✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
Today, while swimming in the Divine Volition, my poor mind found in action the Conception of the Queen of Heaven. O, what Wonders! What Surprises! They just can’t be described! And I was thinking to myself: “What else can be said about the Immaculate Conception after so much has been said already?”
My adorable Jesus, surprising me, all festive as if He wanted to celebrate the Conception of the Celestial Queen, said: “My blessed daughter—O, how many more things I have to say about the Conception of this Celestial Creature! It was a Life that We were Creating not a work. There is a great difference between a work and a life. Further, it was a Life both Divine and human, in which there had be Perfect harmony of Sanctity, Love and Power, such that one Life had to be able to match with the other. The Wonders we made in Creating this Life were such that we had to perform the Greatest Prodigy—a chain of miracles—so that this Life could contain all the Good that we deposited within Her.
This Holy Creature, Conceived without original sin, felt the Life of her Creator—His Operating Will, that did nothing less than make New Seas of Love arise. O, how much She Loved Us! She could feel Us inside and outside of Herself. O, how She ran, in order to be everywhere and in every place—wherever the Life of Her Creator was! It would have been the hardest and most cruel martyrdom for Her, not to have been able to be everywhere together with Us, to Love Us. Our Will gave Her wings, and Our Life, while still being within Her, made Itself found everywhere, to be Loved and to enjoy the One It Loved so much, and who Loved It in return. Now, listen to another surprise. As soon as She was Conceived, She started her Race, and We Loved Her with Infinite Love—not Loving Her would have been the Greatest Martyrdom for Us, too.
“So, as She ran outside to search for Our Life which She already possessed within Herself—since a Good is never Complete if it is not possessed both inside and outside—She remained Conceived in Heaven, and in the Celestial Spheres whose stars formed Her Crown, praising and declaiming Her as their Queen; and she acquired the Rights as Queen over all the Celestial Spheres. Our Immensity awaited Her in the sun—and She ran, and was Conceived in the sun that, becoming diadem for Her adorable Head, Invested Her with Light and praised Her as Queen of Light. Our Immensity and Power awaited Her also in the wind, in the air, in the sea—and She ran, and ran... without ever stopping. So, She remained Conceived in the wind, in the air and in the sea, acquiring the Rights as Queen over all.
“The Sovereign Lady makes Her Power, Her Love and Her Maternity flow in the Heaven, in the sun, in the wind, in the sea, and even in the air that everybody breathes. She was Conceived everywhere—in every place and in everyone. Wherever Our Power was, She would raise Her Throne to Love Us and to Love everyone. This was the Greatest Miracle performed by Our Powerful Love: to Bilocate Her—to multiply Her in all things and in all created beings—so that We might find Her everywhere and in everyone.
“The Celestial Queen is like the sun. Even if someone doesn’t want the light of the sun, this light imposes itself anyway, and says: ‘Whether you want me or not, I must do my course. I must give you light.’ But if someone could hide from the light of the sun, nobody can hide from the Sovereign Lady; otherwise, She could not, in fact, be called Universal Queen and Mother of everyone and everything—and We do not know how to speak Words without making Facts.
“Do you see then, the extent of Our Power and Our Love in the Conception of this Holy Creature? We reached the point of elevating Her to such a Height and Glory that she can say: ‘Wherever My Creator is, there I am—to Love Him. He Invested Me with such Power and Glory that I am Sovereign over all. Everything is dependent on Me. My Dominion reaches everywhere, to the extent that, while I am Conceived in all things I keep, Conceived within Me, the sun, the wind, the sea—everything. I possess everything in Me—even My Creator, and I am the Sovereign and the Owner of all. This is all of My Unreachable Height; My Glory—that nobody can equal, and My Great Honor: with My Love I embrace all, I Love all, and I belong to all. I am the Mother of My Creator.’”