me that I should remain in it for love of You and to do your Will, but that You would not leave me alone – You would keep me company. And now? And now everything is over! I do not have your smile that cheers me, I do not have your word that breaks my long silence, nor your company that interrupts my loneliness. I am alone, imprisoned and bound by You in this prison; and then, as the fulfillment, You have left me. Jesus! Jesus! I did not expect this from you.
But while I was pouring out my intense sorrow, He came out from within my interior, and embracing me in order to sustain me, for I had no more strength, He told me: “My daughter, courage, I do not leave you. On the contrary, you must know that your Jesus knows how to make, and can make all miracles, except for the miracle of separating from my own Will. If my Divine Will is in you, how can I leave You? And if I did so, I would be Jesus without life. Rather, it is the endlessness of my Fiat that hides Me; and while you feel Its Life, you do not see your Jesus who is inside of It.”
Then, I was feeling very afflicted, not only because of the privations of my sweet Jesus, but also because I had received the unexpected news of the death of Reverend Father Di Francia. He was the only one left to me, to whom I could open my poor soul. How well he could understand me – it was to a saint that I would entrust myself, who had very much comprehended all the value of what Jesus had told me about the Divine Will. He had so much interest in it that, with insistence, he had taken all the writings with himself in order to publish them. So, I was thinking to myself: ‘After Jesus allowed that he would take the writings with himself, to my great sacrifice, because I did not want it, and only because he was a saint I had to surrender… And now, Jesus has taken him to Heaven.’ I felt myself being tortured because of the pain, but - Fiat! Fiat! Fiat! everything ends down here. I poured out in tears, commending to Jesus that blessed soul, who had so much suffered and worked for Him; and while I was doing this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, and told me: “My daughter, courage, you must know that everything which that soul, so dear to Me, has done, all the knowledges he has known about my Will, have caused him to enclose as much light within his soul. So, each additional knowledge is a greater light that he possesses, and each knowledge places a distinct light in the soul, one more beautiful than the other, together with the seed of the distinct happiness which each light contains. In fact, in anything good that the soul can know, with her will of putting it into practice within herself, she remains in possession of the good she knows. But if she does not have the will to put the knowledges she acquires into practice, it happens as when someone touches a flower or washes himself once with very fresh water: in that act, he will feel the fragrance of the flower, or the refreshment of the fresh water, but since he does not possess the flower nor the fount of fresh water, little by little the fragrance with vanish, as well as the good of the freshness of that water, and he will find himself empty of that fragrance, and without the freshness he had enjoyed. Such are the knowledges when one has the good of knowing them but does not put them into practice. Now, that soul had all the will to practice them; so much so, that in seeing the great good he felt, he wanted to make them known to others by publishing them. So, as long as he remained on earth, his body, more than wall, walled up that light; but as soon as his soul went out of the prison of his body, he found himself invested with the light he possessed. And as the many seeds of happiness he possessed developed, which are the effects of the knowledges about my Divine Will, he began to feel the beginning of the life of true beatitudes. And diving into the eternal light of his Creator, he found himself in the Celestial Fatherland, in which he will continue his mission about my Will, assisting everything himself, from Heaven.
If you knew the great difference in glory, in beauty, in happiness, which exists between one who, upon dying, brings light from the earth, together with the seeds of many happinesses, and one who only receives it from his Creator… There is such distance as to surpass the distance between Heaven and earth. Oh! if mortals knew the great good they acquire by knowing a true good, a truth, and by making it their own blood in order to absorb it in their own lives, they would compete among themselves, they would forget about everything in order to know one truth – and would lay down their lives to put it into practice.”
While Jesus was saying this, I saw the blessed soul of father before me, near my bed, invested with light, suspended from the earth, fixing on me, but without telling me one word. I too felt mute before him, and Jesus added: “Look at him, how transformed he is. My Will is light, and has transformed that soul into light; It is beautiful, and has given him all the shades of perfect beauty; It is holy, and he has been sanctified. My Will possesses all sciences, and his soul has been invested by divine science. There is nothing which my Will has not given to him. Oh! if all understood what Divine Will means, they would put everything aside, they would care about doing nothing else, and their whole commitment would be to do my Will alone.”
After this, I was thinking to myself: ‘But why did blessed Jesus not concur in making a miracle for Father Di Francia?’ And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, in Redemption the Queen of Heaven did not make any miracle, because Her conditions did not permit that She would give life to the dead, or health to the sick. In fact, since Her Will was that of God Himself, whatever Her God wanted and did, She wanted and did as well. Nor did She possess another Will to ask God for miracles and healings, because She never gave life to Her human will, and in order to ask for miracles from this Divine Will She should have used her own – which She did not want to do, because it would have meant descending into the human order. But the Sovereign Queen never wanted to take one step outside of the divine order, and one who is in it must want and do what his Creator does. More so since, with the life and light of this Divine Will, She could see that whatever Her Creator wanted and did was the best, the most perfect thing, the holiest, also for creatures. So, how could She descend from the height of the divine order? This is why She only made the great miracle which enclosed all miracles – Redemption – wanted by the same Will by which She was animated, which brought universal good, and to whomever wants it. While in life She made no visible miracle, either of healings or of raising the dead, the great Celestial Mother made, and does make, miracles at each moment, at every hour and every day, because as souls dispose themselves and repent, giving, Herself, the disposition for repentance, She bilocates Her Jesus, the fruit of Her womb, and gives Him as whole to each one, as confirmation of Her great miracle, which God wanted this Celestial Creature to make. The miracles which God Himself wants to be made, without mixing of human will, are perennial miracles, because they start from the divine fount which is never exhausted, and it is enough to want them in order to receive them.
Now, your conditions hold hands with those of the incomparable Queen of Heaven. Having to form the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, you must want but what my Divine Will wants and does, and your will must have no life, even if it seems to you that you might be doing some good to creatures. And just as my Mama did not want to make any other miracle but the one of giving Her Jesus to creatures, the same for you: the miracle which the Divine Will wants you to make is that of giving my Will to creatures, and of making It known in order to let It reign. With this miracle you will do more than anything; you will place the salvation, the sanctity, the nobility of creatures in safety, and will also banish their corporal maladies, caused by the fact that my Divine Will does not reign. Not only this, but you will place a Divine Will in safety in the midst of creatures, and will give back to It all the glory and the honor which human ingratitude has taken away from It. This is why I did not allow that you would make the miracle of healing him; but you made for him the great miracle of letting him know my Will, and he left the earth with the possession of It. And now he enjoys, in the sea of light of the Divine Will – and this is more than anything.”