✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was thinking of how I do nothing great to glorify my beloved Jesus, and He, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, I do not look at what you do externally, but I look at whether the fount of your interior is full of my love alone – and so much as to overflow outside in your external acts, in such a way that your external acts too remain all beaded, as though by celestial dew, by the fount of my love which you contain inside. So, my gaze is always fixed on your interior, and if my love, united with my Divine Will, murmurs always within you, you are always beautiful in my eyes – beautiful if you pray, beautiful if you work and suffer, beautiful if you take food, if you speak, if you sleep; you are always beautiful to Me. In each act of yours, whatever it may be, you receive a new shade of beauty from my Will, such as to make you appear more beautiful in my eyes, and my love grows in the fount of your soul, in such a way that your external acts breathe my love, more than air, and emit exhalations so very pleasing to Me, which bring Me so much pleasure as to make Me delight in you.”
Then I continued to think about the Divine Will, and to abandon all of myself in It. And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, for one who lives in my Divine Will all things become my Will; in everything she does, touches and sees, she touches, sees and does my Will. If she thinks and lives in my Will, she will feel the sanctity of the intelligence of the Divine Life invest her and flow within her mind. If she speaks, she will feel the sanctity of the Fiat within her word - that Fiat which, if It speaks, creates. If she operates and walks, she will feel the sanctity of the divine works and the steps of the Eternal Fiat flow within her works and steps. If she sleeps also, she will feel within herself the eternal rest of her Creator, and all will compete to bring her my Will: the sun with its light, the wind with its freshness, the fire with its heat, the water with its refreshments, the flower with its fragrance, the bird with its singing and warbling, the food with its flavors, the fruit with its sweetness; in sum, one thing will not wait for another, bringing all the acts that my Will does in each created thing, in such a way that the soul will be like a queen, receiving all the innumerable acts that the Divine Will does in all Creation. That Divine Will which lives and reigns in her will draw all of Its acts, which It exercises in all things; a sweet enchantment will form in the pupil of her eye, in such a way as to discover in all things that Divine Will which runs in so many different ways toward her, to make her become all Will of God.”
After this, I was thinking to myself: ‘How is it that while I am doing or completing my round in the whole Creation to follow the acts of the Supreme Will, I feel a light come out of me, and even if I do not see my beloved Jesus, it always tells me some truths regarding the Divine Fiat.’ And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, it happens within you as when a container is full of water or of another liquid: if one puts a peace of bread into it, the water overflows outside and wets the place that surrounds it. Or, it happens as to the sea: the wind makes the waters rise and forms the waves, as if it wanted to make everyone see the waters of the sea. The same happens to you: your entering into the acts of my Will, your going around in It, is more than bread plunged into the container full of water, and more than wind that makes the light of my Will rise, which, in rising, overflows outside of you, and in speaking to you with its language of light, it speaks to you of that very light with which you are filled, wanting to make itself known with its waves of light – who it is, what it can do, and what it wants to do. As you place the wind of your acts into my Will, Its light moves, forms its waves of light to the point of overflowing outside of you, to make known, not only to you, but also to others, its waves of light – that is, its truths.
Everything I have manifested to you about my Will was also told to the Sovereign Queen of Heaven, because She would do nothing but make It rise continuously in order to draw Its manifestations, to know them, love them and possess them as more than Her own life. But they would not overflow outside of Her – they would remain inside of Her, because She did not have the mandate to make my Divine Will known; it was not Her mission, and so She kept them in Her Heart – even the littlest truths, just as the greatest – as precious relics, as sacred deposits, waiting for you who were to have a mission all special, so as to administer to you Her wind also, that you might make the waves of the light of the Divine Will rise, so that, as they would overflow outside of you, She might have Her part in making my Will known.”