✞ What victim means.
I felt oppressed because of the privations of my sweet Jesus—piercing nail, that no one can remove or soothe, to give a little relief to such a great martyrdom. Only His return, His lovable presence, can destroy, as if by magic, the nail and the pain, and it makes the purest joys arise, that only Jesus knows how to give with His lovable presence. So, I did nothing but abandon myself in the arms of the Divine Will, praying It to unveil for me Him whom I so much longed for.
And while I was doing this, my lovable Jesus, like flash, illuminated my poor soul and told me: “Good daughter, courage, you oppress yourself too much; and your oppression causes you to reduce yourself to the extremes, and casts you into the sad doubt that your Jesus does not love you and that maybe He will no longer come to you. No, no, I do not want this doubt. Oppressions, doubts, fears, are wounds to My Love and debilitate your love for Me, depriving you of the impetus and the flight to run always toward Me in order to love Me. And once the continuous current of love toward Me is broken, you remain like a poor infirm one, and I no longer find the powerful magnet of your continuous love that draws Me to you.
“Now, you must know how all the acts of My Divine Will, which are innumerable, reduce themselves all to one single point and act. This is the greatest marvel of Our Supreme Being—to form, to possess, to see all possible and imaginable acts in one single act. In the same way, all the acts done by the creature in Our Will reduce themselves to one single act. Now, in order to have the virtue of enclosing all acts within one single act, she must form and possess within herself the continuous love, My perennial Will, that will give origin to all the acts and will make them start from within the virtue of one single act. See, then, all the acts you have done in My Will have unified together in one single act, and they form your cortege, your support, your strength, your light that never goes out; and they love you so much that, making themselves arms, they keep you as the dear apple of My Fiat’s Eye, because in It were they formed and received life. Therefore, do not oppress yourself; enjoy the fruits of My Volition, and if you see that I delay My coming, wait for Me with patient love, and when you least expect it, I will surprise you and will make My usual little visit, and I will be happy to find you in My own Will, always in act of loving Me.”
After this, He added: “My daughter, Our Divine Being is great, immense, powerful, etc.; this does not cause much marvel, because all of these Divine Qualities of Ours are by nature, and form the whole entirety of Our Supreme Being. So, by nature We are immense in the Power, immense in the Love, in the Beauty, in the Wisdom, in the Mercy, and so forth; and since We are immense in all things, everything that comes out of Us remains in the nets of Our immense Divine Qualities. Now, what causes the greatest of marvels is to see the soul who lives in Our Divine Will, who encloses in her little act the powerful and immense Act of her Creator; to see, as though lined up in the little acts of the finite being, the immense Love, the immense Wisdom, the infinite Beauty, the boundless Mercy, the interminable Sanctity of He who created her.
“The little enclosing the great is more marvelous than the great enclosing the little. For Our Greatness it is easy to embrace everything, to enclose everyone, nor does it take any art or industry, because from Our Immensity no one can escape Us. But for the little to enclose the great, it takes an art of its own, a Divine Industry, that only Our Power and Our great Love can form in the creature—if We do not place of Our own, on her own she could not do it. Therefore, the living in Our Divine Fiat is the marvel of marvels, it is the greatest of prodigies. The soul renders herself so striking and artful, that it is an enchantment to see her. It can be said that in each little act of hers concurs a miracle of Ours, otherwise the little enclosing the great could not happen; and Our Goodness is such that It takes greatest delight, and waits with so much love for the creature to give It the occasion of letting It perform this Divine Art of continuous miracles.
“Therefore, may you take to heart the living in Our Will more than anything; in this way you will be more content, and We, more content than you; and you will be, in Our Creative Hands, Our Field of Action and Our continuous Work. If you knew how much We like Our Work in the souls who live in Our Will, you would be more attentive never to go out of It.”
Then, I continued my abandonment in the Fiat, though accompanied by a sadness, because of so many afflicting things that crowd my poor mind, that it is not necessary to say on paper. Certain intimate secrets—it is right only for Jesus and Him alone to know.
And my beloved Jesus repeated, with a most tender tone: “My daughter, you must know that just as nature has the night and the day, so the soul has her night, the dawn, the daybreak, the full midday and her sunset. The night calls for the day, and the day for the night; it can be said that they call for each other. Now, the night of the soul are My Privations, but for one who lives in My Will these are precious nights—not of slothful rest, of restless sleep—no, no, but night of operative rest, of peaceful sleep. In fact, as she sees the night coming, she abandons herself in My Arms, to lean her tired head upon My Divine Heart, and to hear My Heartbeats so as to draw new love during her sleep, and say to Me while sleeping: ‘I love You, I love You, oh! My Jesus.’
“The sleep of one who loves Me and lives in My Will is like the sleep of a little girl who, as she feels her eyes closing for sleep, half-asleep calls: “Mama, mama,’ for she wants her arms and her maternal breast in order to sleep; so much so, that as soon as the tiny little one wakes up, the first word is ‘mama,’ the first smile, the first gaze is for her mama. Such is the soul who lives in My Will; she is the tiny little girl who, as the night comes, looks for Him whom she loves, to draw new strength and new love in order to love Me more. And—oh! how beautiful it is to see her seeking, desiring, longing for Jesus in her sleep. This seeking, desiring and longing call for the dawn, form the daybreak, and make the full day arise, that calls for the Sun—and I rise and form the course of the day and its full midday.
“But know, My daughter, that here on earth things alternate; only in Heaven it is always full day, because My presence is perennial amid the Blessed. So, as you see that I am about to leave you—but do you know where I stay? Inside of you. After having instructed your soul, giving you My Lessons before the light of My Presence, so that you might comprehend them well and they might serve you as food and as work during the day, I withdraw and form the sunset; and, hidden within you during the short night, I make Myself Actor and Spectator of all your acts. And while for you it seems nighttime, for Me it is the most beautiful rest, since, after I have spoken to you, I take rest in My own Word, and the acts that you do serve Me as lullabies, as refreshment, as defense and as sweet relief for My Ardors of Love. Therefore, let Me do; I know when the night or the day is necessary for you and for Me, in your soul. What I want is perennial peace in you, so that I may carry out what I want. If you are not at peace, I feel molested in My Work, and with difficulty, not with ease, I go along carrying out My Designs.”