✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I am under the Eternal Waves of the Divine Volition, and it seems to me that It wants me to pay attention to these Waves, recognize them, receive them in me, and love them, in order to say to me: “I am the Eternal Volition, I remain over you, I surround you everywhere, I invest your motion, your breath, your heartbeat, in order to make them Mine, and in order to make the way for Me, and so be able to extend My Life in you. I am the Immense One who wants to restrict Myself in the human littleness. I am the Powerful One who delights in forming My Life in the created weakness. I am the Holy One who wants to Sanctify everything. Pay attention to Me and you will see what I know how to do, and what I will do in your soul.”
But while my mind was all occupied by the Divine Volition, my always Lovable Jesus, repeating His brief little visit, told me: “My blessed daughter, My Will is the Engine that, with iron constancy, assails the creature from all sides, inside and outside, in order to have her for Itself, and to form the Great Prodigy of forming Its Divine Life in the creature. It can be said that It had Created her in order to form and repeat Its Life in her, and at whatever cost It wants to have Its Intent. And It goes around her in all things, and It seems that It says to her: ‘Look at Me; it is I; know Me. I come in order to form My Life in you.’ And acting as Assailant, It assails her inside and out, in a way that one who pays attention feels My Divine Will regurgitate inside and outside of herself, that forms the Prodigy of Its Divine Life in which it is not given to them to resist Its Power.
“And do you know what My Divine Will does? It gives Life, It Re-Calls everything to Life, It makes Rise in this Life everything that It has done for the Good of all creatures, It rouses the sweet memory of Its Works, as present and in act, as if It were repeating them. Nothing escapes from this Life, she feels the Fullness of everything, and O! how the creature feels Happy, Rich, Powerful, Holy. She feels the trousseau of all the good acts of the others, and she loves for everyone, she glorifies the Divine Fiat as if they[1] were hers. And My Volition feels Its Works being Re-Given by her—therefore the Love, the Glory of Its Divine Works—and by the remembrance, the Glory and the love of the other creatures being repeated. O! how many works are placed in oblivion, how many sacrifices, how many heroic acts that have been done by the human generations, forgotten, that are not thought about anymore, and so there is neither the continuous repetition of glory, nor one who renews the love of those acts. And My Divine Will, forming Its Life in the human littleness, makes the memory of everything Rise, in order to give and to receive everything; It accentuates everything in her, and forms Its Divine Encampment. Therefore, be attentive to receive these Waves of My Volition, they re-pour themselves over you in order to change your lot, and if you receive them, you will be Its fortunate creature.”
After this I continued to think about the Divine Volition, and I thought to myself: “But how can this Divine Life form in the soul?”
And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, the human life is composed of soul, of body, of members distinct from one another—but what is the Primary Motion of this life? The will, such that without it she would not be able to do beautiful works, nor acquire sciences, nor be capable of teaching them, because all the beauty of life would disappear for the creature. And if she possesses beauty, dowry, value, talent, it must be attributed to the motion of order that the will holds over human life. Now, if My Divine Will takes this motion of order over the creature, It forms Divine Life within her such that, provided that the creature submits herself to receiving the Motion of the Order of My Will inside and outside of herself as Prime Motion of all her acts, already this Divine Life of Mine is formed, and It takes Its Royal Place in the depth of the soul.
“Motion says life, and if the motion has a human will as beginning, one can call it human life. If instead the beginning is of My Will, one can call it Divine Life. Do you see how easy it is to form this Life, provided the creature wants it? I do not want, nor do I ever ask, impossible things from the creature. Rather first I make it easy, I render it suitable, feasible, and then I ask her. And while I ask her, in order to be more secure that she can do what I want, I offer Myself to do together with her what I want her to do. I can say that I place Myself at her disposal so that she would find Strength, Light, Grace, Sanctity—not human, but Divine. I do not heed either what I give, or what I do; when the creature does what I want, I Abound with her so much, as to make her feel not the weight, but the Happiness of the sacrifice that My Divine Will knows how to give.
“And since human life has its life, its distinct members, its qualities, so Our Supreme Being has Its most Pure Qualities, not material, because there does not exist in Us matter that forms Our Life. United together Sanctity, Power, Love, Light, Goodness, Wisdom, All-Seeingness of everything, Immensity, et cetera, form Our Divine Life. But who establishes the Motion, who Rules, who develops with an Incessant and Eternal Motion all Our Divine Qualities? Our Will. It is the Engine, the Director, that gives Operating Life to each of Our Qualities, such that if it were not for Our Will, Our Power would be without exercise, Our Love without Love, and so on with all the rest. See, therefore, how everything is in the Will, and therefore by giving It to the creature We give everything. And since they are Our little Images Created by Us, Our Breaths, the little tiny flames of Love dispersed by Us in all the created, this is why We gave them a free will United to Ours, in order to form Our Likeness wanted by Us. There is nothing that Glorifies Us more, that Loves Us more, that renders Us more Content, than finding Our Life, Our Image, Our Will, in Our Work Created by Us. Therefore We entrust everything to the Power of Our Fiat in order to obtain this intent.
“My daughter, you must know that as much in Our Divinity in the Supernatural Order, as in the natural order of creatures, there is a virtue by nature, an innate prerogative, of wanting to produce life, images that are similar to it, and therefore a yearning of love, an ardent desire to re-pour oneself into the life and work that one produces. In all Creation there is nothing that is not similar to Us: The sky resembles Us in Immensity, the stars in the Multiplicity of Our Joys and Infinite Beatitudes. In the sun there is the Likeness of Our Light, in the air the Likeness of Our Life that gives Itself to everyone, It is for everyone, and no one can flee It except if they wanted to. In the wind, that while it makes itself felt now with forcefulness, now with sweetly caressing the creatures and all things, but they do not see it, just like Our Power and All-Seeingness, that We see everything, We hear everything, and We enclose everything as in Our Fist, but they do not see Us. In sum, there is nothing that is not a similitude of Ours. All Our Works give of Us, they praise Us, and each one has the Office of making known its Quality of their Creator.
“Now in man there was not only Work that We made, but human life and Divine Life that We Created in him. Therefore We long for, We desire, We yearn to Reproduce in him Our Life and Image. We even reach to drowning him with Love. And when he does not let himself be drowned, because he himself is free, We reach to persecuting him with Love, not letting him find peace in everything that escapes from Us. Not finding Ourselves in him, We wage Incessant War, because We want Our Beautiful Image, Our Life Reproduced in him.
“And since all things are made and grafted by Us, even in the natural order there is this virtue of wanting to produce similar things and life. Do you see, a mother generates a child, all her anxieties and desires are that she wants him similar to herself, and she yearns to see him in the light, similar to his parents. And if the child is similar to them, O! how content they are by it. They boast, they want everyone to see him, they raise him with their customs, according to their ways; in sum, this child becomes their preoccupation and their glory. But if instead he is dissimilar to the parents, ugly, deformed, O! how they remain embittered, tormented; they arrive at saying with greatest sorrow: ‘It seems that he is not our son, of our blood.’ They would almost want to hide him and not let anyone see him, feeling themselves humiliated and confused, and this baby will be the torture of the parents for their whole lives.
“All things possess the virtue of reproducing similar things. The seed produces another seed, the flower another flower, the bird another little bird, and so for all the rest. Not to produce similar things is to go against the Divine and human nature. Therefore not having the creature similar to Us, is one of Our Greatest Sorrows, and only one who Lives of Our Will, will be able to be Our Joy and Bearer of Glory and Triumph for Our Creative Work.”
[1] The good acts of others