✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was doing my usual going around for all Creation, in order to encounter the Divine Will Dominating in it, and to exchange Him with my love for His such great Love for me in Creating so many things for my Love, and it seemed to me that each created thing was waiting to receive the Seal of my ‘I love You.’ This was a right, a tribute, a little sign that they demanded from the earth for that Will that had given so much to all creatures, that formed their Actor and Conservator.
But while I did this, it seemed that my sweet Jesus, with His own Hands, took my ‘I love You’ and put it as Seal on those created things to which I had directed it, and setting them aside, He waited, that the work of my ‘I love You’ to all the other created things would follow. And I, marveling to myself in seeing the Interest of Jesus, His waiting, thought to myself: “But what great thing is my little ‘I love You,’ that it arrives at forming the occupation and Interest of Jesus?”
And He, lingering in order to speak to me, told me: “My blessed daughter, do you want to know what thing your ‘I love You’ is? It is as the punctuation to the handwriting. A handwriting without punctuation is seen as confusion, without exact ideas, without expressions, formed in a way that one who reads it does not find the true sense. It can have those ideas that she wants, beautiful or ugly, as she pleases, but lacking punctuation, one can call it a writing without true value, and with clear notes it speaks of the ignorance and the little value of who has written it.
“And yet, how great is a period, a comma, a question mark, and all the rest of punctuation? One can say it is nothing compared to the work of the extension of a handwriting. Such is your ‘I love You’; it is the punctuation of your life, of your words, works, steps, and even of your heart. The punctuation of your ‘I love You’ casts order in all your acts; it places exact ideas, it gives the most Beautiful expressions, and lets you know Him for whose Love the page and the handwriting of your life was formed.
“But this is still nothing. This period, this little comma of your ‘I love You’ rises on high and punctuates Our Divine Page, Our Celestial Handwriting of the whole of Creation. What is the whole of Creation if not Our Divine Page put forth by Us? And Our Celestial Handwriting is impressed on the whole Page of Creation, punctuated with such Order and Harmony, with the most exact Ideas, with the most Beautiful and moving Expressions, made with such Value of Artistry, that no other craftsman can imitate. Now, your ‘I love You’ Unites to the Divine Punctuation, and punctuating it, one knows the Value of Our Handwriting, she learns to read Our Page, she understands with exact Ideas how much We have done for her Love, and she receives the most Beautiful and moving Expressions of her Creator, and she gives Us the little tribute, she pays Us the little income that We, with Love of Justice, await from the creature.
“Not only this, since the ‘I love You’ has the virtue, naturally, of converting into Light, with all Love I take these periods and commas of your ‘I love You,’ and I put your little Light on Our Divine Punctuation, and looking at the whole Creation, I feel such Contractions of Love, because I see the punctuation of the Little Daughter of My Volition United to Our Celestial Punctuation.
“But tell Me, My daughter, why do you say ‘I love You,’ and want to invest all created things, My own Acts, with your ‘I love You’?”
And I: “Because I love You and I want to be Loved by You.”
And He: “Therefore, because you love Me and say ‘I love You’ to Me—and is this not the Greatest of My Contentments, My sighs, My anxieties, My deliriums, to be Loved by the creature?—now know that to every ‘I love You’ of yours, I whisper to the ear of your heart ‘I Love you,’ and I place My Celestial Punctuation on the page and handwriting of your life. Aren’t you content with this?”
And I: “My Love, it is not enough for me, no. I am not content with Your Punctuation alone, because being little and good at nothing, I do not know how to do anything else, but You know how to do everything. In order to make me content I want that You Yourself form my page and the handwriting of my life.”
And Jesus: “Yes, yes, I will content you. And I say to you that I am doing it. Now know that in order to have a written page, paper, ink, pen, all the materials are needed first in order to form a written page. If one of them is lacking, the writing cannot have life. Now the paper is My Divine Will that, as foundation of everything, must form the page of Life. See, I can say that My Will extended Itself as Foundation of the whole of Creation, more than paper, in order to receive Our Distinct Handwriting of Our Incessant Love in which We Re-Poured, more than indelible handwriting, Our Divine Qualities and Works, Our Handwriting being formed by Incessant Works and Love.
“Therefore, the soul must possess My Divine Will as Foundation of everything. But this is not enough, Incessant Love is also needed in order to form the ink to write on this paper of light. But paper and ink are not sufficient in order to form the handwriting, because the pen of holy works, the variety of sacrifices, the circumstances of life, are needed in order to form the pen and thus write with ordered handwriting the most Beautiful and moving Expressions that now make one cry, and now fill the heart with Joy, in such a way that one who will be able to read them, will feel Transformed and Re-Given the Life of Good that that page possesses.
“And I, Divine Craftsman and Writer, when I find paper, ink, and pen, as I formed and wrote the Page of Creation, so, to My Greatest Delight, I occupy Myself to form and write the Page of this creature, perhaps more Beautiful than the very Page of the Creation. Therefore, always have paper, ink, and pen ready, and I promise you to write the page of your life, in which you will see that I alone have been He who has formed and written it, and so you will remain content, and I content.”