✞ Signs to know whether the soul is in Grace.
The Divine Volition continues to occupy my little intelligence, and I, immersing myself in It, feel Its vivifying strength that surrounds me inside and out. And my sweet Jesus, who seems to hide behind the gigantic waves of light of His Divine Volition, very often moves in these waves of light; and making Himself seen, with unspeakable tenderness, He told me: “My daughter, my Divine Will is heartbeat without heart – the creature is the heart, my Will is the heartbeat. See what inseparable union exists between my Fiat and the creature. The heart is nothing, it has no value without the heartbeat; with the heartbeat the life of the creature is constituted, but the heartbeat cannot beat without the heart. Such is my Divine Will; if It does not have the nothingness of the heart of the creature, It has no place in which to form Its heartbeat of life to carry out and form Its Divine Life. See then, not having a heart, my Divine Will has created it in the creature, so as to have Its heart in which to be able to form Its heartbeat.
In addition to this, my Divine Will is breath without body – the creature is the body, my Will is the breath. The body without the breath is dead; so, what forms the breath of the creature is my Divine Will; therefore, one can say: ‘The body of It is that of the creature, and her breath is that of my Divine Volition.’ See what further union exists between one and the other – a union which cannot be separated, because if the breath ceases life ceases. Therefore, my Divine Will is everything for the creature; It is word without mouth, It is light without eye, It is hearing without ears, It is work without hands, It is step without feet, and therefore the soul who lives in my Divine Will serves It as mouth, as eye, as ears, as hands and as feet. My Will restricts Itself to enclose Itself in the creature, while remaining immense; and, victorious, It forms Its Kingdom in her, making use of her as if she were Its body, in which It palpitates, breathes, speaks, operates and walks. Therefore, the sorrow of my Divine Fiat, because creatures do not lend themselves to let It carry out all Its operations in them, to let It reign, and they force It to silence and to inactivity, is incomprehensible; and with divine and unspeakable patience, It waits for those who must live in Its Will, so as to resume Its speaking and Its divine activity, to form Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures. Therefore, be attentive, my daughter; listen to the speaking of my Divine Fiat, give It life in all your acts, and you will see the unexpected portents that my Divine Will will do in you.”
May everything be for the glory of God, and for the fulfillment of His Most Holy Will.
Deo Gratias