✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
Continuing my flight in the Divine Will, I feel It doesn't give me time; always wanting to give me of Itself and to receive what is mine. If I don't know what to give—being just nothing—It wants my will again and again. This is Its feast: receiving the will of the creature as a gift and, if necessary, receiving always the same thing It gave, Happy to give these back again Redoubled with New Love, Light and Sanctity. Divine Will, how much You Love me! O! how much I'd like to Love You in return.
I felt completely immersed in the Fiat when my always Adorable Jesus, visiting my little soul, all Goodness said: “My little daughter of My Will, you don't know how far My Love goes for the soul who Lives in It; how many New Things I'm up to, taking her by New Surprises; always having something to do with her and always keeping her captured by Me. I don't give her time: now I tell her a Truth, now I give her a Gift, now I show her Our Enrapturing Beauty, and Our whispering, burning, delirious Love that wants Love in return. In sum, I just don't give her time, and what I want the most, and always, is for her not to give Me time either.
“Listen to what I do. In order, always, to give and receive, I call the creature to Live in My Will and I offer her Its Sanctity, Light, Life, Love and Infinite Joys—as much as she can contain them. After a while, finding her loyal, I go to her and I say: ‘Give Me back what I gave to you.’ She promptly delivers everything, without hesitating an instant, to show Me how much she loves me; even her breath, her heartbeat, her motion—everything—she gives Me everything, not keeping anything for herself. Rather, she's happy to give all to her Jesus. And I take it all. I look and look again at what she gave Me, to delight and amuse Myself with her gifts. Then I put them inside My Heart to enjoy them as the property of My daughter. But do you think I remain satisfied? For the creature I am, but not for Myself—never. My Love doesn't give Me Peace. It swells up, It overflows, driving Me to the Greatest Excesses, and do you know what I do? I give My whole Being to My beloved creature, I Double everything she gave me. I give her Doubled Love, Light, Sanctity, My Breath, My Motion, My very Life, so that I Breathe in her breathing, I move in her motion, I Love in her Love. There is nothing I don't do within her. I just do not want to do anything without her. I would feel as if I didn't Love her in all My Things and this would be unbearable. I must give all to the one who gave Me all.
“Do you think it's nothing that your Jesus gives you His Life to let you Live in Me, asking for your life to Live within you? Trying, almost, to find ever New Excuses to give and to receive; to have a chance to tell you the Long Story of My Will and My Eternal Love Story? This is not just to give you simple news, to show you how Good, Holy and Powerful I am, but to actually provide you with My Love, Will, Sanctity, Goodness and Beauty. Isn't such an Excessive Love almost unbelievable? Just by wanting to always keep her with Me, I show My Great Love. I give her something of Myself, since she possesses nothing by herself that is Worthy of Me. Then, making it her own, she can say: ‘You gave to me and I give to You.’ Isn't this the kind of Love to break and move even the hardest hearts? Only your Jesus can Love in this way. Only your Jesus knows how to Love in this way. Nobody can claim to be able to reach Me in Love; I Myself do it for one who Lives in My Will.
“Every act she does in It is like a Sun rising in Fullness of Glory and Sanctity. I take shelter in these Suns to delight and Rest. Then I find My beloved creature all immersed in these Suns, she looks so Beautiful to Me. Moreover, by Living in My Will, there is nothing human in her. She loses the rights on her will and on all that is human. All rights over her will become Ours while she acquires the Rule over all that is Divine. O! how Beautiful! How pleased and Happy We are in seeing her with the right of Ruling all that belongs to Us. She Rules over Our Love and takes as much as she wants to Love Us; she also rules over Our Love to be Loved. She rules over Our Wisdom and makes Us Reveal Unspoken Truths on Our Supreme Being; she rules over Our Goodness and makes Us pour this more than beneficial rain over all creatures. Her Empire on Our Paternal Lap is so Sweet and Powerful that We even say: ‘Who can resist you daughter? What you want We want.’ Therefore, if you want all, never leave Our Will: everything will be yours and you will be all Ours.”
After this, I kept on thinking about the Divine Will—Its Great Wonders—how sometimes, while crossing Its Sea everything is Serenity and Profound Peace. Its Divine Sun glows with Light, but all is silent, and since Its Word is Life, the New Life It desires seems to be missing.
While I was thinking this, my sweet Jesus said: “My daughter, the Sun of My Will always Speaks. The Light is not silent but Speaks with Its warmth, Its fecundity, and by impressing Its various Beauties into the soul Living in It. Then, here I am, the Bearer of Its Word, lowering Myself to the human intellect, making easier and in simpler terms, the Height of the Word of My Fiat's Light. Therefore, My Will is never silent where It Reigns, but Speaks through Light or through My Word. However, when you are not attentive you don't ruminate well, you don't eat so you can't digest what I tell you, then you forget it and say I did not tell you anything. You must know that in every word or act done in My Will, all centuries are embraced, all creatures are enclosed and present. Past and future do not exist for Us and for who Lives in Our Will.
“Even more, Our Truths contain all centuries, all times. They are the Bearer of all creatures in the act of those who Live in Our Will, and in that act We find Ourselves and the Love and the Glory that everybody should give Us. For this reason, when the creature is about to operate and to receive the Operating Act of Our Fiat, all Heaven bows in reverence, amazed to see a Divine Volition Operating in this Act. Therefore, We find everything in this Act done by the creature in Our Will: Our Power that Honors Us as We deserve; Our Immensity that contains all and puts all at Our disposal Our Wisdom that sings to Us the most Beautiful notes; Our Divine Being; the Angels who praise Us; the Saints who, enraptured, repeat: ‘Holy, Holy, Trice Holy, the Lord our God, Who Works with such Goodness and Manifests His Love.’
“We can say that nothing is missing in the act of the creature. Our Glory is Complete; Our Love finds Sweet Rest and Perfect return. This is why We long so much for one who Lives in Our Will, and it seems as if We had not done anything in Creation, because the Greatest Act We can do is missing: Our Life Repeating Itself in the human act, in which We will find Ourselves, everything and everybody. There isn't Good We won't give to Our beloved creature, and there will not be Love or Glory that she won't give Us. She will find everything she wants in Us, and We in her. Daughter, wanting to give all but being able to give only a small part of Our Goods; having to keep Our Love constrained and hampered, is a suffering for Us, and all because Our Will as Life is missing in the creature. Not being able to receive everything from her is the Greatest Pain of Our Creative Work. Therefore Our Love, Our Power and Wisdom, all Our Creative Work demand that the creature Live in Our Will. The centuries will not pass away until Our Fiat will form Its Kingdom, and when It will Reign, It will give all the Goods and the Dominion over them to the human generation. Therefore pray, and may your life be a continuous act in Our Will, to obtain the Coming of Its Kingdom.”