✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
My abandonment in the Divine Volition continues; I feel Its Omnipotent Force that invests me completely, and my little soul is as though undone, in such a way that I want, I feel, I touch nothing but Divine Will alone. And if some little cloud invests my mind, Its Divine Light, immediately, almost without giving me time, inundates me and puts it to flight for me; and I throw myself either into the arms of my Celestial Mama, as my Refuge, or into the arms of my most sweet Jesus, to find again my dear Life; and I pray, now one, now the other, to enclose me in-between
Their Acts, that I may be safe and defended from everything and from everyone.
But while I was thinking of this and other things, my Highest Good, Jesus, clasping me in His arms, told me: “Blessed daughter, My Acts and those of My Queen Mama, Our Love, Our Sanctity, are in Act of continuous waiting, to enclose your acts in-between Our Own, so as to give them the shape of Our Acts and place the Seal of Our Own upon your acts. In fact, you must know that the Acts of the Sovereign of Heaven are braided with My Acts, therefore they are inseparable, and one who Lives in Our Divine Volition comes to Operate in the middle of Our Braiding, and her acts remain enclosed in-between Our Acts, which keep them in custody as Triumph and Works of the Holy Fiat.
“Nothing enters into Our Acts if it is not a Birth from It. See, then, where the Sanctity of one who Lives in Our Will is formed—in the middle of Our Sanctity; she loves in the center of Our Love, and operates in the midst of Our Works. So, one who operates in Our Volition will feel, as though in her nature, the inseparability—she from Our Acts, and We form her own, just as the light is inseparable from the heat, and the heat from the light. And therefore they[1] are Our continuous Triumph, Our Glory, Our Victory over the human will; they are Our Divine Properties, that We form in her, and she forms in Us. The human volition and the Divine Volition kiss each other continuously, they fuse together; and God carries out His Life in the creature, and she carries out her life in God.
“Furthermore, for the creature who Lives in My Will, there is nothing that belongs to My Fiat over which she does not acquire her Rights: Right over Our Divine Being, Right over her Celestial Mama, over the Angels, over the Saints; Right over the Heaven, over the sun, over the whole Creation. And God, the Virgin, and everyone, acquire the Right over her.
“It happens as when two young spouses unite themselves together with an indissoluble bond, such that, on both sides, they acquire the right over their very persons, and over everything that belongs to both—a right that no one can take away from them. The same for one who Lives in Our Volition: she forms the New, True, Real Marriage with the Supreme Being, and, with it, a nuptial is formed with everything that belongs to Him. O! how beautiful it is to see this creature espoused to all—the dear, the favorite, the beloved of all. And, with right, everyone wants her, they yearn to enjoy her and to keep her together with them; and she Loves all, gives to all the right over her, and gives herself to all—it is the New and Extensive Family of her Creator that she has acquired.
“O! if it could be seen from the earth, they would see that God carries her in His arms, the Sovereign Queen Nourishes her with the choice food of the Divine Volition, the Angels and Saints form the Cortege around her, the Heaven extends over her to cover her and protect her—and woe to those who touch her. The sun fixes on her with its light and kisses her with its heat, the wind caresses her; there is not one thing Created by Us which does not offer itself to perform its Office around her. My Will moves everything around her, so that everyone and everything may serve her and love her. Therefore, one who Lives in It gives everyone something to do, and all feel the Happiness of being able to extend their field of action inside and outside the fortunate creature. O! if all creatures would comprehend what it means to Live in My Divine Will—O! how all would aspire and compete, to make in It their Celestial Dwelling.”
Then, I was feeling, more than ever, all abandoned in the Immensity of the Light of the Divine Volition, and I could see and feel my sweet Jesus inside, all Attention over the littleness of my poor soul. He would take care of everything, He wanted to give me everything, do everything, in such a way that it appeared how, with the touch of His fingers, He formed my heartbeat, animated the breath, the motion, and kept the thoughts, the words and everything in Order; but with such Love and Tenderness as to be enrapturing.
And blessed Jesus, seeing me surprised, told me: “My little daughter, do not be surprised at My many attentions and Loving Tendernesses that I do inside and outside of you. You must know that in the soul in whom My Divine Will Reigns I serve Myself; therefore, for the decorum of My Divinity and Sanctity, I lend My own Acts, as if they were for My own Life; and so I place the Intensity of My Love, the Order of My Thoughts, the Sanctity of My Works. And in seeing the docility of the creature offering herself like a daughter to receive the Offices of her Father, His Loving Tendernesses, the Life of the Father in his daughter—O! how Happy and honored I feel to serve her. More so, since I serve Myself in My daughter, and when one serves oneself it is not servitude, but it is Honor, Glory; it is to know how to preserve oneself in the Dignity, in the Sanctity, in the order of one’s own state, without descending down below. Servitude begins when one serves other people; but to serve oneself is to maintain the height of one’s state. Besides, there where My Divine Will Reigns it is My Interest that everything the creature does be acts Worthy of It, and that they be a Birth from My own Acts. Otherwise, it would be unseemly to My Divine Will as well as to the human acts; therefore I offer Myself to do everything, so as to serve My own Will.”
In addition to this, while I continued my abandonment in the arms of Jesus, He added: “Blessed daughter, My Humanity so Loved the human family, that I carried it, and My Humanity still carries it, inside My Heart and clasped in My arms; and each Pain, Work, Prayer that I did were New Bonds of Union between Me and them. So, the whole of My Being and everything I did ran and ran like a mighty torrent toward each creature; and melting into Love It constituted Itself Bond of Union, of Love, of Sanctity, of Defense, that, forming arcane voices of penetrating, passionate, delirious Love, said to each one of them: ‘I Love you, My children—I Love you very much; and I want to be Loved.’
“My Humanity reordered and established the True Union between Creator and creature, and bound them all among themselves, like members United to the head; and I Myself constituted Myself Head of the whole human family. Therefore, virtue possesses, of its own, the binding force to bind oneself to God; not only this, but to bind oneself to the creatures, in such a way that for one who exercises patience, her patience is bound, then, to all those who have patience, and disposes others to have patience. In the same way, those who are obedient, humble, charitable, form the different categories in My Church. What to tell you, then, of the most extensive Bonds that one who does and Lives in My Divine Will forms! Since she is present both in Heaven and on earth, she establishes her Bonds everywhere; with her acts she binds Heaven and earth, and calls everyone to Live of Divine Will.”
[1] these acts