✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
Continuing in my usual state, I saw my sweet Jesus for just a little, with a cross in His hand, in the act of pouring it upon the people; and He told me: "My daughter, the world is always corrupted, but there are certain times in which it reaches such corruption, that if I did not pour part of my cross upon the people, they would all perish in corruption. So it happened at the time when I came upon earth: my cross alone saved many from the corruption in which they were immersed. The same in these times: corruption has reached such a point, that if I did not pour scourges, thorns, crosses, causing men even to shed blood, they would remain immersed in the waves of corruption." And while saying this, He seemed to throw that cross over the people, and chastisements would occur.