✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was feeling all concerned about the many Truths that blessed Jesus has told me on His Divine Will; and while I felt in me the Sacred Deposit of His Truths, I also felt a holy fear of how I kept them in my poor soul, and many times badly exposed, without that attention that befits Truths that contain Infinite Value. And O! how I would like to imitate the Blessed, who, while they know so much about the Divine Will, don’t say anything to any of the pilgrim souls—they keep them all with themselves; they are Beatified, they are delighted, but from up there they send not even one word to make known a single Truth of the many they know.
But while I was thinking of this, my Lovable Jesus, visiting my little soul, all Goodness, told me: “My daughter, each Word I have spoken to you about My Divine Will has been nothing other than a little visit that I have made to you, leaving in you the Substance of the Good that each of My Words contains; and not trusting you, because you were incapable of keeping a single Word of Mine, I Myself remained as Custodian of the Infinite Value of My Truths that I deposited in your soul. Therefore, your fears are not just—I Myself guard everything. These are Celestial Truths, Things of Heaven, Outpourings of Love of My Will, and from many centuries, which had been repressed; and before deciding to speak to you, I had already decided to remain in you in order to keep what I would deposit in you. You enter the secondary order—I Myself am the First Custodian.
“Now, since these little visits of Mine are bearers of Celestial Things, you will bring them with you into the Celestial Fatherland as Triumph of My Will and as guarantee that Its Kingdom not only will come upon earth, but has established Its beginning of Its Reigning. Those that will remain on paper will leave the Perennial Memory that My Will wants to Reign in the midst of the human generations; and they will be spurs, incitements, Divine Supplications, Irresistible Strength, Celestial Messengers, Captains of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, and also Powerful Reproaches to those who should occupy themselves with making known a Good so Great, and who, out of indolence and vain fears, will not let them go around through the whole world, so that they may bring the Good News of the Happy Era of the Kingdom of My Will. Therefore, abandon yourself in Me, and let Me do.”
Then, I continued my acts in the Divine Will, where everything It has done in Creation is all in Act, as if It were now Creating It, to give It to the creature as display of Its Love; and since I am too small, I cannot take all created things together, and I go little by little, up to where I can reach. And the Divine Love awaits me in each created thing, to repeat and duplicate the Creating Act and say to me: “See how much I Love you—for you I Created them, for you I keep the Creating Act in act, to tell you, not only with Words, but with Deeds: ‘I Love you!’ I Love you so much that I am drowned with Love, I fidget, I rave, for I want to be loved; so much so, that by Creating the Creation before you, I prepared for you the way, all Love; by maintaining the Creating Act in act, I say to you in each instant: ‘I Love you’ and ‘I want Love.’”
So I went through the created things, so as not to leave the Loving Maker sorrowful because I had not received His Love that He had placed in each created thing—that He had placed there for me. And as I arrived at the exuberant Act of the Love of the Creation of Man, I felt myself under the rain of this Intense Love.
And my always Lovable Jesus told me: “Blessed daughter, Our Way with the creatures never changes—just as it had its beginning of manifesting itself in Creation, so does it continue, and will always, always continue. Now, one who enters into Our Will touches with his own hand Our Creating Act, always in Act, and Our Love ever New, in Act of giving Itself to the creature. But it is not only Our Love; in fact, Our Great Love makes Us unleash from Our Womb, and puts on the way upon them, New Goodness, New Power, New Sanctity, New Beauties, in such a way that We keep the creature under the rain of Our New Acts, always New and always in Act.
“So, all Creation is always in act of repeating Itself and giving Itself to them. And since Our Ways are always the same and never change, what We do with the Blessed in Heaven, nourishing their Beatitude with Our New Act, without ever ceasing, We also do for those who Live in Our Divine Will on earth—We nourish their life with New Sanctity, New Goodness, New Love. We keep her under the rain of Our New Acts, and always in Act—with this difference: that the Blessed acquire nothing new, they only swim in the New Joys of their Creator, while the fortunate pilgrim soul who Lives in Our Will is always in Act of making New Conquests.
“So, one who does not do and does not Live in Our Divine Will renders herself estranged from the Celestial Family, nor does she know the Goods of her Celestial Father, and she only takes little drops of the Love and the Goods of her Creator. She herself renders herself an illegitimate daughter who does not have Full Rights to the Possessions of her Divine Father. Only My Will gives the Right of Daughtership and the Freedom to take what she wants from the House of her Celestial Father. One who Lives in Our Will is like the flower that remains on the plant, and mother earth feels the duty to give to the root of the flower a place in her own house, to nourish it with her vital humors that she possesses, to keep it exposed to the rays of the sun in order to color it. And she waits for the night dew so that her flower may receive sufficient humors to withstand the ardent kisses of the sun, so that it may develop and receive the most intense and most beautiful color and fragrance. So, it can be said that mother earth is the nourishment and the life of the flower. So it is for the soul who Lives in Our Will; We must give her a place in Our House and, more than mother, nourish her, raise her and give her so much Grace for her to be able to bear and remain exposed to, from outside and from within, the ardent Light of the Immensity of Our Will.
“On the other hand, one who does not do and does not Live in It is like a flower that is snatched from the plant and placed in vases. Poor flower—it has already lost its mama who, with so much love, nourished it and kept it exposed to the sun in order to warm it and color it. And even though there is water in the vase, it is not the mother that gives it to it, therefore it is not a nourishing water, and in spite of its being kept in the vase, it is yet subject to withering and dying. Such is the soul without My Will—she lacks the Divine Mama that generated her; she lacks the Nourishing and Fecundating Virtue, she lacks the Maternal Warmth that warms her and, with Its Light, gives her Its brush strokes of Beauty, to render her Beautiful and florid. Poor creature—without the Tendernesses and the Love of the One who gave her life; how skinny and without Beauty will she grow; and how withered in the True Good.”
After this, I went around in the Divine Will to find all the acts of creatures, in order to place in them my ‘I love You’ and to ask in each act of creature for the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth.
And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, My Divine Will, when It is invoked in the act of the creature, takes away the sourness of the human will, It sweetens its manners, It represses the violent manners, and with Its Light It warms the works made numb by the cold of the human will. So, one who Lives in My Divine Will prepares the Prevenient Grace for the human generations in order to make It known to them, and each of her acts in It forms the step in order to ascend—herself first, and then the creatures, to the Knowledges of the Supreme Fiat. So, to one who Lives in It, My Divine Will gives the Maternal Virtues, and It gives her the Office of performing, before God and before creatures, the Office of True Mama.
“See, then, the necessity of your acts in My Will, in order to form a long staircase that must touch Heaven, in such a way as to force It with Its very Divine Strength, to let My Fiat descend upon earth and form there Its Kingdom, making It find, upon this staircase, the first people who would receive It and be willing to let It Reign in their midst. Without a staircase one cannot go up, therefore it is necessary that one creature would make it, to lay the Field in order to let others ascend. And so that this creature may be willing, We must give her the Office of Mother, who, loving the creatures as her own children, given to her by My Divine Will, would accept the Mandate and would spare neither toils nor sacrifices, and, if needed, even her own life for love of these children.
“More so since, in giving her the Office of Mother, My Divine Volition endows the soul with Maternal Love, and makes her feel these children in her own heart, and gives her Divine and human Tenderness in order to Conquer God and the creature and unite them together, to make her do His Divine Will. There is no greater honor We can give to the creature than Maternity. Maternity is bearer of Generation, and We give her the Grace to form Our beloved people. And even though Maternity says pain, she will yet feel the Joy, all Divine, of seeing the children of My Will come out from within that pain. Therefore, always repeat your acts, and do not draw back; drawing back is of the cowardly, of the indolent, of the inconstant—not of the strong; even less so, of the Children of My Will.”