✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was doing my round in Creation, in order to follow the Acts that the Divine Will had done in It, and it seemed to me that each created thing gave me entrance in order to receive my act and put it in cortege and in exchange for the Divine Will that they possessed as Actor and Conservator of created things.
Now, while I did this, the Celestial little Baby made me His brief little visit, and He told me: “My daughter, one who does the Divine Will, in doing her acts pours herself again into It, there is no particle of her being that does not take a place in the Supreme Being. And then, all that God has Created, all that He has done and will do, being all enclosed in My Volition, as one single Act Re-Pours Itself completely over the act of the creature in a way that her act remains Filled, embellished, and surrounded by all that My Will has done and will do, so much so that one sees all the Divine Acts impressed, fused, and surrounded in the act of the creature.
“When My Will works, as much in Our Divinity as in the human act, It does not know how, nor want, to detach one of Its Acts from another act, but to Unite them all together and form the New Act that It wants to do. One can say that We Re-Pour over the creature all Our Divine Being with all Our Acts. We hide ourselves in her, We wall Ourselves in, while We leave Ourselves in Our Immensity and Interminable Power that We are. Therefore, Our Happiness remains redoubled on the part of the creature, because she has given Us the occasion of Bilocating Our Life together with Our Acts. And We receive the Glory, the Honor, the Love of Our own Life and of all Our Acts, on the part of one who lets herself be possessed by Our Will.
“It happens to Us as to the sun, that when, from the heights of its sphere, it seems that it gives only light, but that is not true. Together with its light it gives all that it possesses, and this is so true that one sees the earth flowering with so many varieties of colors, varieties of sweetness, of flavors. Who has given so much beauty, so many substances, so many colors? The light only? Ah no! It is because the light has given the substances, the properties that the light possesses. One can say that the earth is rich, embellished by the properties that the sun possesses. But while the sun gives, it loses nothing of what it possesses. O! if the sun had reason, how happier, more glorified, it would feel for the great good that it does to the earth. For Us, reproducing Our Life, Our Acts in Our beloved creature, is Happiness, and We feel Ourselves as grateful to her, because she has given Us the field of making use of Our Communicative Power, to reproduce Ourselves in her.”
So I, in hearing this, thought to myself: “And if there were sin, passions, how can the creature receive this great Good?”
And Jesus added: “Blessed daughter, when the soul gives herself to the Mercy of My Will, It has the virtue of making the life of evil vanish. There is no sin or passion that does not feel itself given death, more then by a deadly sword. On the contrary, they die by themselves; as My Will Reigns in the soul, so they feel themselves lose life. For evil it is like frost to the plants, it parches them, withers them, and makes them die. It is like light to darkness, that, as the light appears, the darkness disappears and dies, rather, one does not even know where it has gone. My Will is like heat to cold, the cold dies under the virtue of the heat.
“If the frost, light, and heat, have the virtue of making plants, darkness, and cold die, even more My Divine Will has the virtue of making evils die completely. What’s more, if the soul does not let herself be always Dominated by My Will, then because It does not always Reign, It can not communicate all the Goods, nor convert the whole ensemble of the creature, into Divine Life. And where the Divine Life is lacking, evil arises, and it can happen as to the plants when the strength of the frost withdraws. The plants, although with difficulty, begin to become green again. If the light withdraws, the darkness arises again. If the heat withdraws, the cold acquires its life again. Here is the reason for the great necessity of doing My Will always, always, and of Living in It, if you want to banish all evils and uproot even the roots of passions.
“More so, since My Divine Volition wants to always give to the creature, yet in order to give, It is on the lookout to see how much she works in Its Will, because every act that she does in It acquires a Divine Right. So, however many acts she does, so many Rights she acquires in the Sea of My Fiat, and It acquires as many Rights over the creature. These Rights of both parties render them owners, God and the poor creature. And My Will Bilocated and enclosed in the soul, for as much as she is capable of enclosing—since It wants to always give—brings her to navigate in the Immense Sea of Its Volition in the depth of the soul. One can say that It makes of her Its little ship, in order to go on vacation in Its Immense Sea of Its Volition, and according to how she disposes herself and works, so she encloses new doses of Divine Will. Therefore I want you always in It, so you will give Me the Right of always being able to give to you, and you of always receiving.”