✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I feel myself under the Empire of the Divine Will, and if for a few minutes I don’t feel Its Empire, I feel I am without Life, without food, without heat—I feel that the Divine Life ends, because there is no one who forms It, nor anyone who nourishes It; and in my sorrow I keep repeating: “Jesus, help me, without Your Volition I die of hunger. O please! make me feel Its sweet Empire, so that, nourishing me, Your Life may Live in me, and I may Live of You.”
And my beloved Jesus, having pity on me, all Love and Tenderness, clasped me in His arms and told me: “My little daughter of My Volition, Courage, do not lose heart—the Divine Life, formed and Nourished by My Volition, cannot die; and if you feel the hunger, it is, rather, that you don’t always hear My Speaking on other Wonders and novelties that My Will possesses. This interrupted Speaking of Mine makes you feel hungry for the Ever-New Nourishment which It possesses. But this prepares you to receive the New Nourishment of Its Knowledges, to make you grow and be Nourished only of Divine Volition; nor would you submit to taking any other food—it would be disgusting to you, and you would content yourself with dying of hunger, because one who has savored It many times cannot adapt to taking other nourishments.
“However, this hunger is also a fortune, because it can serve you as an outlet into the Celestial Fatherland, and you must know that the only Nourishment of these Divine Regions is the New Act, never interrupted, of My Divine Will. This Nourishment that possesses all tastes, all delights, is the daily food, and of all instants, of the Celestial Jerusalem. And besides, to feel the hunger says life, not death; therefore, wait with unconquered patience for the Nourishment of My Will, that will repay you for the hunger suffered, with such Abundance, that you will not be able to take it all.”
And I, interrupting the speaking of Jesus, said: “My Love, my heart bleeds in telling You this: to me, rather, it seems that You no longer have that continued Love for me that would make You always speak, and giving me many New enchanting Surprises of Your Being and of Your Volition, I would feel and touch with my own hand Your Love Palpitating for me; so much so, that I was forced to say: ‘How much Jesus Loves me!’ Now, because of this interrupted speaking of Yours, it seems to me that I am not always Loved by You; and to pass from a continuous Love to an interrupted Love is the harshest of torments, and I keep repeating: ‘I am not Loved! I am not Loved! by He Whom I so much love.’”
And Jesus, interrupting my speaking, added: “My daughter, what are you saying? You must know that when the creature loves Us, if We did not Love her We would act against the Nature of Our Divine Being. To be loved and not to Love is not of the Supreme Being; and if this could be, and We were capable of pain, the love of the creature would put Us into a life imprisonment of torments, and would become Our persecutor; nor would it give Us Peace until, fused together, the Love of one and of the other would kiss and rest together. Ah! you do not know what it means to love and not to be loved by him or her whom one loves. All the pain, the restlessness, is carried by the one who does not love, because the one who loves is at his place, and fulfills the most Sacrosanct of duties.
“In such state is Our Divine Being, because We Love too much and man does not love Us; Our Love persecutes him whom We Love, It puts him into life imprisonment, It torments him, It gives him no Peace. Restlessness is the sure sign that the creature has been taken aim at by Our Love that wants to win the Love of the creature by dint of persecution. Therefore, calm yourself; if you Love Us, Our Love Loves you before you do, and the inseparability of Our Love and yours is so great, that yours forms the little heat, and Ours, feeding yours, forms the Immensity of the Light, in such a way that both one and the other lose the separative virtue, and Live always together as if they were one single nature, to form one the Life of the other.
“Therefore, if My Speaking is not continuous, this does not mean broken love—no; it would be interrupted if you did not feel like wanting to do My Will even at the cost of your life—this would be no longer having It in your power. And if My Goodness has reached such extent as to give It in your power, this assures you that My Love for you is continuous. In fact, you must know that one who does and Lives in My Divine Volition is nothing other than the Operating Life of God Himself in the creature. Our Love for one who lets herself be Dominated by Our Divine Volition is so Great as to make Itself her Sweet Prisoner. It restricts Itself, It makes Itself small, and takes a most Great Delight: to Love and to Operate in her soul.
“But while It restricts Itself, It remains Immense and Operates with Infinite Ways, just as We Love and Operate within Ourselves; because that is Our Nature—Immensity, Infinity—and everything We do remains Immense and Infinite as We are; and—O! Our Contentment, for while We restrict Ourselves in her littleness, We give course to Our Love and Works. And she remains filled, overflows outside, fills Heaven and earth, and We have the great Glory and Honor of Loving and Operating as God in her littleness—and if you knew what even just one Act of Love means, one Work alone done by Us in you, you would die of Joy, and the whole of Eternity would not be enough for you to thank Us for a Good so Great. Therefore, let Me do; let Me do what I want with you, and be certain that both you and I will remain content.”