✞ What passed between Baby Jesus and His sweet Mama when She would feed Him from Her breast. The ‘I love You’ of the creature is requited by the ‘I love you’ of the Creator.
My abandonment in the Divine Volition continues, though with the fear that because of my infidelities I might have the great misfortune of being rejected from living inside the beautiful Heaven of the Supreme Fiat. Oh! God, what pain! My Jesus, do not allow that I may go out of my dear inheritance which You, with so much love, have given me, and in which, with so much jealousy, You have always kept me. I ask You this for love of the heavens which, with so much love, You extended over my head - symbol of the heaven which, with even greater love, You enclosed in my poor soul – which is your Will. Make it so that It may always reign in me, and that Its Kingdom may extend in the whole world. I ask You this for the sake of that love with which You created the sun that beats continuously on the earth, without ever stopping its course, to offer to me your love of light – living and real image of the Sun of your Will within which, more than in a sea of light, You enfolded your little daughter. I ask You this for the sake of the maze of the pains in which I have been enveloped and besieged – pains that water me with bile continuously, which makes me feel myself under the rain of storms that threaten to drown me; pains which it is not given to me to entrust to the paper. Jesus, Jesus, have pity on me, and let your Divine Will reign in me and in all.
But while I was pouring out my sorrow, my sweet Jesus, my dear Life, extended His arms toward me to sustain me, and told me: “My daughter, courage, the fear of losing a good means possessing it, knowing it and loving it – and possessing it, not by usurpation, but by right of property; and when a good is possessed by right of property, no law, either human or divine, can with legitimate ways take away the goods that are possessed. More so, since it is absolute Will of your Jesus for you to possess, by right of property, the inheritance of my Divine Fiat, which I have given you with so much love, so that you might ask, by right, for Its Kingdom to come upon earth. In fact, only one who possesses my Will has the right to, and can, by right, ask for Its Kingdom to come upon earth and extend everywhere. And since my Will fills heavens, sun, sea and everything, even though they do not have reason, they are dominated freely by the powerful Strength and Reason of my Fiat, from which they never moved away.
Therefore, in the name of the heavens, sun and everything, you can, by right, ask for Its Kingdom, because the smallest thing as well as the greatest, animated and dominated by my Divine Will, is always superior to man. In fact, without It, man occupies the last place; he is the degraded one and the most humiliated in the midst of all created things; he is the neediest, the poorest who, in order to live, has to stretch out his hand to all created things to receive the charity of their beneficial effects. And sometimes this is denied to him by the expressed Will of the One who dominates them; even more, It puts the elements against man to make him touch with his own hand what it means not to live in the inheritance of It. Only Our Will gives the exaltation to the works of Our creative hands, It puts them in the place of honor, It endows them with all goods, in such a way that she[1] will have need of no one; even more, It renders her dominator of herself and dominator of everything; and by virtue of my Will which they possess, all bow down and feel honored to let themselves be dominated. Therefore, do not fear, because fear renders unhappy the good that one possesses and embitters the purest, the holiest and divine joys that exist in my Fiat. More so, since each act done in my Divine Will forms the nourishment in order to nourish the past acts done in It. In fact, many acts united together have formed Its Life in the soul, and life cannot be preserved and grow without nourishment; therefore, one act serves to preserve another and to form the Life of my Will in the creature. Repeated acts form the water with which to water It, the air to give continuous breathing to this Life, all of Heaven; the heartbeat to make It feel the continuous heartbeat of my Will, the food to preserve It alive. And just as the body cannot live without nourishment, without the air that makes it breathe continuously, and without the heartbeat that gives motion to its whole life, nor is it enough to have taken food a few times, or to breathe and palpitate at intervals to be able to form the human life, but always – always, because only continuous acts have the virtue of forming life, otherwise the life is extinguished; in the same way, one who wants to form within herself the Life of my Volition has need of repeated acts, in such way that nothing be lacking to this Life, either the air to make It breathe, or the food to nourish It, or the heat or the light to make her feel the life of Heaven in her soul. Therefore, do no be concerned with anything else - but always forward in my Divine Will.”
[1] The creature.