✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
I was following the Divine Will, and my poor mind was occupied over the many things spoken to me by my sweet Jesus on the Kingdom of His Divine Fiat; and it seemed to me, in my ignorance: ‘Oh! how difficult is Its realization upon earth, Its reigning and Its triumph in the midst of creatures.’ But while I was thinking this, my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, Redemption is owed to the faithfulness of the Virgin Queen. Oh! had I not found this excelling creature, who denied Me nothing, nor did She ever draw back before any sacrifice; Her firmness in asking for Redemption without ever hesitating, Her faithfulness without ever tiring, Her ardent and strong love without ever stopping; always at Her place, all of Her Creator, without ever moving, whatever thing or incident She might see, on the part of God and on the part of creatures. She formed such bonds between Heaven and earth, She acquired such ascendancy, such dominion before Her Creator, as to render Herself worthy of making the Divine Word descend upon earth. In the face of a faithfulness never interrupted, and of Our very Divine Will which held Its Kingdom in Her virgin Heart, Our strength was not enough for Us to refuse. Her faithfulness was the sweet chain that bound Me and captured Me from Heaven to earth. Here is why, then, what creatures did not obtain in many centuries, they obtained by means of the Sovereign Queen. Ah! yes, She alone was the worthy One who merited that the Divine Word would descend from Heaven to earth, and that She receive the good of Redemption, in such a way that, if they want to, all can receive the good of being redeemed.
Firmness, faithfulness, unshakeability in good and in asking for the good known, can be called divine virtues, not human, and therefore it would be like denying to Ourselves what the creature asks from Us. Now, the same in the Kingdom of the Divine Will: We want to find a faithful soul in whom We can operate, who would bind Us everywhere and in every part of Our Divine Being with the sweet chain of Her faithfulness, in such a way that We may find no reason not to give Her what She asks from Us. We want to find Our firmness, the necessary shelf to be able to enclose in Her the great good that She asks from Us. It would not be decorous for Our divine works to be entrusted to souls who are inconstant and not disposed to face any sacrifice for Us. The sacrifice of the creature is the defense of Our works, and it is like putting them in a safe place. So, once We have found the faithful creature, and the work comes out of Us to take its place in her, everything is done, the seed is already sown, and, little by little, it geminates and produces other seeds, such that, as they diffuse, whoever wants to, can procure for himself that seed to make it germinate in his soul.
Does the farmer not do the same? If he has the good of having one single seed, which can be his fortune, he sows it into his field. That seed, by germinating, can produce ten, twenty, thirty seeds, and the farmer no longer sows only one of them, but all those which he has reaped, and he returns to sow them, over again, until he is able to fill all his field; and he reaches the point of being able to give to others the seed of his fortune. Much more can I do, Divine Farmer, as long as I find a creature with the field of her soul prepared, in which I can sow the seed of my works. That seed will germinate, and little by little it will make its way; it will make itself known, loved and desired by few, and then by many, that the celestial seed of my Divine Will be sown into their souls.
Therefore, my daughter, be attentive and faithful; allow that I may sow this celestial seed in your soul, and I may find no hindrance to let it germinate. If there is the seed, there is the sure hope that, in germinating, it can produce more seeds. But if the seed does not exist, all the hopes cease, and it is useless to hope for the Kingdom of my Divine Will; just as it would have been useless to hope for Redemption if the Celestial Queen had not conceived Me as the fruit of Her maternal womb, the fruit of Her faithfulness, of Her firmness and sacrifice. Therefore, let Me do, and be faithful to Me, and I will take care of everything else.”