✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
My flight in the Divine Volition continues, I feel that if it could not continue, the Life to Live, the nourishment to satisfy my hunger, the Light in order to see, the feet in order to walk, would be lacking to me. Alas! I would remain immobilized, wrapped in a profound night. I would lose my way, and would remain halfway on the way. My God, my Jesus, Holy Mama, free me, and when You see me in danger of stopping, come to my help, give me a hand so that I do not stop, or else bring me to Heaven, where there are no dangers of these stops, and I can boast by saying: “I have never stopped, and therefore I have never lacked either food, or Light, or He who, while He conducted me, with His sweet speech He instructed me and enraptured me.”
But while my mind was all plunged in the Divine Will, my Wise Teacher Jesus, surprising me with His brief little visit, told me: “My blessed daughter, one who Lives in My Divine Will feels the need of never interrupting her walk, nor is there danger of her stopping, neither on earth, nor in Heaven, because being Eternal, Its ways and Its steps are Interminable, and one who Lives in It receives as nature the Good of being able to always walk. Stopping oneself in My Will would be to make Our Divine Life lack an Act of Life that It forms in her soul, because you must know that one who Lives in My Divine Will arrives at so much, and can do so much, even to repeating Our Divine Life. Our Fiat gives everything necessary to the creature who Lives in It, who, with her acts, makes herself Repeater of the same Life of God. And if you knew what it means to repeat Our Life, the Glory, the Honor, the Love that she gives Us, the Good that she makes descend on all generations—what she does is Incalculable, and only Our Will has this Power of making this Prodigy so Great, that to no one is it given to make themselves Repeater of Our same Divine Life in the creature.”
So I, in hearing this, said: “My Love, what are You saying? How can one ever reach to so much? It seems to me that it gives of the incredible.”
And Jesus, interrupting my say, added: “My daughter, do not marvel, everything is possible for My Will, even Repeating Our Life. You must know that Our Supreme Being has, in virtue of Its Nature, the ability to repeat however many times It wants, as indeed We repeat Our Divine Life all entire for each individual, for every created thing, everywhere, in every place, and all over. Our Immensity brings Us, Our Power forms Us, and Our One Life that We possess repeats, Bilocates, multiplies so many Divine Lives of Ours, such that only one who does not want them does not take them. Otherwise, when one says: ‘Where is God?’—‘In Heaven, on earth and all over.’ it would reduce into words, but not with deeds.
“Now one who Lives in Our Will, with her acts makes herself Cooperator of Our Life that continually repeats Itself for Love of the creatures, and therefore We feel Ourselves repeated by her littleness. And O! the Contentment, the Happiness that We feel. And since Our Love finds its outlet, its Exchange, in feeling its own Life repeated by Its beloved creature, then in the emphasis of the Love and of the Indescribable Joy that We feel, We say: ‘We have given her everything, and she has given Us everything. Nor could she give Us more, because We feel that she brings Us Our Immensity everywhere, she appears from all sides, there is no point where she does not make herself felt, and O! how sweet and welcome it is to hear everywhere in Our Life that she possesses: ‘I Love You, I adore You, I thank You, I bless You.’ In fact, the task We entrust to one who Lives in Our Volition, is to repeat Our same Divine Life. Therefore be attentive and let your walk be continuous.”
After this, I continued to think about the Divine Will, and my always Lovable Jesus added: “My daughter, if you knew the sweet and welcome surprises that the creature makes Us in Our Will. She is tiny, and finding herself in Our Fiat she finds herself surrounded by an Immensity that has no end, by a Power that has no limits, by a Love that not only envelopes her completely, but she feels that she herself is nothing other than Love. Our Beauty Invests her and she remains enraptured. In fact, the tiny one moves her little foot and she looks at the Immensity that surrounds her, and while she moves her step, she wants to take who knows how much of Our Immensity, except she can not reach it, such that she takes but a few drops of Our Power, Our Love and Beauty. But although drops, yet they are enough to fill her so much, even to overflowing outside, even to forming around her little rivers of Our Love, of Our Power, and of Our Beauty, and the tiny one becomes entangled, tired, because she wants to take more of It, but she can not because she lacks the space for where to be able to enclose what she wants to take. And Our Supreme Being lets her do it; rather, We enjoy her efforts and her entanglements. We delight Ourselves, We smile at her, and the tiny one looks at Us to ask for help from Us because she feels the need to extend herself more in Our Immensity, Power, and Love. But do you know why? She wants to give Us more; she wants the contentment that she wants to tell Us: ‘My efforts, my entanglements are because I want to tell You that I Love You even more. O! if I could possess all Your Love, how content I would be in order to be able to tell you “I Love You as much as You Loved me.”’
“This tiny one with her efforts, with her entanglements, with her say, wounds Us, enraptures Us, and enchains Us. And then do you know what We do? We take the tiny one and We adapt Ourselves to her. With a Prodigy of Our Omnipotence We make Our Immensity, Our Power, Sanctity, Love, Beauty, and Goodness flow in a way that Our Divine Being remains inside and outside of her, inseparable from her, and she sees that everything is hers. And the tiny one in her emphasis of Love tells Us: ‘How Content and Happy I am, I can tell You that Your Immensity is Yours and mine, and I Love You with Immense Love, with Powerful Love. My Love does not lack anything, neither Your Sanctity, nor Your Goodness, nor Your Beauty that Enraptures, Conquers and obtains all.’ Not to content the human littleness in Our Will is impossible for Us. And since because of her littleness she cannot adapt herself to Us, God adapts Himself to her, and it is easy for Us because there are no elements extraneous to Us, but everything is Ours. At the most she will be little, but this says nothing; more will be Our Care of making her as Beautiful as We can.
“On the other hand, one who does not Live in Our Divine Will, in the human littleness there are so many elements extraneous from Us: will, desires, affections, thoughts, that are not Ours, and one can say that she must adapt herself to Us by removing what is not Ours, otherwise she will not be able to comprehend Our Will, much less be able to ascend and enter into Its Celestial Spheres, and therefore she will remain empty of God, full of miseries in the constraints of the human life. How many lives will find themselves without the growth of Divine Life because they have not done My Will, nor are they occupied with comprehending what it means to Live of It and the Great Good that they can receive. Therefore they will be as so many rather ignorant ones, and illiterate of their Creator.”