✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I kept thinking about the Divine Will. How many touching scenes before my mind...! A Jesus who cries, who prays, who suffers, because He wants to be Life of every creature, and a crowd of crippled children—some blind, some mute, some lame, some others paralyzed, and others covered with sores so as to move to pity.
And my sweet Jesus, with a Love that only He can have, runs now to one, now to another, holding them close, pressing them to His Heart, touching them with His Creative Hands to heal them, telling them, slowly and quietly—to their hearts: “My child, I Love you. Receive My Love and give Me yours, and I will heal you—through Love.” My Jesus, my dear Life, how much You Love us!
While I felt suffocated by His Love—Breathed on by His burning Breath, He surprised me and said: “Daughter of My Love, let Me pour it out—I cannot contain Myself any longer. How hard it is to Love, and not be Loved. Not having one to whom I can give My Surprises of Love is the most Inexpressible Pain for Our Supreme Being. So—listen.
“You must know that I came upon earth to rescue My Residences. Man is My Residence, that I had formed with so much Love, and in which—to make it Worthy of Me—My Power and the Creative Art of My Wisdom had concurred. This residence was the Prodigy of Our Love and of Our Divine Hands. Now, by subtracting itself from Our Will, Our Residence became collapsed and obscured—a residence for enemies and thieves. What Pain for Us! Therefore, My Life down here served to return, to Restore and to rescue this residence, that We had formed with so much Love. It was Ours, too—it was worthwhile saving it, to be able to reside in it again. I used all possible imaginable remedies to save this residence: I exposed My very Life in order to strengthen it and cement it again; I shed all My Blood to wash it from the filth; and with My Death I wanted to restore its Life, to make it Worthy to receive again—as His Residence—the One Who had Created it.
“Now, having used all the means to save Our Residence, it was also decorous for Us to rescue the King who had to reside in It. Our Love remained hampered half way through the race—as if suspended and obstructed in Its course. Therefore, the Kingdom of Our Will will rescue that Fiat which was rejected by the creature—to allow Its entrance inside Its Residence, and to make It Reign and Dominate as the Sovereign that It is. Saving the residences would not be a work Worthy of Our Creative Wisdom, if We left the One Who is supposed to reside in them wandering around outside with no Kingdom and no Dominion. To save the residences while not saving oneself—being unable to Live in the rescued residences—would be absurd; as if We didn’t have enough Power to save Ourselves. This will never be. If We had the Power to save Our Creative Work, We will also have the Power to rescue Our own Life within Our Work. O yes, We will have Our Kingdom, and We’ll make Unheard-of Prodigies to have It! Our Love will accomplish Its course—It will not stop half way. It will get rid of the shackles, continuing Its race, bringing the balm to the wounds of the human will, and adorning these residences with Divine Ornaments. With Its Empire, It will call Our Fiat to reside and Reign, giving It all the Rights that are due to It. If the Kingdom of My Will were not certain, why would I fix and Restore the residences? Ah, My daughter, you don’t understand well what ‘not doing Our Will’ means: they take all Our Rights from Us— they suffocate many of Our Divine Lives.
“Our Love was—and still is—so great that in every act of the creature We wanted to Create Ourselves to be Loved, to be known, and to have a continuous exchange of Life between Us and the creatures. It is impossible to do this without Our Will. Only Our Will has the Power and the Virtue of adapting the creature to receive Our Divine Life, and to put Our Love on the path in order to Create Ourselves within the act of the creature. You must know that in everything she does in Our Will, an Irresistible Force calls Us. We look at her, We reflect Ourselves in her, and with Irresistible Love We Create Our Life. If you knew what it means to Create Our Life! There is such a great display of Love that in Our Emphasis of Love We say: ‘Ah, the creature let Us form Our Life in her act!’ We feel the equality with Our Love, Sanctity and Glory, and remain in anxious waiting for the continuous repetition of her acts in Our Will to repeat Our Life—to have, in her act, Ourselves Loving and Glorifying Ourselves. Only then, We fulfill the true scope of the Creation: everything serves Ourselves. Even the most tiny act of the creature serves to repeat Our Life, and to display Our Love. Therefore, Living in Our Volition will be everything for Us and everything for the creature.”