✞ Signs to know whether the soul is in Grace.
I was thinking about all that my sweet Jesus, with so much goodness, deigns to tell to my poor soul, and which, as I reread them in the circumstances, sparkle with light. And my always lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, when I speak I unleash light of truth, and I want that it be accepted and caressed by the soul. If this light is accepted and put in a place of honor in her interior, it calls for another light; so, one calls for another. Otherwise, it goes back to its source. And when the soul returns to read them, if they are written, and to ponder them, my truths are like wrought iron – as the iron is beaten, it becomes red-hot and gives out sparkles of light; while, if is not beaten, the iron is hard, black, and an ice-cold metal. So it is with my truths; if the soul reads them over and over again in order to suck the substance that is inside my truths that have been communicated to her soul - which is symbolized by the iron, its blackness and coldness – she remains red-hot; and by pondering them, she strikes blows over herself, who has received the good of hearing my truth, which, feeling honored, sparkles with light of more truths. But if my manifested truths are put into oblivion, nor are they put in a place of honor, they remain as though buried. But the living are not buried; in fact, they are light which possesses and brings life; therefore, since they are not subject to dying, the time will come in which others will treasure them, and will condemn those who have kept them in oblivion and as though buried. If you knew how much light there is in everything I have manifested to you on my Divine Will, and how much more light would sparkle if they were read and reread, you yourself would remain eclipsed and amazed at the great good they would do.”
Then, I was continuing my acts in the Divine Volition, and as I was thinking about the loneliness of Jesus in the womb of His Mama, He added: “My daughter, how sweet and pleasing to Me is the company of the creature. Since my descent from Heaven to earth was precisely for her – to find her, to make her my own, keeping her in my company – I feel it as though repaid. However, know that if I am content with the mere company of the creature who loves Me and tries to break my loneliness, with one who lives in my Divine Will I am not content – I want her always together with Me, as spectator of my baby tears, of my moans, of my sobs, my pains, works and steps, and also of my joys, because I want to make the deposit of them in her. In fact, my Will being in her, it would be too hard for Me if I did not have her always together with Me, keeping her aware of everything. My Divine Will feels the irresistible need to share with the creature everything It does in my Humanity, so that the Will which reigns in Me and that which reigns in the creature might not be a divided Will. And this is the reason why I call you in each of my acts and I want you to know what I have done and do – so as to give it to you as gift and be able to say: ‘The one who lives in my Divine Will never leaves Me – we are clasped and inseparable’.”
And I: ‘My Love, your run of love never stops; You run - You run always, and I feel I am incapable of doing my runs of love as You do them – I am too little and do not have the flight of running everywhere to love You.’ And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, you too can do runs of love in the immense sea of my Divine Will. You will act as a ship does: when it wants to cross the sea, it plunges into the sea, the waters split and let it pass; and while it moves quickly, it leaves a white wake behind itself, as the sign that the ship is passing through that point of the sea; and then, little by little, the wake disappears, and no sign is left that the ship ever passed. But, in spite of this, the ship has done its run in the sea, and has arrived there where it had established to go. In the same way, if the soul wants to love, she will plunge into the sea of my Divine Fiat and will form her run of love; she will go around all eternity, and it will not happen to her as to the ship – that nothing remains in the sea of its having passed, as the waters, proud, close from behind, leaving no trace that the ship ever passed. On the contrary, in the sea of my Divine Volition, as the soul plunges into It to do her run, Our divine waters seethe, and in their gurgling they form the furrow, which does not disappear, but the sign remains, and it points out to everyone her run of love done within Our sea, in such a way that We are able to say: ‘Through here passed, and did her run of love, the one who lives in Our Will, because what is done in It remains as indelible.’
In the same way, if you want to do your adorations, if you want to be embellished, if you want to be sanctified, if you want to be powerful, wise - plunge yourself into Our Will, and while you do your run, you will remain all love, all beautiful, all holy; you will acquire the science of who your Creator is, and all your motions will be profound adorations. And you will leave in Our sea as many furrows for as many different runs as you have done in the Divine Fiat, in such a way that We will say: ‘In this run that the little daughter of Our Divine Volition did in Our sea, she formed the furrow of sanctity, and We sanctified her and she remained holy; in this other run she plunged into the sea of Our beauty and formed her furrow, and We embellished her and she remained embellished; in this other run she formed the furrow of Our knowledges, and she knew Us, and We spoke to her and made Ourselves known, and spoke to her at length of Our Divine Being; Our word bound her, identified her with Us, and We feel the irresistible need to make Ourselves known more and more, and to give her the greatest gift of manifesting to her Our truths. So, for each run you do in Our Supreme Fiat, you always take of Our own; and Our love, seething, speaks of you to Us, and points out to Us your runs with its gurgling, as the sign that you have been in Our divine sea.”