✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was doing my round in the Creation, and it seemed to me that all created things want the great honor of being offered as homage and glory to their Creator, and I passed from one thing to another. And I felt myself so rich, because I had so many things to give to He who Loves me so much, and that while He had done everything for me, I could give everything to God, in order to be able to say to Him: “I love You by means of Your Works, that are pregnant with Your Love, and they teach me to Love You.”
But while I did this, my highest Good Jesus, surprising me, all Goodness told me: “How Beautiful it is to find Our daughter in the midst of Our Works. We feel that she wants to compete with Us. We, in order to Love her, have Created everything for her, and We have given her everything so that she could possess them, she could enjoy them, and they would be the narrators of Our Power and the bearers of Our Love. And therefore in every created thing, she feels Our Love that embraces her, that kisses her, and that molding her tells her strongly and tenderly ‘I Love you.’ She feels Our Embraces of Love that We make her from Our Divine Bosom, and in the midst of so much Love, she loses herself and is confounded. And in order to compete with Us, she takes Our same way that We took in Creating so many things in order to descend to her, and placing herself on the way in each created thing, she feels what We did for her and how We Love her. And she repeats to Us what We did for her, she repeats to Us Our Loving embraces, Our ardent kisses, Our Outpourings of Love, and O! Our Contentment in seeing that the creature rises to Us and brings Us what with so much Love We gave her and We give her. Our Will acts as Guide and brings her even to Us in order to make the Exchange of what We have given her, such that one who Lives in Our Will is the Collector of all Our Works, and she brings them to Us, into Our Womb, in order to tell Us: ‘I Love You with Your own Love, I Glorify You by means of Your Power. You have given me everything, and I give You everything.’”
So I continued my round in the Divine Will, and arriving in Eden I thought to myself: “O! how I would want the Love, the Adoration, of innocent Adam in order to be able to also Love my God with the same Love with which the first creature Created by Him Loved Him.”
And my sweet Jesus, surprising me, told me: “My blessed daughter, for one who Lives in My Divine Will, she finds in It what she wants because of everything that she does in It, nothing escapes outside, but everything remains inside together with It, inseparable from It, rather they form Its same Life. Therefore, of everything that Adam did in My Divine Will, he could not bring anything with himself, at the most only the happy memory of how he had Loved, of the Seas of Love that inundated him, of the Pure Joys that he had enjoyed, and of what he had done in Our Fiat, memory that served to embitter him even more.
“One Act done in Our Will, one Love, one Adoration formed in It, is so Great that the creature does not have the capacity or the place in which to put it. Therefore only in My Will can these Acts be done and possessed. So one who enters into It finds in act everything that innocent Adam did in It: his Love, his tendernesses of son toward his Celestial Father, the Divine Paternity that overshadowed His son from all sides in order to Love him—she makes everything hers, and she Loves, adores, and repeats what innocent Adam did. My Divine Will does not change or alter. What It was, so It is and will be. Provided the creature enters into It and Lives together with It, It places no limits, nor sets restrictions, rather It says: ‘Take what you want; Love Me as you want.’
“In My Fiat what is Mine is yours, only outside of It do divisions, separations, distances start, and the beginning of life ‘yours’ and ‘Mine.’ Rather, you must know that everything that the creature should do in Our Will, is First done in God. And she, in the act of doing them, receives the Transmission of the Love and of the Divine Acts into her, and continues to do what was done in Our Supreme Being. How Beautiful are these Lives that receive the Transmission of what was First done in Us. They are Our Most Beautiful Works. The magnificent things of Creation, the sky, the sun, remain behind them. They surpass everything; they are Absolute Sanctities determined by Us, that can not escape Us. We give them so much of Ours, that We drown them with Our Goods in a way that she does not find the void to think if she must correspond or not, because the Current of Divine Light and Love keeps her besieged and as Fused in her Creator. And We give her such Knowledge about things, that serves her free will so that nothing she does is forced, but of spontaneous and resolute will. Therefore these Celestial creatures are Our Occupation, Our continuous Labor; we keep each other always occupied, since Our Will does not know how to be idle, because It is Life, Labor, and Perennial Motion. Therefore one who Lives in It always has something to do, and she always gives her Creator something to do.”