✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I am always at the same point in which I started in going around in the Acts of the Divine Will, and while it seems to me that I have gone around in Its Works, and understood all the Beauty, the Sanctity, the Infinite Goods that they contain, in going around again I feel myself an illiterate, tiny little ignorant one, and I see that there is still much to understand and to take and to learn about the Works of the Supreme Will.
But while my little intelligence remained as enraptured in looking at the Magnificence of Its Works, my Celestial King Jesus, visiting my poor little soul, told me: “My blessed daughter, all of My Works contain Value and Infinite Goods, therefore while it seems to you that you have understood everything, returning again into the midst of Our Works, you find that much more remains for you to understand, and this happens because the Infinite can not be contained in the finite, at the most it can be filled, but enclosing all the Infinite will be impossible. And since your intelligence is finite, it exhausts itself before the Infinite; it fills itself and it seems that it has understood everything, but this is not true. It is rather that being filled, it doesn’t have any place to put other Divine Knowledges; but then, chewing them and thinking about them again forms the new little place in her intelligence, and finding herself again in the midst of Our Works, she finds New things to take and to learn. This is why you always feel illiterate every time you find yourself before the Magnificence of Our Divine Works.
“You must know that as in the Works of Creation, so for those of Redemption. We placed in each one of them the Fullness of Happiness, of Light, of Grace, of Goodness, and so forth, of all the Divine Qualities. And all these Prerogatives are in the act of pouring themselves over the creature to make her Happy. The Happiness of Our Works, as Celestial Air, brings the Fragrance, the Divine Embalming to anyone who comes near in order to understand them, and overflowing from them, they communicate the Infinite Goods that they possess.
“By means of Our Works, We place the creature under the rain of Our Happiness in order to make her Happy, but since they do not draw near to understand them, they are unhappy and feel the poisonous air of their human will. No one works with the purpose of making himself unhappy, or of being bearers of unhappiness, and of not taking the profit, the good of his work; even more the Supreme Being, who has done everything in order to form the staircase of Happiness for the creature. Now, it is Our Unique Contentment to see the creature in the midst of Our Works in order to Unite with them, enjoy them, and understand them; and she forms the norm, how one must Operate in Its Works. And since Our Will does not know how to do dissimilar works, It repeats in the creature the facsimile of Our Works.”
After this, I continued to feel completely immersed in the Divine Will, and my always lovable Jesus added: “My daughter, do not marvel, everything is possible in My Will. With It the creature holds everything in her power, and can do everything. Rather, she feels Its Empire over her being, and not one act escapes from her, if not invested by a Divine Act, Power, and Strength. What is human dies in Our Will, but a Happy and Glorious death; it dies to Rise Again with the Life of the Acts of a Divine Power and a Will that is not hers. And so much is the Empire that she feels over herself, that if it were given to her to do other things of her own volition, even holy and good, she would never do them. She would content herself with being even centuries doing nothing, rather than do one act alone, since she would not feel over her act the Empire of the Operating Act of My Will, because in It the creature clearly understands what one single Act of My Will operating in her act means—that compared to thousands of her acts, without the Divine Act, they would be as nothing.
“You must know that as the creature enters into Our Volition, Our Goodness is so much, and We enjoy so much keeping her with Us, that We surrender to her Our Works, Our steps, Our Love, for as much as is possible for a creature. So, every time she does an act in the Divine Will, so she acquires now a step of Ours, now a Work, now she takes Our Love, Our Goodness into her power, and completely Happy she tells Us: ‘In Your Volition I have Your Love in my power, therefore I can love You a great deal. My love is not dissimilar from Yours, therefore I can Love You as much as You Love Yourself. I have Your Works in my power to Glorify You, and Your steps in mine in order to tread the same way that You tread in seeking all creatures, in order to conduct them all before Your Adorable Majesty.’
“And since Our Supreme Being, with Its Immensity, finds Itself in everything, therefore It is the Life of every work and step of every foot and heartbeat of every heart. The creature who Lives in Our Will, having surrendered hers to Ours, We feel walking together with Us in the steps of all, in the works of each one, and she Loves Us in the heartbeat of every heart. And when she sees that creatures offend us, ah! as Our Loyal Follower she would want to hide Us in her littleness, and give her life for Ours, for Our Defense. O! how not to Love this creature? In Our Will there are Unheard-of Prodigies, and since It is not known, what is not the wonder that they do not believe what I tell you. But you, do not stop, follow Its Light and let yourself be Its Happy Prey.”