✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
I was doing my round in the Acts of the Divine Volition—done for Love of us, and it seemed to me that each Act wanted to be recognized for all that It did; for how much It Loved us and still Loves us, since Its Love never ends. So, I was thinking to myself: What good do I do by always returning in the Acts of the Divine Will?
And my always Adorable Jesus, surprising me, all Goodness told me: “My blessed daughter, you must know that in all We have done in Creation, as well as in Redemption, We formed the Dowry to provide the creature with Our own Goods and Works. The soul who enters Our Will comes to take possession of her Endowment—to recognize it and to Love it. As she wanders in Our Will to get to know this most extensive Dowry given to her by her Creator, she forms her day in time. She forms days for as many times as she wanders, walks, Loves and knows. I gave her this Great Endowment, that she can receive and know in time, for this reason: to let her form her days that will crown her Eternal Day of an Eternity that never ends. The more she wanders in Our Will, the more days she forms, which will make her more rich and glorious in Heaven.
“If the creature did not take the care of recognizing, possessing and Loving this Great Endowment, she would be a poor unhappy one, living in miseries and forced into starvation, though owning many goods. It would happen as to the father who gives to his son his very large properties, but the son doesn't bother to get to know them, or to go there often enough to possess and enjoy the endowment he received from his father. With all these goods that he could possess, this son, not caring about them or recognizing them, goes from rich to poor. One can say that he declined from the nobility of his father as if he was no longer his legitimate son.
“What wouldn't the pain be for the poor father who, though being so rich, has to see his son like a poor ragamuffin begging others for bread? If he had the power, this son would make his own father die of pain. This is the state of Our Supreme Being. All that we have Created was supposed to be the Endowment for the creature, to make her happy and rich, to let her know who We are, how much We have Loved her and how much We have done for her. Therefore, those who don't wander around in Our Works do not recognize them or possess them, and they cannot gain the merit of their days within time. Isn't this a Great Pain for Us? So, enter always into Our Works. The more you come, the more you will recognize them, Love them, and possess them by right.
“Furthermore, each act done in My Will is a messenger of Peace that leaves the earth and goes into Heaven. It comes to bring Peace between Heaven and earth. Every single word said in My Will carries the bond of Peace, and one who comes to Live in It receives, as the Prime Good, the bond of Peace between herself and Us. She feels as if embalmed by Our Divine Peace. With this bond of Peace, she feels within herself the virtue of becoming the Peacemaker between Heaven and earth. Everything is Peace within her: Peaceful are the words, Peaceful the glances, Peaceful the movements. O! how many times with one word she places Peace between Us and the creature. One single glance from her—sweet and Peaceful, wounds Us and makes Us turn chastisements into Graces. So, her acts are nothing other than bonds of Peace—the Peaceful messengers that bring the kiss of Peace of the creatures to God, and the kiss of God to the creatures. Further, the more the creature Lives in Our Will, the more she comes deeply into Our Divine Family, acquiring Our Modes and receiving Our Secrets. She looks more like Us, We Love each other more, and she puts us in the condition of giving her always New Graces—New Love Surprises. We keep her in Our Home as a member of Our Family. She eats at Our table and sleeps on Our knees. We just cannot Live without her. Our Will ties her so much to Us, feeling her love and attraction, that We cannot be without her, nor she without Us.”
After this, He added: “My daughter, Our Desire that the creatures Live in Our Will is so Great, that We find Ourselves in the condition of a poor mother who feels the need to give birth to her baby, but cannot. She does not know where to place him, or from whom she can find care, or who can take him. Poor mother, how much she suffers. Our Supreme Being is in this state. We feel the need to Generate Ourselves, but where can We be placed? If Our Will is not the Life of the creature, there is no place for Us. We have no one to whom we can give Ourselves, no one who can feed Us—not even the court that is needed for Our Adorable Majesty. Since Our Most Holy Trinity is always in the Act of Generating, these Births remain repressed within Ourselves. We want to Generate Our Divine Trinity within creatures, but since they don't Live in Our Will, there is no one to receive Our Divine Generation. What a suffering, seeing Ourselves being rejected back into Ourselves; not being able to produce the Great Good that Our Eternal Generation can form within the creatures.
“Our Will embraces all, and as the soul forms her acts, she becomes the Bearer of all. If she adores, she brings us the adoration of all; if she suffers, she encloses the reparation of all. One act in Our Will must surpass, enclose and embrace everyone and everything, to the extent of becoming the Bearer of Our Supreme Being, since We never get out of Our Will. So, one who Lives in It can enclose Us within each one of her acts, to bring Us wherever she wants: to the creatures, to make Ourselves known; to the whole Creation, to tell Us how Beautiful Our Works are; to Ourselves, to tell Us: ‘See how much I Love You, I even get to bring You Yourselves.'
“We find Ourselves in the same condition as the sphere of the sun, that never goes out of the circle of its rays. Even if the rays descend to the bottom of the earth, investing all—even the most tiny plant, the sphere never moves from its light, from the high place where it is; but it still walks together with its rays, doing whatever they do. Such are We, the Bearer of our Will; while Our Will is Our own Bearer. We are One Single Life, and whoever Lives in It becomes the Bearer of Our Divine Being, while We become the Bearers of the little human will. And We Love it so much that it forms Our Victory and Our Most Beautiful Joy: to see Our Will being accomplished within it.”