✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
My poor intelligence feels as though enraptured by the light of the Divine Fiat; but this light brings not only heat and light, but is bearer of life which, centralizing itself in the soul, forms her own light and heat within her, and, from that center, the Divine Life is reborn. How beautiful it is to see that the light of the Eternal Volition has the virtue of making the Life of her Creator be reborn in the heart of the creature - and so many times, for as many times as this Divine Will bends down to make known to the creature more of Its manifestations which pertain to It.
Then, while my mind was wandering in this light, my sweet Jesus, moving in this light, as it seemed He was as though sunken inside of it, told me: “My daughter, for as many truths as I have manifested to you about my Divine Will, so many lights have unleashed themselves from Our divine womb and have fixed themselves in you, but without detaching from the center of your Creator. In fact, the light is inseparable from God; it communicates itself, it fixes itself in the creature, and it never loses its center, from which it came out. How beautiful it is to see the creature, with all these lights fixed in her, which have the virtue of making the One who created her arise again in the creature – and so many times, for as many truths as are manifested to her. And since what I have manifested to you on my Divine Will are innumerable truths – so many, that you yourself cannot count them all – many lights, that is, many luminous rays, are fixed in you, which descend from God, but without detaching from its divine womb. These lights form the most beautiful ornament in you, and the greatest gift you could receive from God. In fact, since these truths are fixed in you, they give you right over the divine properties - and so many rights, for as many truths as I have manifested to you. You cannot comprehend the great dowry you have been endowed with by God with these truths, which, like many lights, are fixed in your soul. The whole of Heaven is amazed at seeing so many lights in you, all filled with many Divine Lives. And as you communicate them to other creatures, this light winds its way, it fixes itself in other hearts, but without leaving you, and forms the Divine Life wherever it reaches. My daughter, what great treasure has been entrusted to you with so many truths I have told you on my Divine Will; a treasure which has its source in its divine womb, and which will always give light without ever ceasing. My truths are more than sun, which gives light to the earth, invests it, fixes on it; and in fixing on it, it gives birth, on the face of it and for each thing, to the effects and the goods which its light contains. But, jealous, it does not detach its light from its center; and this is so true that, as it moves on to illuminate other regions, the earth remains in the dark. On the other hand, the Sun of my truths, while it does not detach from its center, fixing itself in the soul, forms in her the perennial day….”
After this, benediction was given with the Most Holy Sacrament, and I prayed Him from the heart to bless me; and Jesus, moving in my interior, echoing what Jesus in the Sacrament was doing, raised His blessed right hand in the act of blessing me, and told me: “My daughter, I bless your heart, and I seal my Divine Will in it, so that your heart, united with my Divine Will, may palpitate in all hearts, so that you may call all hearts to love It. I bless your thoughts, and I seal my Divine Will in them, that you may call all intelligences to know It. I bless your mouth, so that my Divine Will may flow in your voice, and you may call all human voices to speak about my Fiat. I bless all of you, my daughter, so that everything may call my Divine Volition in you, and you may run to all in order to make It known. Oh! how much happier I feel in operating, praying, blessing in one in whom my Will reigns. In this soul I find my life, the light, the company; and everything I do arises immediately, and I see the effects of my acts; and I am not alone if I pray, if I operate, but I have company, and one who works together with Me. On the other hand, in this sacramental prison, the accidents of the host are mute, they say not a word to Me, I do everything on my own, I feel not a sigh which would unite to mine, nor a heartbeat which would love Me. On the contrary, there is the cold of a sepulcher for Me, which not only keeps Me in prison, but buries Me, and I have no one to whom to say a word, nor anyone with whom to pour Myself out; because the host does not speak, I am always in silence, and with divine patience I wait for hearts that receive Me, so as to break my silence and enjoy a little bit of company. And in the soul in whom I find my Divine Will I feel Myself repatriated in the Celestial Fatherland….”