✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
While being in the highest bitterness of the privation of my sweet Jesus, I was writing what is written above, and although I was doing it with incredible effort, given the state I was in, yet I wanted to do it, to give as though the last attestation of homage to that Fiat which, with so much love, had manifested Itself to me. And now, though It is so brief in His speaking, I do not want the tiny little drops of light that It manifests to me to be lost. ‘Who knows’ - I was thinking to myself – ‘whether this might not be the last little drop of light that I put on paper…’.
But while I was thinking this, my beloved Jesus came out from within my interior, and throwing His arms around my neck, He clasped me so very tightly in His arms, and told me: “My daughter, as soon as you began to write, I felt Myself being drawn so strongly, that I could not resist, in such a way that, as my Fiat overflowed from you, It put Me out in order to direct, while you write, what I have manifested to you about my Divine Volition. This is a commitment, it is a sacred and divine right that It has, to be the actor, the dictator and the spectator while you write, so that everything may be light and surprising truths, in a way that the divine characters of my Will may be known in clear notes. Do you think that you are the one who writes? No, no – you are nothing other than the superficial part. The substance, the primary part, the dictator, is my Divine Will; and if you could see the tenderness, the love, the yearnings with which my Fiat inscribes Its Life on these papers, you would die consumed with love.”
Having said this, He withdrew into my interior, and I, as though coming round from the enchantment of Jesus, continued to write; but I felt myself all light, being whispered everything, being fed the words. I am unable to say what I experienced while writing. Then, after I finished writing, I began to pray, but with the nail in my heart of who knows when Jesus would come back again; and I was lamenting: ‘Why is He not taking me to Heaven still?’ And I remembered of the many times in which He had reduced me to be at death’s door, as if I were about to cross the doors of Heaven, but as they were about to open in order to receive me into the blessed dwelling, obedience had imposed itself[1] over my poor existence, and as it would make the doors close to me, I would be forced again to remain in the hard exile of life. Oh! though holy, how cruel and almost tyrannical is obedience in certain circumstances. And, still, I thought to myself: ‘I would like to know whether it was of obedience, or the final point of my existence down here had not yet come…’.
But while I was thinking about this, and many other things wandered through my mind, with such unspeakable bitterness that it seemed it was intoxicating me, my Highest Good, Jesus, my dear Life, surprised me, and making Himself seen again, told me: “My daughter, you must know that in Our Divinity there is the ordinary order for the whole Creation, and this is not moved because of any incident: not one point, not one minute earlier, not one minute later; life ends when it is established by Us - We are immutable in this regard. But, in Us, there is also the extraordinary order, and since We are the masters of the laws of the whole Creation, We have the right to change them whenever We want. But if We change them, a great glory of Ours must enter into this, and a great good for the whole Creation; We do not change Our laws because of little things. Now, my daughter, you know that the greatest work is to establish the Kingdom of my Divine Will upon earth, and to make It known; there is no good that the creature can receive if she does not know it. What is your wonder, then, if We have surrendered to obedience so as not to let you die? More so since, because of your connection with my Divine Fiat, you enter into the extraordinary order; and since each knowledge about my Divine Volition is many Divine Lives that have come out or Our womb, the sacrifice of your life was needed in order to receive them, and the very privation of Heaven, from which obedience snatched you.
In addition to this, since my Divine Will, Its knowledges, Its reigning, are not only the greatest good for the earth, but the complete glory for the whole of Heaven, all of Heaven prayed Me[2] to surrender to the pleas of the one who commanded you; and I, out of regard for my Will, while opening the doors to you, surrendered to their pleas. Do you think that I do not know your great sacrifice, your continuous martyrdom of being away from the Celestial Fatherland, and only to fulfill my Will in the one through whom It was commanded to you? Indeed, this sacrificed snatched from Me the many lives of the knowledges of my Fiat. And then, a soul was needed who would know Heaven and how my Divine Will is done in the celestial dwelling, in order to be able to entrust to her Its secrets, Its story, Its life; and by appreciating them, she would make them her own life and would be ready to lay down her life so that others might know a good so great.”
Jesus kept silent, and I, feeling in suffering, was lamenting and reproaching Jesus for He would not take me to Heaven. And He: “Courage, my daughter, there is just about a little left for the writings on my Divine Fiat. My very silence says that I am about to complete the great manifestations of the Gospel of the Kingdom of my Divine Will. So I did in the Kingdom of Redemption: during the last days of my life, I did not add anything else; on the contrary, I hid Myself; and if I said anything it was a repetition, in order to confirm what I had already said, because what I had said was sufficient so that all might receive the goods of being redeemed - it was up to them to take advantage of it. So it will be for the Kingdom of my Divine Will: once I have said everything, in such a way that nothing may be lacking in order to be able to receive the good of knowing It, and to be able to possess all of Its goods, then I will have no more interest in keeping you on earth - it will be up to them to take advantage of it.”
[1] E.g. Volume 4, September 1900 and September 4, 1902.
[2] E.g. Volume 6, February 12, 1904.