✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I am always in the arms of the Divine Will. Its Light puts to flight the night of my will; Its Beauty enraptures me; Its Love chains me so much that I can't find the way to get out of Its Womb of Light. I don't know why, but I was scared and afraid of my will. And my dear Jesus, visiting my little soul, told me: “My blessed daughter, the human will, together with My Will, can do Prodigies, too. However, without My Will it is a poor cripple, completely unable to help herself. Without My Will, it remains like a pupil without his master. Poor him! Without his master he will always remain ignorant, with neither science nor art, incapable of earning even a piece of bread for living. The human will without My Will is, again, like a person with legs but no feet; arms without hands; eyes without pupils; head with no reason. Poor creature! In what an abyss of miseries she finds herself! One would say: ‘It would be better if she were never born.’ So, the most terrible and frightening thing is, for her, not Living United with My Will; all the misfortunes just fall upon her. But, if she is United with My Will, she will have, inside of It, her Master at her disposal, who will teach her the highest and most difficult Sciences, the Most Beautiful Art, so much as to become a Portent of Science on earth and in Heaven.
“The human will, together with Mine, will have human legs and Divine feet, that will make it run on the way of Good without ever tiring. It will have human arms and Divine motion, providing the virtue for doing the Greatest Works, that make it most like its Creator. With Our Divine Motion it will embrace Eternity, it will keep Us always courted and tightly close to its heart. United to Our Will it will have a human mouth, but word and voice will be Divine. O! how well We will speak of Our Supreme Being. In sum, it will have the pupil of Our Eye so that, looking at all created things, it will recognize in them Our Life, Our Love, and the way to Love Us. United to Our Will, it will have a Divine Mind, it will feel a sort of innate Knowledge, that will form the man in Order, all in the Order of his Creator. Everything will turn into Good, or better still, there is no Good he will not possess by Living in Our Will. Our Will means the true failure of all evils, of all misfortunes, and It calls back to life all Goods, since It possesses their Source.
“Furthermore, for one who Lives in Our Will, each motion, breath, heartbeat, anything she can do, are continuous Conquests for her: Divine Conquests. I can say that, by Living in My Will, she breathes with My Breathing, moves at My Motion, beats with My Eternal Heartbeat. Therefore she acquires the Conquering Act in each of her acts. All this is given to her with Justice and Exuberant Love, since by Living in Our Will, not giving life to her will anymore, she has to be in the Celestial Region by right to delight and enjoy Our Delightful Will. Now, in order to Live off of Our Will on earth, the poor daughter deprives herself of the Joys of Heaven: this is the most Heroic Act, the most Intense Love, by which all Heaven, Our Divinity and the Queen of Heaven, remain wounded. And We Love the Heroism of this creature. O! how much all of Us Love her! So Our Love, that lets Itself be won by anybody, surrenders to each of her breaths, to every little motion. If she thinks, looks and speaks with a Conquering Divine Act, the Conquests are Innumerable. We feel that it is not the creature who breathes and moves, but We Ourselves, giving the Value that Our Breath and Motion contain, which is the highest that could possibly be conceived. Therefore, this creature is the Conqueror of Our Life and acts. This happy creature, with her Conquering Act, becomes Our continuous Expression of Love, Our very Happiness, Our Rest. Her Conquests are continuous Seals on Our Decree of the Coming of the Kingdom of Our Will on earth. These Conquests shorten the time, and, even more, Our Operating Life is not a stranger on earth anymore, but It already exists, having formed Its Kingdom in this lucky creature. Therefore, be attentive; never stop, and I will take everything into account, even your breath, to Love you more and to make you do many Conquests, one more Beautiful than the other.”
Then He added: “My daughter, as the creature donates her will to Me in order to Live in Mine, I too, give her My Will. But do you know what My Will does before donating Itself ? It pours into the act of the creature and embellishes it, forming its day, Sanctifying it, inserting Its Divine Joys, and then locking Itself inside the act of the creature. As My Fiat Operates in this act, all created things receive a New Life, a New Creation. They feel Renewed in Beauty, Love and Joy of their Creator, and as the creature does her Divine Act, It remains as her own, and everybody is attentive to see what the creature is going to do with this Act. Since It encloses all, they too feel enclosed in It. Then, what does the happy creature do? She enjoys It, kissing and hugging It, and, knowing that such a Great Act cannot be only for herself. In her emphasis of Love and Joy, she says: ‘Adorable Will. You gave to me Divine Will, and Divine Will I give back to You, to render back to You the appreciation, thanksgiving, Glory, Joy and Love that You gave to me; I am incapable of containing them.’ This Act runs to all, Sanctifying, Embellishing, giving Happiness and honor to all. This is the Most Beautiful Act the creature can give to Me. Nobody can equal this Act: to give My Will in order to have It returned, and to give It back, yet again.”