✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
The Sea of the Divine Volition continues to murmur in my soul. O! how sweet, penetrating, and overwhelming is Its Murmur; it overwhelms me so much that I murmur together with It as if this Divine Sea were mine. And fused together, I don’t know how to do anything other than what the Supreme Will Itself does.
But while I murmured Love, Adoration, Joy, Happiness, Beauty, that entered into me as so many veins, my sweet Jesus, visiting His little daughter, told me: “My blessed daughter, your littleness in the Interminable Sea of Our Volition is Our Greatest Joy. You must know that one who Lives in It emits Concurrent, Assisting and Receiving acts. In the first place she Concurs with the same acts of her Creator, the Will of one being the will of the other. There is nothing this Divine Will does in which It does not place the creature together to Concur in Its Work. And this is why My Volition is no longer alone, It feels the Inseparability of one who Lives in It. In her acts It feels a finite will in the Infinite, that loves together and Concurs in the Multiplicity and Incessant Operation of Our Works.
“So, one who Lives in Our Will breaks Our solitude, and as natural We feel her current in Our Divine Sea; and with a continuous repouring of her littleness into Us, she acquires the Rights of Our Volition to do what It does. Ah! you do not understand what is Our Contentment, Our Joy, in feeling the creature concurrent together in order to do nothing else but what We do. From the Concurrent Act arises the Assisting Act; it concurs and assists. There is nothing that We do that she does not know and assist in. How can We hide Ourselves from one who already is with Us, concurring and having her place in Our Volition?
“But will she only concur and assist? Ah! no, another Act arises, and it is that of Receiving as hers and as Ours, the Infinity of Our Love and of Our Works, so much so that her littleness has no place to put a Love and Work so Great, and therefore she leaves it in Our Volition with all the deposit of the Goods that she has Received; and she does this by Right, because she has of Its Own. You must know that everything that is done in Our Will is so Great, that the creature is incapable of being able to possess it and to restrict it in herself. Therefore she feels the need to make use of the same Will in which she has worked in order to keep the deposit. Even more, because everything that the creature has done in Our Volition, even the little ‘I love You,’ the little offerings of her actions, her littleness at the mercy of Our Will, are nothing other than Posts that she takes in Our Will. And however many more Posts she takes, so many more Rights she acquires, and she feels in herself the Divine Strength that continuously Enraptures her, gives her the flight in order to let her life be formed completely in the Divine Will, and since this way of Living must be for all creatures, this was the Purpose of Our Creation. But to Our greatest bitterness We see that almost all live in the depths of their human wills.
“Now, one who Lives in the Height of Our Volition, sees the great evil of the one who lives in the depths, and having at her disposition Our Receiving Act, that is to say the Infinity of Our Love and the Multiplicity of Our Works, she puts them at Our disposition and that of the creatures so that We are reciprocated with the love of everyone, and they receive Graces, Light, and Love, for how much it is within the competence of their littleness. So between Heaven and earth We hold the Intermediary near Us and near creatures, who with the Power of Our Divine Fiat wants to bind Heaven and earth—and how not to content one who Lives in Our Will? It would be as if We wanted to displease Ourselves.”
So I continued my abandonment in the Supreme Volition, and O! how happy I felt in thinking that in the Fiat I concurred in everything that the Supreme Being did. My will fused in Theirs was the Great Secret, and Portentous Prodigy, that my littleness was taken as in the snare of doing and Concurring in all that the Divine Majesty does. Nor could I set myself aside, nor could They undo Themselves from me, because it was Their own Will that had taken me into Their Midst, that was so Immense, that I didn’t find the way in order to go out. And anywhere I might be able to go, I found the Operating Divine Will, that enclosed me in Its own Work to Concur, nor was I an intruder. It Itself had extended Its arms to me in order to hold me as Its Conquest, even more because on both sides there was Greatest Happiness—I to remain, and the Divine Volition to holding my littleness bound to Itself.
Therefore, I do not know how to clearly say how I wandered in this Interminable Light, and while I was completely surprised, my dear Life, my Sovereign Jesus, added: “My little daughter of My Volition, Living in My Will is a continuous Call that We make to the creature in Our Divine Qualities. Our Being is always Operating, and Our Attributes are always in motion, but since Our Volition is what forms the Work and the Motion inside of Our Being, one who Lives in It feels that Our Volition calls her now into Our Power, now into Our Wisdom, now into Our Love, now into the Mercy, now into the Justice, Goodness and Divine Beauty. In sum, all Our Attributes, with powerful Voices, call the creature to be inside of them, so that she forms and grows according to their Qualities.
“They would feel dishonored, if they could not give to one who Lives with that same Volition of which they are animated. She would not conform to them, nor would she enjoy their Prerogatives. That they tolerate littleness, this doesn’t bother them, because one knows that the finite can never reach the Infinite, but that the littleness, indeed the littleness, gives them more honor because all the beauty and good that they see in her is all their work. However, that she is dissimilar from them, this—never. Here is the reason for the whispering and continuous shouting that one who Lives in Our Will hears. They are the continuous Calls that Our Supreme Being, by means of Its Qualities, makes to Its beloved creature. Before the creature did not want, or know how, to be, and this can not be, because Our Will being One, It has such virtue of Union, and of Inseparability, that everything that freely enters into It, loses the virtue of separating, and Our Highest Goodness feels the need of Love to keep with Itself what is Its Own, and forms a particle of Its own Will. This is why Our Divine Qualities demand she who is animated by their same Will in their Motion and Works, in order to Live together. They would feel a rip and a broken will if they did not have her with them. Was it not a rip that the first man made from within Our Will by withdrawing himself from It? And this rip was so grave, that it overturned the whole Order of Creation for him, and he arrived at rejecting his Creator with all the tide of His Divine Graces.
“Therefore, one who Lives in Our Volition is the Repairer of this rip so sorrowful that costs Us so much. And Our Divine Being arms all Our Attributes around Us and around her, so that the same trick is not repeated, and Living together with Us, we are Happy—she and Us. And if you wanted to doubt what I say, it is a sign that you have not understood well how much I Love the creature; and in order to have her with Me and completely Mine, My Love makes Me arrive at Excesses, Delirium, and Follies. After all, I have all the Rights to Love her because she is Mine and made by Me. And if you are Mine, I am yours, and therefore, you also have the Rights to Love Me. And if you might not love Me, you would lack a Most Sacred Duty toward Who has given you being and Loves you so much. Therefore, let Us Love each other always and a great deal, and Love will not remain quiet, but will make New Discoveries of Love arise.”