✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I felt my poor and little intelligence as crowded by so many thoughts that regarded the Divine Will, and I thought to myself: “And why does Jesus have so much interest He insists, He yearns, He prays and wants that one pray that His Divine Will come to Reign? It is true that for the creature it will be the greatest acquisition, to have in one’s power an Immense Volition, a Power that is never exhausted, a Love that always burns, a Light that never extinguishes, a Sanctity that gives of the incredible and always grows. One can say nothing else remains for her to desire, or to possess, because she possesses everything. But for God, what can be His gain, His Glory, His Honor?”
So while I thought this and other things, my Sovereign Jesus, visiting my little soul, all Goodness told me: “My daughter, dearest daughter of My Will, the reason, the cause, the purpose why I yearn so much that My Divine Will take Its place, Its Dominion, and act as Sovereign in the creature, is that Our Supreme Being goes in search of finding Itself in the human littleness. Think well what it means: a God who goes in search of Himself. But where? Perhaps in the extension of the Heavens? No. In the expansiveness of light that occupies the whole earth? No. Perhaps in the multiplicity of the waters of the sea? No. But in the little human heart. We want to hide Our Immensity, Our Power, Our Wisdom, and all Our Divine Being in the creature. Hiding Ourselves in the great things is not so great, but in the little things We display even more in Love, Power, etc. And since We can do all, and do all, it delights Us even more, and We take more enjoyment in hiding Ourselves in the human littleness, rather than in the great things.
“And if We do not find Our Will in her, We are not able to search for Ourselves, nor find Ourselves, in her. We would lack the place for where to put all Our Divine Attributes, they would feel powerless to hide Our Divine Life where there is not Our Will. See, then, the reason why We want, We yearn, and why the creature yearns and prays, that she Lives of Divine Volition; it is because We go in search of Ourselves in her, and We want to find Ourselves as in Our own Center. And does it seem little to you the Great Gain that We make, the Glory, the Honor that We receive, that the little human heart hides Our Will and Our very Life in order to give Us Double Love, Double Power, Wisdom, Goodness, in order to place itself in competition with Ourselves? If you do not comprehend this, it means that you are still blind to the Interminable Ways of My Divine Will.
“Now if We, by wanting that Our Fiat Reign in creatures, seek and find Ourselves in her, the creature, by wanting It, seeks herself in God, and she finds herself in Him. See, therefore, what exchange, what labor on both parts, what stratagems and Loving Genius—God who continuously seeks Himself in the creature. But where does He find Himself? In the center of her, such that He seeks and re-seeks Himself, He calls and re-calls, where His same Love calls Him, where His same Life resides. The creature imitates her God, she goes around, and goes around again, she seeks and she re-seeks, she calls and re-calls, but where does she find herself? In the Divine Center. This says Exchange of Life between the one and the other, the same Will that Dominates the creature and God, the same Love with which they are animated. So there is nothing to marvel at, what one does, the other does. And only Our Will knows how to do these Prodigies. Without It everything is sterile, everything is blocked on the part of God and on the part of creatures; We feel that We are Prisoners of Ourselves, and she feels herself imprisoned by her human will, without escape and all blocked in herself, and without Divine Life. So with all this, is it not therefore Just that We want nothing other than that Our Will Dominate and Reign?”