✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
My poor mind runs, flies in the Divine Fiat, and if I don't do this I feel restless, with no strength, no food, no air to breathe. I feel as if I had no feet to walk, no hands to work, no heart to love; so I need to run in the Will of the Divine Fiat to find Its Acts—shaping with these Acts, feet that run, hands that Operate and enclose everything, a Love with no heart that takes the Love of the Eternal in order to never cease Loving—fed by Eternal Love—to Love unceasingly.
But while I was thinking all this nonsense, my always adorable Jesus, coming for His short little visit, pleased by my nonsense, all Love said: “My blessed daughter, don't be surprised by your nonsense. This is what happens: one who Lives in My Will leaves her own being and will by entering Mine. She uses Our Works to form the New Members needed to Live within It. Therefore she acquires New Steps, Motion and Love to be able to identify herself with Our Works and to let My Will Reign and Dominate in her soul. This is the continuous Motion of Love; and since she knows that this Love and these Works are Unceasing, she multiplies Them, giving Them to Me, to Love Me.
“What does she do, then? She enters the endless fields of My Will, sees the great theater of Creation—the Splendor and Magnificence of the Love that invades all creatures; she runs from Work to Work picking up all the Love that We spread through Our Creation, gathers It on her lap and comes before Our Majesty to give Us the many different Varieties of Love that We placed there. Then she plays her love song with the various notes of Our Creative Love. O!, what a Joy We receive from the feasts starting between Heaven and earth, and the oceans of Love with which she surrounds Our Throne! Then, after celebrating the feast of all Creation, to Love us more and with Double Love, she goes from Our Throne to all created things, spreading Our Doubled Love on them, and by the Power of Our Will, which she possesses, she makes everybody say: ‘Love...Love to Our Creator.' The soul who Lives in Our Will is really like a continuous feast for Us—the pouring out of Our Love.”
Then He added with a note of sadness: “My daughter, how the creature sinks to the bottom, when she does not Live in Our Will. Even if she does good, lacking the Light of Our Will—the Strength of Our Sanctity and Its Effects, this good remains covered by smoke, blinding and producing self esteem, pride, and love of self. It remains poisoned—unable to produce any real benefit for anybody. Poor good works without My Will. They are like bells with no sound; coins without the image of the king, that have no value as money—at the most they turn into self-satisfaction. Many times I'm forced, for Love of the creatures, to embitter the good they do, so that they enter themselves and try to operate truly and generously. On the other hand, for the one who Lives in Our Will, there is no danger that the smoke of self-esteem may enter even the greatest works she may do. She is the little flame fed by the Great Light that is God, and the Light knows how to get rid of the darkness of passion—the smoke of self-esteem. Being light, she really knows that all the good she does is done by God Himself, Operating within her nothingness; and if this nothingness has not been completely emptied of all that does not belong to God, God will not descend into it to make Great Works Worthy of Him.
“Therefore, not even humility can enter Our Will; only nothingness—knowing to be nothing. All the Good that enters It is only Divine Work—God Who brings God. In My Will, everything changes for the creature. She is nothing other than the little light, that has to absorb, as much as she can, the Great Light of My Fiat, so that she may be fed only by Light, Love, Goodness and Divine Sanctity. What an honor to be fed by God! So it is no wonder that, being the creature, the little flame of God, He also feeds Himself with it.”
Then He added: “On top of the Unceasing Love, there is another sign that the soul Lives in My Will. This sign Reigns inside the soul: the Immutability—never moving from good to evil. This can only be of God: a firm, constant character, hard to change in its action; the Constancy that only a Divine Patience can have—always to repeat an act without ever getting tired; never being bothered—never regretting. It is only of God. Now, one who Lives in Our Fiat feels her Immutability and is Invested by such Firmness that she would never change her action—not for Heaven and earth. She would rather die than stop doing and redoing what she does. Furthermore, everything she does with a firm heart—without ever changing, had its origin in God; so she feels God in her act, and in repeating it, she feels that act flowing and her action animated by God Himself. How can she ever stop doing what she started together with Our Supreme Being? She would have to get out of Our Will to change action. Our Will is Unchanging in Its Works, and It renders so, whoever Lives in It. O! When one does not Live in It, how clearly it shows. Today she wants to do something, tomorrow something else; one time she likes to make a sacrifice, another time she runs away from it. One can't trust her. She is like a stem that bends following the wind of her passions. The mutability of human will is such that it reaches the point of making the creature its own toy and perhaps even a toy for the demons themselves.
“This is why I call the creature to Live in our Will: to be sustained and strengthened, so that she can give honor to Our Creative Work, since only man is voluble, while all Our other Works never change. Heaven's place is always fixed, never tiring of its extension. The sun always runs its course and never changes action in giving light to the earth. The air is always ready to be breathed; all things stay the same and keep doing the same action, the way We Created them. Only man, by not wanting to Live in Our Divine Will, clashes with the modes of his Creator; he can't finish his works, so he can't love or appreciate them—neither can he receive credit for them.”