✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
It seems to me that the Divine Volition awaits me, wants me, and yearns that I may enter It in every instant, so that It may Re-enter into all my acts. And if I escape for a few instants... may this never be! May Heaven never allow it! ...It feels isolated, and inconsolably misses the company of the creature, saying in Its Pain: “What! Are you leaving me? For you I left Myself in the spheres, in the sun, in the air, to make you company and receive yours. But do you know why? To Love you, and to be loved; and to be able to say: All that I do in the Heavens, in Our Divine Being, I do in the spheres, and I want to do in My beloved creature. But if you don’t remain in My Will, you separate yourself from Me, and I from you, so I remain isolated. But in My Pain I never stop calling you.”
Divine Will, how much You Love me! How Adorable and Admirable You are! And I felt the suffering of Its Loneliness; but my sweet Jesus, repeating His little visit, told me: “My good daughter of My Volition, the waiting is one of Our Greatest Pains. The creature keeps Us as Sentries. We even count the breaths, the heartbeats and the minutes when We don’t feel her with Us. In order to place Our Love in her love, and to Love each other with One Single Love, We feel as if harmonized with the creature, and We bring her as Our Victory into Our Divine Womb. Therefore, minutes without her seem like centuries, and We long for her return. And so, as she enters Our Volition, asking Us for Our Will to come and Reign upon earth, We make a feast, because she wants what We want. The Greatest and the Most Beautiful of all things is for the creature to want what her Creator wants. This forms Our Rest, and Our Loves smiles and finds Peace.
“Now, as she asks for Our Will to come and Reign, she knocks on all created things: on the sun, on the wind, on the Heaven, on the stars—on everything. As I, Who dominate, dwelling within them, hear knocking, I open all the doors and put Myself on the path to come and Reign. But the creature doesn’t stop there. She goes higher and knocks at Our Divinity, and at all the Angels and the Saints, making all ask Me for My Fiat to come. How sweet her penetrating knocking—with such authority that all open, and become all attentive. She gives everyone something to do, and all ask her what she wants. So, Living in Our Will moves Heaven and earth, putting all Our Works in action for a cause so Holy.”
After this, He added: “My daughter, would you like to know why We want the creature to Live in Our Divine Volition? Because We want to give her always New Gifts, New Love and New Charisms—We want to give her always New Things from Our Divine Being. But having to receive and to listen, the creature will not have the space in which to place Our Gifts, if she does not Live in Our Will. We do not deliver Our Gifts if We don’t have a place in which to deposit them, remaining with the Pain of wanting to give, but being unable to. We are as though suffocated by Love, and We cannot find relief since there’s no one to take It; so We are forced to watch the creature being poor, weak, ignorant... What Pain! In Our Will, instead, We place Our Goods in common, and go on telling her: ‘Take whatever you want, and, in recognition, give Us the little tribute of your love and your will.’ Therefore, My daughter, let’s make a pact. Let’s agree on this: I must Love you always, and you must always give Me your little love. We will always be in communication, and will always have things to do together. We will Love with One Single Love, and be Happy with the same Happiness.”
Then, I was feeling suffering, with such a restlessness that I couldn’t find a position. My sweet Jesus came back and continued: “My daughter, My Pains kiss your pains, hug them, and blow over them with their Love. They identify your sufferings with Mine, giving them Life in My own Pains; so your pains receive the same Infinite Value and the Good that Mine produce. In My Will, things—and the Pains too—remained changed, and from human things they become Divine. I feel that it is not the creature who suffers them, but I Myself form and Create those pains, in order to suffer them within my beloved creature, and repeat My Life within her, along with the court of My sufferings. This is why I called them ‘My Pains.’ If you only knew what I do with these Pains! I place them between Heaven and earth as Perennial Glory and Love to My Celestial Father; as defense and refuge of the creatures; as regret for those who offend Me; as a cry of Love to those who do not love Me; as Light for those who do not know Me. In sum, I make them do all the Offices of Good needed for the creatures. Therefore, let Me Operate; these are Works that your Jesus wants to do, and I can do them in the one who Lives in My Will.”