✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
My poor mind many times struggles between the Infinite Beauty, Power, Value and Innumerable Prerogatives of the Eternal Volition, and the precipices, ugliness and evils of the human volition. My God, what contrast, that if all would be able to see it, they would give their lives rather than do their own will.
And while I felt all trembling for the grave evils in which my will could make me fall, my beloved Jesus, surprising me, told me: “My blessed daughter, Courage, it is necessary that you know where one can reach by holding My Divine Will as Life, and into what abyss one falls who lets himself be dominated by his own volition. Rather, every evil that I make known to you about it, is a door that I make you close to the human will, and a guard that I give you, so that if you would want to enter again and descend into the precipice of the human volition, the guard repels you and keeps the door closed to you.
“And every time I arrive at making you know other evils of the human volition, they are nothing other than defense and guards that I add, so that they would not let you descend into the depth of its abyss. Therefore you must know that every evil of the human will is nothing other than so many distinct doors that she possesses in order to descend into the kingdom of evils, of vices, of bloodcurdling terrors of the living hell, even to rendering herself nauseating, unbearable to God and to herself. And I, by making its evils known, I do nothing other than wall up the doors and place My Seal and say: ‘This door can not open anymore.’
“Now, as the human will has its doors, its stairs, in order to descend into the abyss of evils, not in order to ascend, so My Divine Will has Its doors, Its stairs, in order to Ascend to Its Heavens, to Its Immense Goods, and It forms the Living Paradise of the one who possesses It. And every Knowledge that regards It is one door that is opened, it is a stair that is formed, it is a way that opens before you that you must cross in order to possess with deeds what you have known. See, therefore, the Great Good of the so many Knowledges that I have manifested to you. They are so many Doors that make the entrance into Its Kingdom easy for you. And at every door I have placed an Angel as Guardian so that he would give you a hand and conduct you safely into the Regions of the Divine Will.
“Every Knowledge is an Invitation and a Divine Strength that It cedes to you, and makes you feel the extreme need, the absolute necessity, of Living of Divine Will. As It makes Itself known, so It extends Its arms to you in order to take you and conduct you in Its arms into that same Knowledge that It has Manifested to you. It adapts it to your capacity, It molds your soul so that it enters into you as Vital Humor, as Blood, as Air, and it produces in you the Life, the Goods that Its Knowledge possesses. And acting as conductor, more than mother It remains on guard in order to see when Its daughter has absorbed the last drop of the Good that It has made known to her, in order to again open Its Bosom to her. And pouring Itself into Its daughter, and making her know other Values, other Effects, that the Life of My Volition contains, then It repeats Its Labor, because It wants to see in her the Value of Its Life, the Effects, the Substance of Its Goods.
“Now, the Knowledges about My Divine Will instruct the human volition, and she acquires Science and Reason, that it is not only Justice to let It Reign and Dominate as Primary Life in her soul, but it is the Greatest Good, Honor and Great Glory that she can receive, that this Holy Volition, by Dominating, arrives at giving her the state of Divine Royalty. Because she feels herself daughter of the Great King, the Royalty is also therefore her property. When the creature has arrived at comprehending all this by way of Knowledges and Lessons that My Divine Volition has made to her, everything is done. My Will has Conquered the human volition, and the human volition has Conquered the Divine Will. The Knowledges about It are so very necessary, because they serve to dry up the bad humors and substitute them with the Holy humors. They are as sun that darts the human volition, and they communicate Its Life, Its Sanctity, and the ardent desire to possess the Good that one knows. Therefore, be attentive to listen to Its Lessons and correspond to such a Good.”