✞ By living her nothingness, the soul is filled with God.
As I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus transported me outside of myself into the midst of many people. What blindness! Almost all were blind, and a few, of short sight. Only very few appeared like the sun in the midst of the stars, with extremely sharp sight, all intent on the Divine Sun; and this sight was conceded to them because it was fixed in the light of the Humanate Word. All compassion, Jesus told me: "My daughter, how pride has ruined the world – it has reached the point of destroying that small light of reason which all carry with them at birth. Know, however, that the virtue which most exalts God is humility, and the virtue which most exalts the creature before God and men, is humility." Having said this, He disappeared.
Later He came back all panting and afflicted, and He added: "My daughter, three terrible chastisements are about to happen." And He disappeared like a flash, without giving me the time to tell Him one word.