✞ The virtues of true love are: to purify everything, to triumph over everything, to reach everything.
Since the confessor had raised some doubts, as blessed Jesus came, I saw the confessor with Him, and He was saying to him: "My operating is always leaning on the truth, and even though many times it appears obscure, under enigmas, however, one cannot help saying that it is the truth. And even though the creature does not understand my operating with clarity, this does not destroy the truth; on the contrary, it makes one comprehend much better that it is a Divine way of operating. In fact, since the creature is finite, she cannot embrace and comprehend the infinite; at the most, she can comprehend and embrace a few glimmers. As for example, the many things said by Me in Scripture, and my way of operating in the Saints – has this perhaps been understood with all clarity? Oh, how many things are left obscured and amidst enigma! And yet, how many minds of the erudite and learned have tired themselves in interpreting them? And what have they yet understood? One can say absolutely nothing, compared to what is left to be known. But does this perhaps prejudice the truth? Not at all – on the contrary, it makes it shine more. Therefore, your eye must be kept on whether there is true virtue, and whether, in everything, it can be felt that the truth is present, though sometimes obscured; as for the rest, one must remain tranquil and in holy peace." Having said this, He disappeared, and I returned inside myself.