✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
I was thinking about the Divine Fiat and how Its Kingdom could ever be realized upon earth. It seemed impossible to me – first, because there is no one who occupies himself with making It known, and if anything is said or planned, it all resolves into words, while facts are – oh! how far away, and who knows which generation will have the good of knowing what regards the knowledges about the Divine Will and Its Kingdom; second, it seems to me that the earth is unprepared, and I believe that in order to have such a great good - that the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Its knowledges, dominate the earth - who knows how many prodigies will precede it!
But while I was thinking about this and other things, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, and told me: “My daughter, you must know that my coming upon earth and everything I did in Redemption, my very Death and Resurrection, was nothing other than preparatory act for the Kingdom of my Divine Will; and when I formed the ‘Our Father’, I formed the seed of the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat in the midst of creatures. And if, when I speak, I create and I make the greatest, most beautiful and marvelous works come out of nothing, much more so when, with the empire of my speaking prayer, I have the virtue of creating what I want. Therefore, the seed of the Kingdom of my Will was created by Me in the act of my praying, as I formed and recited the ‘Our Father’. And if I taught it to the Apostles, it was so that the Church, by reciting it, might water and fecundate this seed, and they might dispose themselves to model their lives according to the dispositions of my Divine Fiat.
My knowledges about It, my many manifestations, have developed this seed; and since they have been accompanied by the acts done by you in my Divine Will, so many little grains have formed as to form a great mass, from which each one can take his part - always if they want to - in order to live of the Life of the Divine Will. Therefore, everything is there, my daughter – the most necessary acts. There is the seed created by Me, because if there is no seed, it is useless to hope for the plant; but if the seed is there, it takes work, the will of wanting the fruit of that seed; and one is sure of having the plant, because, by possessing the seed, one has in his power the life of the plant of that seed. There are those who water this seed in order to make it grow - each ‘Our Father’ that is recited serves to water it; there are my manifestations in order to make it known. All that is needed are those who would offer themselves to be the criers - and with courage, without fearing anything, facing sacrifices in order to make it known. So, the substantial part is there – the greatest is there; the minor is needed – that is, the superficial part, and your Jesus will know how to make His way in order to find the one who will accomplish the mission of making known my Divine Will in the midst of the peoples. Therefore, on your part, do not place any obstacle - do what you can, and I will do the rest. You do not know how I will overwhelm things and will dispose the circumstances, and this is why you reach the point of doubting that my Fiat will be known and Its Kingdom will have Its Life upon earth.”
Then, I abandoned all of myself in the Divine Volition in order to follow Its acts, and my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, one who places himself in the unity of my Will, places himself in the light; and just as the light has the virtue of descending down below and of laying itself like a mantle of light over each thing it invests, so it has the virtue of rising up high and of investing with its light that which is up high. In the same way, one who places himself in the Light of my Fiat, in Its unity of Light, with his acts descends down below to all generations, and with his acts of light he invests everyone in order to do good to all; and he rises up high and invests the whole of Heaven to glorify all. Therefore, in my Divine Will the soul acquires the right to be able to offer the Light of the Eternal Fiat to all, through the gift of her acts multiplied into as many as are those who want to receive It.”