✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was always in the Ocean of the Divine Volition which, as if wanting to put me on guard and warn me not to let in my poor restless human will, left me all concerned.
My sweet Jesus, visiting my little soul, told me: “My blessed daughter, courage, don't be afraid. The Virtue, the Power of My Will is such that upon entering into It all the evils, passions, missteps and works remain paralyzed; the human will is defeated to the point of dying, without really dying. However, it understands with Great Joy, that while the evils are paralyzed, it feels the Life of Goodness rising again; a Light that never dies, a Never-Ending Strength, Eternal Love, Heroic Sacrifice and Invincible Patience. I can say that My Will puts an end to the evils of the creature, since It is the Principle and Life of every Good. Now, as My Fiat has the Power to paralyze evils, the human will paralyzes every Good when It Reigns in the creature. Poor Good, trapped under the paralysis of the human will. It wants to walk but can barely drag Itself; It wants to work but It feels Its arms sagging; It wants to think Good thoughts but it feels stunned and stupid. The human will, without My Will, is the source of all evils and the total ruin of the poor creature.”
After that my beloved Jesus added in such a moving tone: “My daughter, the one who wants to Possess Me must love me. Loving and Possessing are the same thing. As you love Me, so I remain formed in your soul, and as you love Me more, I grow. Only Love makes Me grow, and through more Love I reveal Myself so as to be loved even more. So, to the degree that you love Me, I let you feel how much I Love you. As soon as you love Me, I Love and Possess you, and as we mutually Love each other I form you and grow you within Me. I feed you with My Love and with the Life of My Will. I inundate you with My Seas of Love to make you feel how much I Love you; with how much Tenderness I grow you within My Heart. How Jealously I keep you, so that you may Love Me more and with My own Tenderness.
“This is the Jealousy of Love. The soul is all attentive in giving Me her life in every instant, to Love Me, to make Me Joyful and Happy in herself, the way I make her Joyful and Happy inside My Heart. Love wants reciprocity, and if It Loves, not being loved, it feels unhappy and embittered because of what It should receive but does not. Therefore, Love Me always and if you really want to Love Me do it in My Will, in which you will find Endless Love to tie Me with Love Chains, Chains so long that I won't be able to free myself.”
After this, I was thinking of my big sacrifice and my reluctance in writing all this, my interior fights to put the pen on paper. Only the thought of displeasing Jesus made me do it, obeying the one who was imposing this on me. And I was saying to myself: who knows where they will end up; into which hands. Who knows how many quibbles, oppositions, doubts they will cause to arise. I felt restless. My mind was being darkened by such apprehension that I felt like I was dying. But my sweet Jesus came back to calm me down and told me: “My daughter, do not trouble yourself, these Writings are Mine, not yours, and in whichever hands they go, nobody will be able to touch Them to ruin them. I will take care of Them, defend Them, since They are Mine, and whoever will take Them in good will, will find My Chain of Light and Love for the creatures.
“With these Writings I pour out My Love. I can call Them the Expression of the follies, delirium, Excesses of My Love with which I want to win the creatures, to make them come back into My arms; to make them feel how much I Love them. To let them know My Love even more, I want to reach the Excess of giving them the Great Gift of My Will as Life, since only in It will man be safe and feel the Flames, the anxiousness of My Love. So, whoever will read these Writings with the intention of finding the Truth, will feel My Flames and, all Transformed in Love, will Love Me more. But whoever will read them to split hairs and find doubts will remain blinded and confused by My Light and My Love. My children, the Goodness of My Truths produces two opposite effects: for those who are disposed, It is Light, giving sight to their intelligence, and the Life of Sanctity, contained in My Truths; for those who are not disposed, It is blindness, that deprives them of the Good contained in My Truths.”
Then he added: “My daughter, have Courage, and don't be troubled. All that your Jesus did was necessary to My Love and to the Importance of what I had to manifest to you about My Divine Will. I can say it was necessary for My very Life and to accomplish the Work of Creation. So, at the beginning of this state of yours, I had to use many stratagems of Love. I tried so much Intimacy with you, that it's almost unbelievable how I reached that point. I also made you suffer much, to see whether you would accept everything. Then I drowned you with My Graces, with My Love; and again, I gave you more sufferings to be sure you would deny Me nothing. All this, to win your will. O, if I hadn't shown you My Love, I wouldn't have given you My Grace. Do you think you would have easily submitted yourself to this state of suffering for so long? It is My Love, My Truths, that kept you and still keep you there as if magnetized to the One who Loves you so much. However, everything I did at the beginning of your state was necessary. It had to serve as the basis, decency, decorum, preparation, Sanctity and disposition to the Great Truth I was going to Manifest to you about My Divine Will. Therefore, I will be more interested in the Writings than you, because they are Mine; and just one Truth about My Fiat is Life that I want to give to creatures. You can understand this from all you suffered and from the Graces I gave you to Manifest to you My Truths on My Holy Will. So, be calm and let's Love each other. My daughter, let's not break our Love, because it costs much to both of us: to you, in keeping your life sacrificed and at My disposal; to Me, in sacrificing Myself for you.”
With all Jesus' talking, I still couldn't feel completely calm. As He was speaking, Peace came back to me, but afterwards, thinking about what happened to me during these days—that is not necessary here to say—I started to feel troubled again. So, for about two days after this, my sweet Jesus remained silent and, because of this I felt completely exhausted, extremely weak.
Then my beloved Jesus, having Compassion for me, all Goodness, came and told me: “Poor daughter of Mine, you haven't eaten, this is why you have no strength. It's two days since you have taken any food, because you were not at Peace, so I couldn't feed you with My Truths. My Truths are food for the soul but give also Strength to the body. By being so troubled you wouldn't have understood Me, neither would you have been disposed to take such a delicious food. You must know that Peace is the door through which Truth enters—the first kiss—the invitation of the creatures disposed to listen, to let It speak. Therefore, if you want Me to give you a lot of food go back to your state of Peace. Furthermore, during these days you've been so troubled that Heaven, Angels and Saints have been trembling over you. They felt a bad air that did not belong to them coming from you. So, they all prayed for you to find your Peace again.
“Peace is the Smile of Heaven, the Source of Celestial Joys. Look at your Jesus, I am never troubled over any offense they can give Me. I can say that My Throne is Peace. So I want you wholly Peaceful, My daughter, because in this mode, too, we have to adapt ourselves and to look alike: Peaceful Me, Peaceful you. Otherwise the Kingdom of My Will cannot be established in you, since It is a Kingdom of Peace.”