✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
The Divine Volition always goes weaving Its Divine Life in my soul; with Its sweet Enchantment It makes it grow, molds it, nourishes it, and with Its wings of Light cover it and hide it so that not one breath of wind can harm it, or could impede the growth of Its Life in my soul. O! if were not for the Divine Will, that more then a tender and loving Mother holds me in Its arms, covered with Its Light in the circumstances of my life, alas! too sorrowful, I do not know what I would do. But Its Light calms me, strengthens me, and draws me on. O! adorable Will, how much I must thank You for such a Good, and I offer You the Infinity of Your own Volition to in order to thank You as You deserve.
So, while my mind felt itself under Its Light, my beloved Jesus, repeating His brief little Visit to my soul, told me: “My blessed daughter, how beautiful it is to see the creature growing under the wings of Light of My Will. Enveloped in this Light, she neither sees, nor hears, nor touches, anything but her Mother’s Light that keeps her wrapped up. And if creatures wound her, beat her, embitter her, she feels more squeezed and clasped to Its arms of Light, and responds with a smile of Light to whoever wants to embitter and wound her, and joking with them she confounds their human perfidy. O! Power of My Operating Will, It slips away from all, Triumphs over all, and with Its Light forms Its Throne of Immortal Glory in the soul who gives It the Freedom to Operate.
“You must know that Its Power is so Great, that It forms of all centuries one alone, and Its Empire extends everywhere, and of all acts It forms one single Act. The centuries disappear before Its Power, and all the good acts of creatures are nothing other than so many atoms that, United together, form one single Act in which they recognize Its Power, and prostrate at Its feet they form the Glory and the Adoration of the human generations to this Supreme Will.
“A symbol of this is the sun, that is nothing other than so many atoms of light that united together form the sun that gives light all over the earth. But those atoms are armed with a Divine Power, and each one contains a marvelous Power, so much so that only by touching the earth, the plants communicate such marvelous goods and effects so as to form a distinct life in each plant and flower. The same for the acts of creatures, although they are atoms, they contain the Marvelous Power of My Will, therefore they are pregnant with Admirable Effects. You must know that when the creature disposes herself to do an act in My Will, It arms Its Power and simplifies, forms the void, and forms Divine Nature in the human will. And as Victorious It forms Its way in the will of the creature, and It walks, It always walks, and then It stops and Its step is impeded, when the human will places the bars by not doing Mine, but her own will.
“What a crime to impede the walk, the step of My Volition in the will of the creature, since I Created creatures in order to form for Myself many ways in the human wills, to be able to have My continuous walk, and therefore My Operative Act in them. And the one who impedes My walk would want to impede Me in the continuation of My Creation, to block My steps and tie My Hands so that I would not be able to Operate. Alas! not doing My Will seems to be nothing, and yet it is the greatest of crimes that before the Divine Majesty cries out vengeance toward poor creatures, especially when it is known that My Will does a Work, that It wants a sacrifice, and not doing it is as if one wanted to contest the Truth. And this is a sin against the Holy Spirit, and cries out for vengeance before God. To know My Will and not do It is to close Heaven, to break the Divine Relations, and to not know the Divine Command that every creature is obligated to know and to submit to what My Volition wants, even though it might cost them their life. Therefore be attentive, adore My Will and what It has disposed for you if you want to content your Jesus.