✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was feeling oppressed because of the privations of my sweet Jesus, and as though tired of my long exile; and I thought to myself: “I would never have believed it—a life so long. O! had it been shorter, as for many others, I would not have gone through so much. But, Fiat! Fiat!”
I felt that my mind wanted to make nonsense, therefore I prayed Jesus to help me, and I swore to Him that I want to do always His Adorable Will. And the Sovereign Jesus, dispelling the darkness that surrounded me, made His little visit to my soul, and told me with unspeakable Tenderness: “Good daughter, Courage. Since your Jesus wants to give you more and receive more from you, I permit the prolixity of time. There is no comparison that holds between one who has given Me proofs for a few years and one who has done so for long years. A prolonged time always tells more: more circumstances, more occasions, more tests, more pains; and remaining Faithful, Constant, Patient in so many circumstances—and not for a little while, but for a long time—O! how many more things does this tell.
“You must know that each hour of life under the Empire of My Divine Will is New Divine Lives that one receives, New Graces, New Beauties, New Ascendancies before God, corresponding to a New Glory. On Our part We measure the time, what We give, and We wait for the Requital of the act of the creature in order to give again; and for the creature it takes time in order to digest what We have given, and therefore let her take another step toward Us. If she adds nothing to what We have given, We do not give immediately, but We wait for her act in order to give again.
“So, there is nothing greater, more important, more pleasing before Us, than a prolixious life, lived in a saintly way; each hour is already one more Proof of love, of fidelity, of sacrifice that she has given Us; and We count even the minutes, so that not one of them be not filled with Graces and with Our Divine Charisms. With a short life, We can count few hours, and We cannot give her much. Therefore, let Me do, and I want you to be Happy with what I do; and if you want to be Happy, think that each hour of your life is a pledge of love that you give Me, that will serve to bind Me to Love you more. Aren’t you happy?”
After this, I was continuing my acts in the Divine Will, and I felt upon me the Empire, Its Immensity that overwhelmed the whole of me within it; and my beloved Jesus added: “Beloved daughter of My Will, to Live in It means to recognize Its Paternity; and as she feels herself a daughter, she wants to be close, clasped, on the knees of her Father, and Live in His House—and by Right, because she recognizes herself as a Birth from He who, with so much Love, Generated her and delivered her to the Light; and she looks at all other things as extraneous, and without the sweet Bond, either of Paternity or of relationship. So, she sees with clarity that, by going out of the House of her Father, she would be a lost daughter, who would have not even a nest in which to form her abode.
“And this is why one who does and Lives in My Divine Volition tears the Veils of Our Power and finds that her Creator Powerfully Loves her, and draws her, creature, with His Power to make Himself Powerfully Loved. Tearing the Veil, she finds the Sacrarium of the Divine Power, and she fears no more, because if He is Powerful, He is Powerful to Love her and to make Himself Loved; and Loving with Powerful Love, she becomes daring and tears the Veil of the Divine Wisdom, of Goodness, of Mercy, of Love and of Justice, and finds as though many Divine Sacraria that Love her Wisely, and with a Goodness most tender and excessive, united to Mercy Unheard-Of, they Love her; she finds the overflowing Love that Loves her Immensely; and since the Divine Being is Order, He Loves her with Justice. And the creature, moving from one Sacrarium to another, not outside, but inside of these Veils, feels the Reflections of her Creator and she loves Him Wisely, with Goodness and Tenderness, United to Mercy that, since her God has no need of it, she turns for the Good of all generations; and feeling the Love that overflows within her bosom—O! how she would want to melt herself in Love in order to Love Him; but Justice, preserving her, gives her the Just Love, as much of it as it is possible for creature, and it Confirms her in Life.
“My daughter, how many things do these Veils of Our Divine Qualities hide. But to no one is it given to tear these, Our Veils, except to one who does and Lives in Our Will. She alone is the fortunate creature who sees her God, not veiled, but as He is in Himself. And because We are not recognized as We are in Ourselves, they have such low and perhaps even distorted ideas of Our Supreme Being; and this is because, not having Our Will in them, they do not feel within themselves the Life of He who Created them. They touch Our Veils, but not what is inside, and therefore they feel Our Power as oppressive, Our Light eclipsing, as though in act of moving them away from Us and putting them at a distance; they feel Our Sanctity veiled, that makes them feel ashamed, and, discouraged, they live immersed in their passions.
“But it is all their fault, because there is a sentence pronounced by Us in the terrestrial Paradise: ‘Here one cannot enter—this is a place only for those who do and Live in Our Will.’ And therefore the first creatures were put out, placing an Angel as Guard, to prevent their entrance. Our Will is Paradise for creatures—terrestrial on earth, and Celestial in Heaven, and it can be said that an Angel is placed there to Guard It. One who does not want to do It, and does not want to Live in Its arms and Live common Life in Its House, would be an intruder if he did so—but he cannot do it either, because Our Veils become so thick that he would not find the way to get in. And just as an Angel forbids him the entrance, so another Angel Guides and gives the hand to one who wants to Live of Our Will. Therefore, content yourself with dying a thousand times rather than not doing Our Will.
“You must know that Our Will is all eyes over the happy creature who wants to Live of It; and as she does her acts, It gives her Its Bath of Divine Light. This Bath refreshes her and makes her feel the Divine Coolings; and since the light, as it forms, by its own nature produces fecundity, sweetness, flavors, colors within its veils of light, so, while in appearance it seems only light, inside it hides so many beautiful riches and innumerable qualities, such that no other element can be said to be similar to it—even more, it is from the light that they implore the fecundity and the good that each element must do in the order in which it was placed by God.
“The light can be called the soul of created things—symbol of Our Uncreated Light of Our Divine Fiat that animates everything. So, with this Bath of Divine Light, as she is about to do her acts in It, the soul feels herself being sweetened, balmed, fortified, purified and invested by the Beautiful Rainbow of the Divine Colors, that render the soul so graceful, striking and beautiful, that God Himself feels Enraptured by a Beauty so rare. This Bath of Light is like the preparation to be able to cross the thresholds and tear the Veil that hides Our Divine Being to the human creatures. More so, since it is Our Interest that one who Lives in Our Will be like Us and do not a thing that would be unworthy of Our Majesty Trice Holy. Therefore, think that it is a Bath of Light that My Will gives you every time you dispose yourself to do your acts in Its Interminable Light, so that you may be attentive to receive it.”