✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
My abandonment in the Divine Volition continues, although under the nightmare of the repeated privations of my Beloved Jesus, despite that the Light of the Eternal Fiat never leaves me, Its waves of Light invest me inside and out, and make themselves the heartbeat, breath, motion, nourishment of my little soul. Ah! if it were not for the Divine Will that as Life substitutes Itself for everything and even for my very Jesus, with one blow I would end life, and that same Light would carry me to Heaven. But, alas!
I said to myself: “How long my exile is. What is the good that I do? And although I might do something great, what is the good that I could do?”
But while I thought this, my dear Life, sweet Jesus, repeating His brief little visit, told me: “My daughter, Courage. My Will is consuming you in Its Light in order to form Its Divine Copy in you. And so much is Its Jealousy, that It doesn’t for an instant stop sending you Light, so as not to give you the time to do your will, but always Mine. And then, what Great thing is that Good? And yet, everything is in Operating Good. It is the Substance of Sanctity and the Sun that shines by means of Its Holy Words, Works, and steps in the midst of creatures, that while it gives Light to itself, and warms itself, it gives Light and warms whoever is around it.
“Good produces the Immortal Glory, on earth and in Heaven. Who can ever remove the glory of a good that one has done? No one; neither God, nor the creatures. Rather, in the good act, as naturally, the glory that that same act contains rises by itself from itself, so much so that many times creatures are forgotten, but the good done remains as life in their midst, and is not easily forgotten. Therefore, every good done sings the glory and becomes narrator of who has done it. So, if you want to do even one single Good act, by being alive, all Eternity would sing for you a Greater Glory.”
So, I continued my round in the Divine Volition, according to my usual way I animated all created things with my little “I love You,” and I wanted to leave it impressed in all things so that it would be voice and would ask for the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth.
And blessed Jesus, surprising me again, told me: “My little daughter of My Volition, you must know that so much is the Yearnings, the Delirium that I want to Love and be Loved by creatures, that hidden, without being noticed, I place in the depth of their souls a dose of My Love. According to their disposition, so I increase the dose, and feeling My Love in themselves, they tell Me from the heart: ‘I Love You. I Love You.’ In feeling Myself Loved, I Triumph in the Love of the creature.
“So, every ‘I Love You’ of hers, is a Triumph that I make; and although I placed My Love hidden in it, I pay no attention to the fact that it was a crafting of Mine in order to be Loved. Rather, I pay more attention to the fact that it has passed through her channel, that is, from her will, from her voice. And feeling Myself Wounded, I look at it as Love that comes to Me from the creature. So, every ‘I Love You’ of yours is an additional Triumph that you make for your Jesus, and since you seek to cover Heaven and earth, animate and inanimate things, with your ‘I Love You,’ I look at everything dusted by the beauty of the Love of the creature, and remaining enraptured, I say with all the emphasis of My Love: ‘Ah yes! how content I am, already I am Loved.’ And while I Triumph in her Love, she triumphs in My Love.”
Having said this, He was silent. And so much was the ardor of His Love, that almost fainting He sought rest in my arms. And afterwards, as refreshed, He repeated with stronger emphasis: “My dearest daughter, you must know that what I want and interests Me the most, is that I want to make known that I Love the creature. I want to say to the ear of every heart: ‘Child, I Love you.’ And I would be content if I heard Myself responded to with My same little refrain: ‘Jesus, I love You.’
“I feel the irrestible need to Love and be Loved. O! how many times I remain suffocated in My Love, because while I Love, not feeling that they love Me, My Love does not find its Outpouring, and I remain drowned in My own Love. Here is why I Love your ‘I love You’ so much. As you say it, it takes the form of a refreshing little flame, that coming into My Great Fire of Love brings Me refreshment. And spreading itself as beneficent dew on the flames that burn Me, quiets My Love, My Deliriums, My Loving Yearnings, because if I have been Loved, I can give Mine, and being able to give Mine, My Love pours out.
“My daughter, Heaven and earth are full and swollen with My Love, and there is no point where My Love does not feel the need of overflowing, in order to go down and run, and run in search of hearts in order to tell them Its little word: ‘Child, I Love you, I Love you so much; and you, tell me that you Love Me.’ And It is all ears to hear if the creature says that she Loves It. If this is affirmed, It feels Its Love reassured in her, and It takes Its sweet rest there. On the other hand, if It is not affirmed, It runs, It goes around Heaven and earth, nor does It stop if It does not find who tells It that she loves It.
“Now, every ‘I love You’ of the creature is an outlet to My Love that, entering into Mine, incorporates itself into My own Love, and has the virtue of rending it, while it remains completely what it is, and forming fissures, it forms the ways in order to pour out My Love; but this love is then pure, when it is animated by My Will. Do your see, therefore, what your long sing-song of your ‘I love You’ is? These are so many outpourings that you give to your Jesus, and they call Me to rest in your soul. Therefore, I want you always to say your ‘I love You’ to Me. I want to see it in all the things that I have done for you. I Love to always, always hear it, and when you do not say it to Me, Yearning I say: ‘Alas! not even the little daughter of My Will gives Me the continuous outlet in her little love.’ And I remain all afflicted, and I await your dear little refrain: ‘I love You. I love You.’
“Love Me, My daughter, Love Me. Have pity on My Wounded Heart that Yearns, Yearns, is Delirious, and, Agonizing, asks for your love. And Yearning, I embrace you, I clasp you strongly, strongly to My Heart in order to let you feel how I Burn with Love, so that feeling My Flames, you would be moved to pity for Me and Love Me. O please! make Me content, Love Me. When I am not Loved, I feel thwarted in My Love, and so I arrive at Deliriums. And when a compassionate heart is moved to have pity on Me and she Loves Me, I feel My misfortune changed into Happiness. And then, every ‘I love You’ of yours is nothing other than a little firewood that you cast into the Immense Ocean of My Love, that converting into a little flame, increases love a degree more for your Anguishing Jesus.”