April 10, 1910
✞ Preparation and thanksgiving at Communion.
Volume 9 — Entry 33
This morning I was with a fear about my state, that it was not the Lord who operated in me; with the addition that He was not deigning to come. Then, after much waiting, I saw Him for just a little; I expressed my fear to Him, and He said to me: "My daughter, first of all, in order to put you in this state there is a concurring of my power; and then, who would have given you the strength and the patience to remain in this state, in a bed, for such a long time? Perseverance alone is a sign that the work is Mine, because God alone is not subject to changing, while the devil and the human nature change very often - what they love today, they abhor tomorrow, and what they abhor today, they love tomorrow and find their satisfaction in it."