✞ Constancy in good makes Divine Life grow in the soul.
I was feeling all immersed in the Fiat; Its Air is so sweet, refreshing, that one feels oneself being reborn at each instant to new life. But what does one breathe in this air of the Divine Will? One breathes Air of light, of love, of sweetness, of fortitude, of Divine Knowledges and so forth, in such a way as to feel oneself renewed to new life. This beneficial and balsamic Air, as it is breathed, makes the Divine Life grow in the creature; and just as when one breathes the air, with the breath it is enclosed inside, and by repeating the breath it is put outside, because the strength of the air is so great, that one can keep inside only as much as is necessary in order to live—the surplus must be put out with the same breath. But what does one put out? What she has received after she has filled herself: love, light, goodness she has breathed in; love, light, goodness she gives back.
But while my poor mind wandered in this Divine Air, my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, all the good acts that the creature does in My Divine Will rise to God, because It has the Divine Power to draw up, into the Celestial Fatherland, what is done in Its Volition; and then, with Its same Power, It makes them fall back like beneficial rain over the same creature, in such a way that if the creature loves, blesses, adores, thanks, praises, God requites her with new rain of love, of blessings, rain of thanksgivings, because He felt Himself being loved and thanked by the creature, and bursting into rain of praises, He praises her before the whole Celestial Court. Oh! how Our Divine Goodness awaits the adoration, the pleasant ‘I love You’ of the creature, to be able to give to Our Love the vent of being able to say to her: ‘Daughter, I love you.’ Therefore, there is not one act that the creature does for Us, for which Our Tenderness, all paternal, does not give to her multiplied requital.”
Then, I continued my acts in the Divine Fiat, and my beloved Jesus added: “My daughter, the creature is carried in the arms of My Divine Will, and Its Love is so great that It keeps all Creation around her, as if, in act, It were always, always creating It to give her pleasure and render her happy, and say to her: ‘My Creative Strength maintains all this machine of the universe; if It withdrew, the sun would disappear as if by magic, the heavens and all the other things would resolve into nothing, just as from nothing they came out. So, My Creative Power keeps on creating It continuously, and can say in all reality: ‘It is precisely for you that I am creating the sun, so that your life, your journey, may be strewn with light. For you the azure heavens, so that your eye may wander afar and delight in their extension. I am creating everything for you; I maintain everything in order because I love you.’ My Divine Will makes Itself life in act of all things, It sustains them and preserves them, It places them around the creature to make her feel, from all things and from all sides, Its unmovable Life, Its immutable Strength, Its invincible Love. It can be said that It clasps her everywhere as triumph of Its Love. And It maintains not only the external order and all things in act, as if It were creating them, but It maintains internally, with Its Creative Strength, the whole internal order of the creature. So, It is always in act of creating the heartbeat, the breath, the motion, the circulation of the blood, the intelligence, the memory, the will. It runs as life in the heartbeat, in the breath—in everything; It sustains and preserves, without ever withdrawing from the soul and from the body. Yet, this Supreme Will of Mine is everything, does everything, and is not recognized, but rather, forgotten. It could say as I said to the Apostles: ‘I have been with you for so long, and you still do not know Me.’ Many things are made known that do not form the life of the creature; and of My Will, that forms the life and is continuous Act of Life—otherwise she could not live—nothing is made known. Therefore, My daughter, be attentive, recognize It in you and outside of you—in everything, more than your own life, and you will feel admirable things, Its continuous Act that loves you with untiring love, and only because It loves you, It gives you Life.”