✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I continue what is written above. So, I thought to myself: ‘My beloved Jesus says that only when His Divine Will is known on earth, and Its Kingdom is formed, and the children of this Kingdom take their place in the Celestial Fatherland, a place reserved only for them – then will His glory on the part of Creation and the glory of all the Blessed be complete.’ And I thought: ‘In Heaven there is the Sovereign Queen who had all the fullness of the life of the Divine Will, such that no one, I believe, will be able to reach Her. Why, then, is the glory of God on the part of Creation not complete?’ And many other doubts and thoughts came to me, which it is not necessary to put on paper. I will only say what Jesus told me:
“My daughter, you are too little, and you measure with your littleness the endless greatness and my unreachable wisdom. As holy as the creature might be, as was my beloved Mother, even though She possesses all the fullness and totality of all the goods of Her Creator, and the Kingdom of my Divine Will had Its full dominion in Her – in spite of this, She could not exhaust all the immensity of the goods of the Divine Being. She filled Herself to the brim, She overflowed outside to the extent of forming seas around Herself; but to restrict within Herself, to embrace all that the Supreme Being contains – this was impossible for Her. Not even my Humanity could enclose, by Itself alone, all the immensity of the creative light; I was completely filled with it, inside and out, but – oh! how much of it remained outside of Me, as the circle of my Humanity did not have an equivalent magnitude in which to enclose a light so endless. The reason for this is that created powers, of whatever kind they might be, cannot exhaust the uncreated power, nor embrace it and restrict it within themselves. The height of the Queen of Heaven - and even my very Humanity – found Herself with Her Creator in the same conditions as you may find yourself in if you expose yourself to the rays of the sun: you may find yourself under the empire of its light, be invested by it, feel all the intensity of its heat; but being able to restrict within and upon yourself all of its light and heat – this will be impossible for you. However, in spite of this, you cannot say that the life of the light of the sun and of its heat is not in you and outside of you.
Now, you must know that Our Divine Being, Our creative Will, possesses Its incessant and ever new motion – new in the joys, in the happiness, new in the beauty, new in the crafting which Our wisdom puts out in the formation of souls; new in the sanctity It impresses, new in the love It infuses. Therefore, because It possesses this continuous new act, It has the virtue of doing ever new things; and if the Queen Mama was made all beautiful, pure and holy, this does not exclude that We can do more new and beautiful things, worthy of Our works. More so since, in Creation, as Our Divine Fiat came out into the field in creating all things, It also put out into the field all the new acts with which It was to form the creatures, the rarities of beauty It was to communicate, and the sanctity It was to impress in those who would live in Our Divine Will. And since Our Will did not have life in the creatures, nor did It have Its Kingdom – It only had It in the Sovereign Queen of Heaven, and so It made the first prodigy and miracle which astonished Heaven and earth – It awaits the other creatures who are to possess Its life and form more of Its Kingdoms in which to reign, so that We may form, with Our new act, more rarities of sanctity, of beauty and of grace.
Oh! how my Divine Will anxiously awaits this, Its field of action - to issue these new acts. My Will is like an artisan who knows how to make hundreds and thousands of statues, one different from the other; he knows how to impress in them such finesse and rarity of beauty, of postures, of shapes, though none of them can be said to be like any of the others. It does not know how to do repetitions, but always new and beautiful statues; however, it is not given to him to put out all of his art. What sorrow would his inactivity be for such an artisan? Such is my Divine Will, and this is why It awaits Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures – so as to form rarities of divine beauty in them, never before seen, sanctities unheard-of, novelties never before touched. It is not enough for Its power which can do anything, for Its immensity which embraces everything, for Its love which is never exhausted, to have formed, with Its divine arts, the great Lady, the Queen of Heaven and earth; but It wants Her retinue, in which my Fiat wants to live and reign alone, in order to form more works worthy of Itself.
How, then, can Our glory on the part of Creation, and the glory and happiness of the human family be complete, if Our work is not fulfilled in Creation? The most beautiful statues, the most important works, are still to be made; the purpose for which Creation was created is not realized nor fulfilled; and it is enough for a work to be lacking one point, one tiny little flower, one leaf, one shade, that it cannot have all its value, nor can the one who formed that work earn complete glory. More so, since in the work of Our Creation it is not just one point that is lacking, but the most important things, Our varied divine images of beauties, of sanctity, of perfect likeness to Ourselves. And just as Our Will began the work of Creation with such great sumptuousness of beauties, of order, of harmony, of magnificence, both in forming the machine of the whole universe and in creating man, so is it right, for the decorum, glory and honor of Our work, that It be fulfilled with yet greater sumptuousness and diversity of rare beauties – all worthy of the incessant and new act which my Divine Will possesses.
Those who will live in Its Kingdom will be under the power of a new act, of an irresistible and continuous force, such that they will feel invested with a new act of sanctity, of dazzling beauty, of most refulgent light; and while they possess this act, a new one will arrive, and then one more, without ever ceasing. Amazed, they themselves will say: ‘How holy, beautiful, rich, strong, happy is our Fiat trice holy, which is never exhausted. It always has sanctity to give us, beauties with which to embellish us ever more, new strengths to make us stronger, and new happinesses, such that the first is not similar to the second, nor to the third, nor to any of the others It will give us.’ These fortunate creatures will be the true triumph of the Divine Fiat, the most beautiful ornament of all Creation, the most refulgent suns, which will cover with their light the void of those who have not lived in Its Kingdom.
Now, my inseparable Mama who possesses this new and continuous act as Her own life, which was communicated to Her by my Divine Will because She lived life in It, is the first most refulgent Sun, which my Volition formed in Her, and She occupies the first place of Queen and gladdens the whole Celestial Court, making Her light, Her joys, Her beauty be reflected in all the Blessed. But She knows that She did not exhaust all the new and incessant acts that my Divine Will has established to give to creatures, because It is inexhaustible and – oh! how many more It has; and She awaits that more suns be formed from this, Its new act of new beauties and of rare beauty. And, as true Mother, She wants to be surrounded by all these suns, that they may reflect themselves in one another and delight one another, and the whole Celestial Court may receive not only Her own reflections, but those of all these suns, as the fulfillment, for all, of the glory of the work of the Creation of Her Creator. As Queen, She awaits with great love the properties of my Will in the creatures, which are as though Her own, for She was the first to form the Kingdom of my Divine Will within Herself.
Suppose that, instead of one sun, more suns were formed in the vault of the heavens – new in beauty and in light: would the vault of the heavens not appear as more beautiful and more adorned? It certainly would. And would these suns not reflect themselves as light in one another? And would all the inhabitants of the earth not receive the reflections, the goods, of all these suns? So it will be in Heaven. More so, since those who have possessed the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat on earth, will have endless goods in common, because one is the Will that has dominated them. This is why, even though in Heaven there is the Sovereign Empress who possesses the fullness of the Life of my Divine Volition, Our glory on the part of Creation is not complete: first, because Our Will is not known among creatures, and therefore It is neither loved nor longed-for; second, because, not being known, It cannot give what It has established to give, and therefore It cannot form the many rarities of works which It knows how to do, and can do; while, once a work is complete, one sings victory and glory.”